Just a few minutes ago, every time I hit "HOME" on VC page this pop's up If intentional or not, get rid of it.
Hey Jades. Yeah sorry about that spammy modal. It was not intended at all and it has since been fixed. Cheers
Good point David, Just did some calculations. 10 fp's 30% off =7.14 FP's per dollar 25 fp's 30% off =7.14 FP's per dollar 50 fp's 30% off =7.14 FP's per dollar 105 fp's @20 =5.25 FP's per dollar 214 fp's @40 =5.35 FP's per dollar 275 fp's @50 =5.5 FP's per dollar 560 fp's @100 =5.6 FP's per dollar 1200 fp's @200 =6 FP's per dollar
Yes that would be better, except it only works with the sale price, it is usually 10.00 for 50 fp not sure what the calculations would be that is Jade's territory