[PC] Update to how Ranking is Determined in the Battle Arena

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by mi7ch, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Recently there's been some concern here on the forums about inactive players in the Battle Arena placing highly when the Arena is over. While it is totally a player's choice whether or not they want to participate actively in any given Arena, it wasn't fair to higher level players for these inactive accounts to be placing highly when the Arena ended.

    As such, we've made a few changes to how active/inactive players are placed when an Arena ends. If you meet the minimum 100 attacks to qualify as an active player, you will be ranked normally based on the time you were eliminated from the Arena. If you fail to meet the minimum 100 attacks, you will be considered inactive and ranked below active players on the leaderboard. Inactive players will be ranked against each other based on attack count. As a side-effect of this change, your reward can only be collected when the Arena ends.

    If needed, we may adjust the minimum requirements. For example, the 100 attack minimum may change and possibly hitting a minimum number of unique opponents may be required. This will be based on reviewing the upcoming arenas and stats. This change will be in effect for tomorrow’s Battle Arena on Pirate Clan.

    If you have any questions or feedback about this change, please leave it here. :)
  2. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    Very interesting. I'll see what kind of an impact this has for arenas that I'm able to participate in versus the ones that are over before I get a chance to log on (the only ones I'm able to get rewards for).
  3. Rox van der Hoeven

    Rox van der Hoeven New Member

    I start in def, because usually the arena's start at more or less convenient USA times.
    Current arena for example starts at 3 am.. at which time most European players are sleeping.

    When I'm still alive at the time i wake up, i try to play..
    I've been alive .. once! and that was because i woke up at 6 am.

    So i do consider it a tat unfair.
  4. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Ok Now I need an ""opt out"" option like for the armada wars , so when I see I am not gonna be able to play, I can opt out, I cannot tell when the time starts till it gets to 24 hours, I cannot figure it out two weeks before, I have joined a few arenas in the various games and prob will not be able to play once I see the actual start times. Thanks :)
  5. TabithaMoon

    TabithaMoon Active Member

    You are awesome! Thank you! :)
  6. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Sweet update! Hope it comes to all the arenas. I also hope the minimum number of attacks is increased a great deal....it is the "battle " arena after all. Ive no sympathy for those that dont show up on time....life happens and its not as if they are being impacted negatively if they get knocked out. The game should reward active players not the other way around. An opt out option would be ok but I really dont see it as a huge deal.....if a player doesnt know for certain whether they can be there or not they shouldnt sign up until they know they can. I rarely sign up up until shortly before the beginning of a given arena for precisely that reason
  7. ben

    ben Active Member

    all i can say is wow ... i look for the number of arenas to drop big time ... wow nice one ...
  8. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Well since I have signed up for 3 to 4 arenas already I want the option, I fight all the time in the regular games, so the arena holds no special place in my game, as it does for some players that don't fight in the regular game and or use leveling partners and need the arena to fight hidden behind a different name, so as the time draws near , like a few hours before, if I see I won't be around for whatever reason I would like the option to withdraw.
  9. ben

    ben Active Member

    sorry about how i put that ... i look for the number of players to stop joining the arenas after these arenas ...
  10. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    I won't say that just yet, but I wouldn't be surprised. I won't join any arenas that I can't actually participate in for a while, and I'll see how things end up.
  11. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    I like this new change and if anyone is not sure if they can play in the arena or not it is as simple as Polish said ...wait until just before the arena starts to sign up.
  12. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Kinda hard now for the next 3 arenas ,( VC, LCN, ZS) ( guess def mode is gonna get a work out or I will contact a friend and tell them to take me out) when one is already signed up The PC one tonite is doable but I am not sure how the other three games coming up will work for me, that is my point. but Hey I can adjust , prob no more arenas for me , not a bad thing, for me but someone is missing out on a good health kill lol too bad for them
  13. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Im having difficulty understanding your point. This update only affects inactive accounts. You sound as if u can make the PC arena tonight but not the others. If u already know u cant be there for the arenas what diff does it make whether this update happened or not? If your not gonna make it u would have been killed off regardless right? Someone would have got the XP off you regardless of this update right? That seems to be your sticking point but I just dont get how this update changes anything in that regard. What diff does it make if u can make the PC arena tonight? Does that mean u will be active? If so then this update helps you..if you dont plan on being active what does it matter whether u show up or not? My apologies if Im just simply missing your entire point....Im a bit under the weather
  14. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

  15. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    This update was useless to me. I know I'm not the only one. If I was a betting person, I would say that I'm actually in the majority (which makes those in the top 50 in the MINORITY, in case you need help with the math).
  16. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    this update was a very big step in the right direction for helping it be what it is meant to be a BATTLE arena. i did good concidering i was found early and was still able to sneak out of d-mode and get a few kills to last longer. so IMO good job Kano on this update
  17. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    The change is not gonna affect how your arena experience is, what may happen is when people actually notice after one or two arenas and decide not to even join, for the reasons given above so there may be less joining and before you know it FB could look like what I hear the myspace arena looks like lol, as far as waiting for the rewards , that is not a big deal, not for me anyway, what bothers me is the about face Kano took with this, I was against how it played out all this time at the beginning, and yet had to adjust to Kano letting inactives be a big part of the arena, now all of a sudden they are being pushed out and believe me there is a percentage of players in one of the arenas I play that are not battlers, fighters or even have decent fight stats, but in the arena players can hide behind a fake name and hit players they would never hit in the regular game, not impressed. :p

    I got my hits in , one kill and still hanging in ,in def mode, will maybe rank decent like usual and get a reward . when I wake up tomorrow I will see where I ranked, very possibly my last arena, as the next one will be real late nite/ early morning. So no one is gonna get any kill off me anymore :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 7, 2013
  18. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    I like putting inactives out of the tier process and bumps every one down the tier i do believe that is a smart move. However to be fair still i would say at least 200 to 300 hits need to be put in place now with the introduction to the slider. It will only take a minute to put that many hits in with the slide bar. If you can't take a minute to make that many hits then you shouldn't rank either. My only other wish is the lag that arena is experiencing lately. I wonder if this is due to armada wars being done at the same time. Which i do think is the right thing to do. Someone mentioned a posting about Armada Wars how is it fair for someone who doesn't want to be in in a armada get anything out of that new installation to the game. You really don't. But if you keep Arena's going with Armada wars it makes it more of a challenge in Arena's now that a lot of the high level players are concentrating on Armada Wars. I think this should be a permanent fixture in the game both going at the same time. You choose how you want to spend your stamina doing Arena or doing Armada Wars. But still the lag needs to be looked at possibly more servers or something to help out during this time.
    TabithaMoon likes this.
  19. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    i really dont think it will effect the people joining but if it does it just shows who wanted something for nothing IMO. i know this last PC arena there are still several inactives alive when i was killed and thanks to the new change more actives will get the rewards they should
    TabithaMoon likes this.
  20. TabithaMoon

    TabithaMoon Active Member

    Well said! I didn't get to play tonight because I have been sick for almost 2 weeks and medicine has taken a lot out of me, but I look forward to seeing all the real players finally getting their deserved places. I can't wait for the next one!

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