The change is not gonna affect how your arena experience is, what may happen is when people actually notice after one or two arenas and decide not to even join, for the reasons given above so there may be less joining and before you know it FB could look like what I hear the myspace arena looks like lol, as far as waiting for the rewards , that is not a big deal, not for me anyway, what bothers me is the about face Kano took with this, I was against how it played out all this time at the beginning, and yet had to adjust to Kano letting inactives be a big part of the arena, now all of a sudden they are being pushed out and believe me there is a percentage of players in one of the arenas I play that are not battlers, fighters or even have decent fight stats, but in the arena players can hide behind a fake name and hit players they would never hit in the regular game, not impressed. 
I got my hits in , one kill and still hanging in ,in def mode, will maybe rank decent like usual and get a reward . when I wake up tomorrow I will see where I ranked, very possibly my last arena, as the next one will be real late nite/ early morning. So no one is gonna get any kill off me anymore
Last edited by a moderator: Dec 7, 2013