[PC] TGIF! This Week in Dev and Community February 17 - 21

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by mi7ch, Feb 22, 2014.

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  1. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Huh? maybe game oriented, not graphics wise.
  2. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    Looks like kano needs a sensitivity quality assurance person so we can have properly researched game graphics that offend noone and are depicted as a blank square or theey just make the game how they see fit and those who do not like it have the freedom to not play
  3. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    Matthew they did make a gift i believe on suggestion from someone on a player that had died if i remember
  4. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

  5. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Yes they have, certain occasions.
  6. TabithaMoon

    TabithaMoon Active Member

    I doubt very many since a leprechaun is a fairy tale and has absolutely nothing to do with religion. Put up that cross as a satanic talisman, and I can assure you this forum would be exploding. The Irish are extremely devout christians, Catholic and Protestant, or maybe you haven't heard.
  7. TabithaMoon

    TabithaMoon Active Member

    I'm already working on an online guidebook with someone, and I procrastinate other things enough as it is. I don't need more distractions! lol
  8. TabithaMoon

    TabithaMoon Active Member

    So that's your support for the suggested Satanic Talisman/Anchor/Trident and Demonic Shield. Thank you!
  9. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    good point, :) I see no reason for all this uproar from one player or all the apathetic players who have discussed this lol
  10. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    Pixie, leprechaun, faerie, brownie, sprite are all terms for these supernatural beings, thought to be helpful or harmful to people. These variations in name are often attributed to different cultures of the world using different languages to describe the same thing. For instance, here in America we call the roof over the engine of our car a hood. In the U.K. it's a bonnet. The way we label these magikal little people is similar to that. Thus we have different names to describe nearly the same group of little people. http://www.paganspath.com/meta/faeries.htm
  11. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    Obviously typing did not convey my disdain and sarcasm well enough
  12. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Whambulance what the hell did you do stay up all night long and complain still about this let it go and quit crying already. No one cares except for you and you only. You know how many groups have seen this posting now of yours and laughing at your stupidity many. And guess what i really don't care if i am violating the forums which i am not i am simply voicing my opinion that your stupidity is obviously showing that you can't tell reality from virtual anymore.
  13. TabithaMoon

    TabithaMoon Active Member

    Actually, you bothered to come back to this and watch the activity, talk about lil ole me all over wherever you claim you spoke of me, and continue to comment regarding something you claim you care nothing about. I think that speaks volumes as to just how much you do care about this. I revisit to be polite and respond to the replies my comment receives, then I go about my life without another thought to it. You seem to be a tad obsessed and the rage with which you express your opinion of what you refer to my stupid opinion suggests you value that stupid opinion quite a bit. ;)
  14. TabithaMoon

    TabithaMoon Active Member

    Actually, you said, " ...just make the game how they see fit and those who do not like it have the freedom to not play" does imply you wouldn't care and would support KANO if they implemented such ideas since it would be their right to do so.

    Your continuos references to fairy tale creatures just keeps reaffirming your unwillingness to admit the point made regarding religious figures. I need no one tell me about mythological pagan creatures. I know how you would feel if your sacred christian symbols were used. You know how you would feel, too, and that's why you keep avoiding it. :)
  15. Moonflower

    Moonflower New Member

    I agree with everything Tabitha said. As a Pagan, 99% of the time our sacred symbol, the pentagram/pentacle is seen as evil or demonic. Usually we just let it go and grumble inside. We don't insult other religions or their symbols so don't insult ours!
  16. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Wow lets create a fake forum account to get someone to agree with you. Kudos your so smart. Maybe i should go create one also so someone will agree also with me that your comments and your constant whining about this is sad and pathetic. Oh wait they already agree with me.
  17. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Stop already with this religious nonsense and political correctness garbage, it is a game and they are pictures created for a game, Period. I am very opened minded person but get tired of people being offended by things like this, just keep your religions out of it. Keep them where they belong within yourselves. I seriously doubt any offense was meant to anyone. sheeesh . The forum is like a family get together no talk about religion or politics is needed nor wanted.
  18. TabithaMoon

    TabithaMoon Active Member

    Really? You do realize KANO has the IP/ISP address of all the members, don't you? I knew you weren't bright but to expose so much of that is mindboggling. Do I know who that is? Yes, because she is one of those who asked me to post on behalf of her. Others know who that is, as well. Ask Cindy. But hey! I notice you still can't let this go. Nice to know you feel this is so important you have to watch every move made in regards to my one little post. Thanks again!
  19. TabithaMoon

    TabithaMoon Active Member

    I asked a simple question and have received replies intentionally avoiding that one question. Even replies referring to things that have nothing to do with the same topic of issue.

    Would it or would it not be alright to include the christian cross, jewish menorah, and muslim moon in conjunction with a satanic reference? If it wouldn't be then why is it okay to do so with the symbol of many pagans? It's a discussion that no one wants to address because so far, everyone here has proven me right by avoiding the answer.

    I never said there was intentional offense. I asked that KANO look at this issue from another perspective, if it was another symbol. Unless you are a KANO developer, there really isn't much you can provide in way of their input. I spoke my peace and now they have enough to go on to understand where we are coming from, in part to the very comments here mocking me for it.
  20. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    While I understand the issue on hand, I'm going to leave this thread closed for the time being.

    I am not insensitive to the concern being put forth here and I will forward this on to our artists so they're more cognizant of this the next time around. :)

    In defense of our artists, they definitely did not intend to offend anyone and might have been going by the established associated of the pentagram with the occult, a symbolical pairing that has been in place since the Renaissance and has only recently (in the scale of human history) become known as a symbol of faith so you can understand how this use would be innocent and not intended to mock anyone's beliefs.

    We'll definitely try to be more aware of this going forward.
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