Ah, the reallocation of Skill Points. Honestly a difficult thing to decide. I personally am fully against it, with one exception, extreme changes to the games. I'm not talking about bosses, they're an old thing by now and we had years to adapt to this change.
I'm not 100% sure, but I'd say, bosses have been around for 3 years by now.
Well, I'll even defend my position.
Negative impacts of reallocation
1.) Potential abuse. Let's be honest, there are players out there who have shared their log-in info with others. In-game friendships don't last forever. With this it becomes easy to screw someone's build over. Other avenues of abuse are hacking some else's account and destroying the build they have.
2.) Vicious Cycle of Reallocations. Player A changes his build to be able to fend off Player B. Player B changes his build to continue being able to beat Player A. Repeat ad absurdum.
3.) Reset by mistake. Yes, the honest mistake for reallocation is possible. Not likely, but some people do play around with things they don't understand fully and then they are surprised when it comes back to bite them in the ass.
4.) What about the achievements? For a reallocation of all skill points, every skill would be reset to the default value. Character Stats Achievements would have to be reset, too, and the skill points taken away from the players. Unfortunately, several of these achievements also give Cash/XP/FP's. These would have to be taken away, too.
For example, someone with the 10k Attack, 10k Defense, 75k Health, 3k Stam, 3k Energy achievements resets. This would mean, they get 9999 SP for Att/Def each, 7490 SP for Health, 5994 SP for Stam and 2990 SP for Energy. Now they're at base values again.
The Health achievements gave them: 62 SP, 30660 XP, 22FP's.
Energy gave them: 57 SP, 30660 XP, 22FP's.
Stamina: 57 SP, 30660 XP, 22FP's.
Attack/Defense: 94 SP, 34FP's, 31320XP in total.
For all the achievements, they'd have to lose 270 Skill Points, 123.300 XP, 100 FP's.
See where this is heading. Either, the achievements are reset, too, meaning the reallocation of Skill Points becomes quite a bit more expensive or the achievements stay as "Achieved" and the next achievements are the ones towards the ones who reset will have to work. Of course, this opens up another can of worms, as the player would now be free to spend Skill points from Energy and/or stam and/or health to fill up the att/defense achievements, meaning they could drive energy or stam or health below the threshold that influences energy regen ratio, leaving them with the full regen ratio while not having the energy/stam/health they'd need for the regen ratio they have, seeing that, as far as I understand it, the regen ratio is tied to the achievement.
I think that Skill Point reallocation is a double-edged sword and if it ever comes, I can already see the customer support drowning in complaint mails. Because fine-tuning it is impossible, not if it is intended to stay fair across the board.
One possible solution would be a partial reallocation, meaning that all Skill points above the latest achievement can be reallocated, but I don't think that this would work out too well, either. One of the first issues here would be the price and of course, the usefulness. Someone who is close to the next achievements will have more options with this one than someone who just finished achievements.
Last edited: Nov 14, 2013