Pirate arena feedback

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Jared, Dec 7, 2013.


Are the arenas worth it?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    I will up and hope for the best during the arena. Yes the start time is late but feel i can get a few levels ( Hopefully ). We shall see
  2. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    You should be in good shape. There are at least 80 inactive players signed up now. Even if you don't get many levels, you'll guarantee yourself a top 50 ranking if you get at least 100 attacks in.
  3. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    Looks like about the same number of "participants" for this next round as the last one. Any bets on who the winner is going to be? I already know.

    Jared has NOT joined the Battle Lottery.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2013
  4. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    well Jared i did better than last time so i guess i picked the right strategy again. :)
  5. Gazember

    Gazember Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    For me Yes. I made 8-9 lvls in a short time and ranked even higher at the end, I died when there where 180 players remaining and ranked way higher.

    Never showing up at the arena and talking all day about that it's worth it? :p
  6. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    How do you know that? There are still 11 players in it. Are you saying that were even fewer active players this time around than last time?
  7. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    I'm glad that you felt it was worth it, at least for this last round. I would be curious to know what platform you play on (Facebook or KP2), and if you play any of the other Kano games besides Pirates.

    What about when you are not able to be active? Do you feel that it is worth it then?

    Or are you totally satisfied with how the arenas now operate? You wouldn't suggest any changes at all, comparing how they worked when they were first implemented and how they work now?
  8. Gazember

    Gazember Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    It was facebook, and even if I showed up 30 mins later and the numbers already dropped from 800+ to 450, I disabled defense mode and I was alive and I could play. But usually I forget to play it on pirates....

    For me on zombies its not worth the arena, I should use 2-3 refills to make one lvl, but when I was around lvl 800-1500 I could lvlup non stop in the Arena without any refills.

    In mob wars I played less until now, lvling with arena its way expensive due to the very large xp needed for one lvl.

    For me Fb Vikings its the best Arena experience, around 1700 participants, and with one refill I still can make 4-5 lvls at lvl 9600, but when I was lower I could make 8-9 lvls.

    About changes, I just hope there will be no more changes at all.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 19, 2013
  9. Justin the killer

    Justin the killer Well-Known Member

    I voted NO bc due to fact it always seem the higher levels is getting all the davy jones...an never letting the lower levels who does play the arena place 1st place its all the higher ups which i find it stupid an never give us lower levels a chance to win them...i think u should lower the davy jones in my opinion.....
  10. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    I'll play devil's advocate here...

    This was mentioned before, but it has been quite some time. Of course, the higher level players will get more DJPs than lower level players because they will normally rank higher. In the regular game, they are stronger, so they win more fights, etc. It's not an exact translation, because builds for the regular game work differently in the arena, but higher level players are generally still stronger.

    I have heard from players that have ranked well (top 10) in the arenas that the rewards do not justify the amount of DJPs they spend to rank well. I can't say this myself, because I have never spent DJPs for any of the arenas that I was able to participate in. I was simply happy to use all of the stamina I had on hand, and hope to get a decent (top 100) ranking. I don't believe that my account is strong enough to win, and I don't expect to for quite some time, if ever.

    That being said, the slider has really thrown things out of whack, and undone all of the other changes that Kano made previously in an effort to make them more competitive. Think about it this way: a rival of mine can do about 5,000 damage per attack in the regular game. Why don't we use a slider (for damage, not XP) for regular battles like we do in the arena? Why shouldn't someone be able to do 20,000 damage or more in a single attack? If you don't like it, go play something else. This is a fighting game, after all.

    The slider allows the best players to do triple damage for each attack. And this is supposed to encourage participation? I think some of us are losing focus on what is best for the ENTIRE player base, and not for a select few. The players that are doing well after the slider was implemented will still do well... getting rid of it will simply allow more players to actively participate. Are we not on board with this?

    One more thought... it is interesting to note that arenas now take the full 3 days, instead of being over in a matter of hours before the ACF ranking change. It has been months since more than a day was needed to finish an arena. Everyone still in it is just sitting around waiting for the timer to expire. The time frame should be reduced to 23 hours. 97% of the participants are taken out in the first 3 hours, so why wait 3 days for it to end?
  11. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    I am not sure if there were fewer actives but i do know that when i was killed i had gotten 8 levels and was a min. of 7 ranks higher than the last arena. and as far as i know there was still some inactives left when i was killed. and just so you know my d-mode time had run out so i was lucky enough to suicide on a friend that was still alive :), so the i chose who killed me :) LOL great strategy dont you think ?
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2013
  12. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    during the last PC arena there was only 35 active players out of 172 which is very Pathetic but i give Kudo's to those that were active because of the new change they got the rewards they were entitled to have :)
  13. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    I am assuming this is not the FB platform , with only 172 players joining .
  14. ben

    ben Active Member

    kanoplay 2 pc ba ...
  15. Squarenips

    Squarenips New Member

    Can someone please tell me how, even with KANO's awesome auto-click/bot finding technology, it is possible for someone to hit me over 1000 times in the arena in under 60 seconds???

    Same every arena, spend ages building up health (to over 3 trillion) and then somebody steamrollers me in under a minute, with an insane amount of attacks...
  16. Squarenips

    Squarenips New Member

    ?????? has killed KindOfABigDeal

    ?????? attacked KindOfABigDeal and won
    9 seconds ago
    913 wins against since arena start

    ?????? attacked KindOfABigDeal and lost
    10 seconds ago
    165 losses against since arena start

    Under 60 seconds...
  17. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Hi Squarenips,

    We appreciate you bringing this to our attention. Naturally we will look into it, but if you'd like to report a player to us, please go through Support.
  18. ben

    ben Active Member

    let me say ty kano for the change in battle arena on the inactives its sure has open the door for the hi levelers in ba ... we only had 143 people in it thats all kano ... the number really has droped seince ya made the change ... as the highest player in ba on kanoplay server 2 i thank you so much for the change ...
  19. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    IMO the change has nothing to do with the drop in participation. i feel this should have been the way the arena was done from the very start instead of making the change now. but it is better late than never :)
  20. kevinmalo

    kevinmalo Active Member

    If ur being attacked by someone with 3-4 times your attack/defense and 3/slider attack of curse its possible....

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