exactly as the title implies how bout we make it so that there are achievements for killing a certain amount of bosses. idea from: Eraser they could look like this(not going to post reward amounts): 1 boss kill 10 boss kills 50 boss kills 100 boss kills 150 boss kills 250 boss kills 500 boss kills 750 boss kills 1000 boss kills 1250 boss kills 1500 boss kills 1750 boss kills 2000 boss kills 3000 boss kills 4000 boss kills 5000 boss kills 7500 boss kills 10000 boss kills the reasoson it goes up so high is because nobody on any game of kanos has 10000 boss kills yet and yeah some are close but havnt reached it though.
great idea, maybe adding those achievements would also help the people that dont hit many bosses to realize that the drops are valuable and helpful to your account and help to make them stronger...10 from me
I guess but how about instead of (boss kills=slap kills) LOL, not trying to crap on idea NEIL idea, but really more boss achieves? Even helping on a boss is pulling the game away from PVP. Most don't pay to play, and I've seen these huge bosses only few will hit. So what I get out of this is, everyone make huge bosses, No thanx. Not voting.
I hope you are talking about boss kills in general, not kills on individual bosses. If it was, the last one would take nearly 70 years to achieve.