Why whats up? Nothing major happening on this end. We just upgraded some cache servers so you might have noticed some data missing like game history. Is that the issue you are experiencing? Are you experiencing slowness or game performance issues?
No but the clan messages inbox keeping popping up from people asking to add you or sending links to you in the little envelope icon. I erased them about 5 times before they finally stopped popping up.
Hmm that may have been a byproduct of this upgrade but I am not sure. If you continue to experience issues please let us know! All upgrades are complete so we should be back to "normal" now.
my issue is that it took me a few minutes to get into my game it kept on saying loading an all so i refresh like about 4 or 5 times an it finally work...took it awhile that was all..an the game is sure of slow bc of player picture an everything but i think its all good for now...
Not Loading? Refresh Page. this is what it is saying...just did it again i might of well stay off my game for tonight the way i see it...if it gonna keep doing that bc i know its not my end..
My game history from home page not loading up kills/battle wins/coin won in last "x" hours as well, it's just not there. Only shows rivals.
I am also noticing some player's pictures are not showing. Typically this is on the social network's end but we'll keep an eye on it.
That is the by-product of the upgrade. Approx 12% of players will experience this. Apologies for any inconvenience but the upgrade should help out all cached data moving forward.
ok...now that's dealt with...I think you should have a look about the forum, random threads are being merged into others. I can see several threads in all sections have been merged into the lcn kongregate add me thread...all 40 pages of the thread have posts that shouldn't be there i dont envy whoevers job it is to fix this, as far as i know there is no "undo" merge option so will have to be fixed by hand.
Smack any reason why WC box if have it minimized to smallest can make it. Then close it reopen and goes to max size vertically? Is this a byproduct as well? Minimized Close out chat reopen it get this
i dont have that issue on what u are having altho sometimes it does pop up when i first get into the game pirate clan as a bad habit of doing that sometimes...
This should not be a result of the cache server changes however I am not sure what is causing this. If you continue to have issues please add this to one of the Chat feedback threads or create a new one and it will be picked up by the developer responsible for this.
i am glad that i brought this up i think i finally post something that was actually important i guess lol...proud of myself haha