Pirate arena feedback

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Jared, Dec 7, 2013.


Are the arenas worth it?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Actually Kevin its not possible unless your using a gamer mouse or a program. 913 hits in 9 seconds That is 101.4 clicks your doing every second. to get to 913 wins in 9 seconds. So please tell us in what world is this feasible without the possible use of a gamer mouse or a program running.
  2. kevinmalo

    kevinmalo Active Member

    I think you should re-read .. 9 seconds of curse not but in over 1 min+ it is possible, i also dont think he actually saw it (the full take-down) 2 minutes are just perfect to do it all..
  3. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    i find it interesting that during the last PC arena on KP that only 23 were active and 143 had signed up.
  4. ben

    ben Active Member

    the lowest ever 143 ... kano please change it back ... to me thats kind of telling me people just dont like the change ...
  5. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    Nope. Keep it the way it is and let the active players beat up on each other for levels. That's the way it's supposed to be, right?
  6. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    KP PC has been consistently having the lowest participation numbers....and 143 is not very far off that mark...especially considering the holidays
  7. ben

    ben Active Member

    last year we had more numbers during the holidays. i think the vc number went down a bit too. seems after the arena change bout the inactives less are joining...
  8. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    lol....the inactive thing happened recently. If ya wanna talk a year ago or so ...perhaps we should talk about the slider and the impact it had on defensive stance times and the corresponding increase in inactives making the the higher rankings and the immediate drop in participation number not only in KP but FB as well. This recent change in how players are ranked is practically brand new so Im thinking that we should give it some time...eh? Even if the numbers dont turn around....I m still cool with it as Im sure the other active pvp players the arena was intended for and that actually take the time and resources to participate are. Personally myself and others have done relatively well despite the changes or the level of my/their accounts in what ever game i/they happen to play. Maybe just maybe how people play/adjust and them having realistic expectations plays a slightly larger role....nah...that would just be crazy.
  9. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    My thoughts exactly.
  10. ben

    ben Active Member

    i know for a fact players are saying they will not join anymore arenas because of the change about the inactives.. that and that alone is why some say they wont join anymore arenas whether they can play or not.
  11. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    Actually, I wish Kano had originally stuck with this change instead of the compromise that they originally implemented months beforehand. It never dawned on me before how many levels active players were getting at the expense of 200+ ACFs. Had I realized this before, I would have stopped participating in them a LOOOONG time ago...
  12. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Ive no doubt Ben. Ive had a few say the same to me(albeit very few), but most came to their senses pretty quickly when they realized that some XP for doing nothing was better than no XP for doing the same(nothing). On the other hand Ive heard many more proclaim that despite being a wee bit bummed about not getting a better rank they feel its better that the active players get their due. Further more.....I know many that wanted to leave the game long ago as many others had because the games as a whole had gotten to soft/biased for their taste...that Kano abandoned them/the original game, these players stuck it out awhile longer once they heard about the arena and all it was proclaimed it was gonna be....needless to say most of them are gone now as well. Hopefully kano will get back to what made them great in the first place and bring back some more of the players that left due to Kanos neglect. I know of a few that have come back already....I suppose only time will tell.
  13. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    I don't play on kano/myspace, but wonder if the fact that alot of players don't play also because myspace changed their platform and also all the banned accounts almost weekly in the TGIF. That must have as effect on the numbers to a certain degree, I would think .:)
  14. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    I say leave it as is because then players know that to get good rewards they need to be active and thats what it is suppose to be about..PVP.. if someone does not understand that then they can always go to Farmville..........I also believe this is more fair to the actives....this last arena i was knocked out around 50 place but due to all the in-actives i finished in 17th place :)
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2014
  15. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Without a doubt the Myspace fiasco played a huge role in the drop in numbers in Kanoplay but that certainly doesnt explain the sharp drop in the numbers in FB as well which is why I thought about mentioning that but opted not to, especially when one considers FB actually got a temp boost in player count when many of the MS players switched to FB after that whole deal. The fact is that the number of "real" active players had been dropping on all platforms for a looong time before the arena came to be or the MS fiasco.

    I also agree that Alt accounts being banned had a big impact, but although there has always been a ton of alts....I've no doubt the number of alts also increased with the ongoing strangulation of PVP and all the addition of even more "freebies", soft updates limits and restrictions that actually punished/restricted PVP players and allowed others to do more with less. Basically the game took away from hard work and dedication and began rewarding passive play more n more. In short ...in addition to the normal alts players were making there was an influx of alts as players took over once active real accounts.

    So yeah...I think those things played a role but its a relatively small role in a much bigger problem that had been growing for years. I think the addition of the arena was an attempt by Kano to help stop the bleeding but not only was it to little to late.... it turned out in many ways to be simply more of the same that was killing them in the first place. This is not an attempt to just trash on Kano....without a doubt they want their games to grow and prosper.....its just a case of waiting to long, greed and listening to the wrong members of the community back in the day. Its no secret that if you continue to bail on the girls that brought ya to the dance....your gonna get a rep thats not exactly favorable. Run off your most dedicated base that got u to where u were......u get what we have now.

    I dont think what we are experiencing is anything out of the ordinary....these types of games historically have a relatively short shelf life and I think these particular games lasted longer than most in large part due to Kanos commitment to listening/responding to their players. Is it to late? Maybe....maybe not. I think Kong and FB still have a chance as they are large platforms that have people that are yet to discover these games, but I think as great a "playing" platform as KP is in comparison to the others....one must know it exists to even find it and join. It may be to late for KP but Kano needs to get back to what made them great in the first place, Making the arena what it was intended to be might be a good place to start.
  16. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Totally agree Larry. Rewarding players for actually playing makes perfect sense. Rewarding players for doing nothing actually promotes inactivity. The thing is though...they also need to make it worth being active. If all the arenas had tons of active participants ...players would have to work even harder and expend more resources and time.....and for what? Wouldnt be long before players started to bail once again or still not even sign up in the first place. Not just anyone can win an arena and the levels only go so far....I think most players after playing for hours want to see that "pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Spending a boatload of stamina and hours to get a ranking of say 75 outta a ton of active players only to get 1 FP simply blows. Just as winning or ranking in the top 5 or so blows when u have spent way more than one will ever get in return.
  17. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    I do agree with the fact the rewards need to improve so that it is worth spending the time and stam to be active. it very well maybe that some already feel it is not worth the time to get the little reward for what they invest.
  18. ben

    ben Active Member

    all i have to say at this point i think kano needs to relook at it for the numbers have droped big time ...
  19. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    IMO everything is getting better and as far as the numbers dropping they were doing that before the MS thing so it is not fair to blame the numbers dropping on the latest change
  20. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    I agree. Before the slider, I could participate in almost every arena, regardless of the start time. After the slider, I can only participate in the latest start time out of the 4 that are being rotated. Now, I don't even participate in that one anymore, and it has nothing to do with the rewards. I do not believe that increasing the rewards is going to increase arena participation, and with a maximum of 50 active players (if that) in each arena on KP2, I feel confident that the rewards will not be increased to benefit them. It is also worth noting that the same players seem to participate on a regular basis (at least on KP2 Pirates), even with the "terrible" rewards. I would be curious to see how the rewards are going to work when there are less than 100 players...

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