Should reallocation of Skill points be allowed under any circumstances?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by polishpimp, Oct 31, 2013.


Reallocation of skill points

Poll closed Nov 14, 2013.
  1. No way not under any circumstances

  2. Yes, absolutely..should be an option available to everyone

  3. Partial reallocation on a case by case basis deemed appropriate by Kano

  4. Complete reallocation on a case by case basis deemed appropriate by Kano

    0 vote(s)
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  1. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Its not that we all cant learn a thing or 2 from others regardless of time played or level, but realistically what advice is someone going to give a high level player thats had the carpet pulled out from under them by Kano? I noticed that u said "reallocation is a big no no for 99% or more of players"...I take that u mean it might be warranted in some extreme situations..yes/no? Im definitely not advocating to allow players to reallocate on a whim....I just wanted to see how players felt about reallocation period. My comments of "selfish" and "shortsighted" were directed at those that commented 100% no under any circumstances. I just have a hard time believing there is any player that wanted to continue playing wouldnt be advocating for SP reallocation if a situation similar to some of the examples given happened to them. I think it would be pretty easy for a casual player that will never get to the heights others have to say 100% no because realistically they will never get put into a position me that is close minded and or selfish. I honestly dont see where "smart" comes into play when dealing with the extreme examples that have been cited.

    Just for kicks, how about a hypothetical example that would affect even lower levels. Lets say Kano decided one day to cap purchased stamina refills to say 250. How many people would be screaming for reallocation? would you? Obviously a lower level could still level quickly enough and just start focusing elsewhere but the extra thousands of SP that they put into stamina is still essentially wasted no? Now all of a sudden those that were shortsighted or lacking in the stamina dept have a huge advantage in possibly every other category that realistically can never be made up. Fair? I dont see how asking advice, reading the forums or simply being "smart" could have made any difference in a case like one would have a realistic expectation that Kano might change a cap/limit that has been at a certain number for years .....would they? That may sound like a pretty extreme example but at the highest of levels a much lesser example of a change is just as significant when u consider the time, XP and possible expense it takes to get even a single level. I know that you disagree with players that level to fast...but frankly thats not a valid argument in that they are not doing anything other than what Kano and the games were designed and allowed them to do. Not to mention that these games have been around a long time and there are many players that werent speed levelers that now reside at the higher levels
  2. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    I won't and am not gonna get into a debate over a hypothetical feature, lol I have games to play. :p IMO deal and adjust ,that goes for most things in life, and a game is not worth getting anyone all worked up over, IMO
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 15, 2013
  3. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Lol...its all good. But for the record the hypothetical I posed is very similar to a situation that actually happened and Kano allowed for a partial reallocation. Good luck in the games.
  4. slave

    slave Member

    In Zombie Slayer
    my stamina is 2500, they only allow 1000 to be refilled on a level up. If kano in thier infinite wisdom, decided to make max stamina 1000 and only allow 1000 stamina on refills....

    would it have helped to talk to players?
    could i have played smarter? (when currently it allows 2500 on a stam refill)
    would it just be oh well, dumbass shouldnt have buffed his stam up to 2500, too bad for him, give him enough levels and he can right the ship? can never right the ship when kano makes game changing decisions
    i love how everyone is all smug, thinking they are doing it right and to hell with everyone else, if (and i hope it never comes to this) the time comes, i will laugh at all the people screaming bloody murder cuz kano nerfed their builds
    think it will never happen to you?
    health is capped
    stamina is capped
    energy is capped
    theres only two things left......

    what you gonna do if they cap attack and defense? they love a fair game, how much fairer could it be to cap everyone in every attribute and then make you win on purchased items???? sounds like a winner to me

    good luck in your closed minded game
  5. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    You forgot fighting is capped to a certain extent lol though not like in ZS , I guess if someone hates all the caps, they won't play, there are always new people who are gonna give it a shot, there are those who will also always spend money for their games, games close they move on, and still spend in the next one, there is no shortage of gamers out here in virtual land.
  6. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Nice post Slave. Im with you...its only a matter of time, in fact its already happened to some degree. They changed the games awhile back that so regardless of how little defense one has, those attacking that player will get a set minimum of XP. I would imagine caps on attack and defense are next in line in the quest for balance. Like Ive said for a long time now....Its only a matter of time before Kano installs the auto pilot tab. They already have in the arena, just click on the defensive stance when u enter and head out for margaritas .....come back and collect your winnings.
  7. slave

    slave Member

    Your rank is 9!

    Attacks 7,887
    Kills 11
    Wins 3,013
    Losses 978
    Biggest Attack 8,885,991 damage

    by far the fewest attacks ive had in arena, 1700 of them when i came out of defensive to suicide out after making the final tier
    the rest of my numbers look absolutely sniperesque....

    i played at start, then realized arena had a squirrel running the one server and was registering one attack every 8 clicks, when the decided to feed the squirrel and the attacks would actually register, i played about 15 minutes, spent zero UN, and collected my winnings when it was over

    and know what i think about that strategy? disgusting and pathetic, that i could play for so little time to get such a high rank

    you can see by the above numbers....kano hasnt bothered to fix that code about the attacks wins/lost that we pointed out to them...what was it? a year ago??? (thats a guess...)
  8. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    I don't go into defense. I kill people and build up my health, if something attacks me it gives up because it knows it can't kill me, and I kill it.
  9. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Which game and platform do u play on? Are u winning the arenas there? Just curious because in PC I have a high attack account (loses to only a few) but very low defense (not nearly as low as use to be though). What i have found is its very difficult to gain health even though im winning the vast majority of attacks because the damage I take while attacking is so severe because of my low defense. If i attack weaker accounts I can build health slowly but even then stronger accounts can still take me out regardless of my health even in defensive mode. You dont experience the same?
  10. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    I play Kong ZS. Even when I used to play facebook I would get top tier every time with or without help from other people. The ones who won on facebook were triple my level spent UN and had 3 of their friends up there with them, but at the time it wasn't hard to make to climb killing. On kong however where I'm considered a fairly high level and me and my faction work together we win every arena. And even though I say we work together, I mostly mean we agree not to kill each other until it's nothing but us left. I don't enter defense unless it's to copy and paste my ridiculous 6 minute defense time that's basically worthless considering I'm still taking 40% damage...

    I don't seem to have a problem with taking too much damage unless I'm taking out one of the 3 people in the game who have a defense too high for me to beat.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2013
  11. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    they could cap the stam refills at 10 and i would still add to i said before theres the daily rewards and the stamina boost which are both based on your max stamina. i just wouldnt waste fps on refills any longer and save them for arenas, guild wars, a limited item here and there...theres more to the game than refills. yeah it would suck big time but i wouldnt change a thing. alot of people let others dictate how they build, certain people will add to defense if they notice a rival can win all of a sudden, some will do the same to attack if theyre losing all of a sudden....i dont let people dictate my build, i add my skill points where i choose to because of goals i want to reach...i dont care if stamina is capped at any amount, ill be adding to it like i always have
  12. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    I do the same. I add to attack and health and kill everything that I can, regardless of what others do. My health ends up keeping me alive and my low defense keeps my rivals full. However if they added some sort of change to the game that completely destroyed my strategy I'd be a bit ticked and want a re-allocation. If someone is playing according to the games rules and adds skill points to use a certain strategy, or to go towards a certain goal then if Kano changes it after months/years of spending thousands of points and they strategy becomes nullified Someone should have the option to re-allocate.
  13. MobMan

    MobMan Member

    I'm against it but if they were to allow reallocation of skill points then maybe it should be at a price...

    Only allowed to reallocate points once and should maybe should be a cost of 1000 FP's. Should also be no change to achievements (if they already got the achievement for a certain amount of points placed somewhere then can't claim that achievement a second time).

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