i think its fine the way it is....the reward for me is the stamina refill, the free item which doesnt get used in my loadout but is in my used weapons list is just a fringe benefit. the higher you are, the stronger you are and the more options you have available to you to continue to make yourself stronger. the effect of a crappy limited item given to a lower level wont be noticed by ANYONE thats much higher so i dont see the problem here. you polish, you can gain a crap load of drops from your higher level bosses and gain much more strength than ANY lower level would or even could if given the same opportunity to hit that boss till its dead. that little limited item wont make or break ANY acct on these games and is just a cool freebie from kano and they should be thanked for it, not picked apart and over-analyzed like they are with most things...it is what it is like alot of the things in this game that many disagree on.
Last edited: Jan 30, 2014