Kanoplay active players

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Salman Al-buainain, Nov 5, 2013.

  1. well, i wonder how someone just started playing on KANOplay server can get the 1000 captains from adding friends while all active players there can't get over 600 player !
  2. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    how do u know they are all friends and not a bunch of hired?
  3. not sure of what you mean ..but you can click on "CAPTAINS"
    friends=inner circle .. hired captains=hired captains
    Inner Circle (385)Hired Captains (129)
  4. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    You said u didnt know how a new player could have 1000 captains from adding friends. How do u know they have 1000 added friends and not 1000 hired captains, or maybe 250 friends and 750 hired captains? You cant see their inner circle as you can your own. If i was going to battle you it would say that you had 514 captains but it wouldnt show me how many of them were friends and how many were hireds. I have no idea how this players got 1k captains so fast, perhaps they made a ton of alts for all I know....Im just saying that it is entirely possible that they plopped down a bunch of coin for FP and bought a boat load of captains.
  5. we all know that we can have 2000 captains, 1000 captains are friends, and the other 1000 are hired captains. So my question is that KANOplay server don't have more than 600 active players, How a new player can get a 1000 real captains without counting the hired guns ?!
  6. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    If there is only 600 active players and the account in question is relatively new player it would be pretty much impossible to have 1000 real clan. Unless of course either they or somebody they know has a ton of inactive alts they are adding, that many alts made by a couple people may be possible but its highly unlikely.

    Is this player a clan member of yours? How else would u know if they had 1000 real clan or even if they were telling the truth? Simply looking at the amount of clan a rival has it is not possible to differentiate between real and hired clan.
  7. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    Watch out, Polish... Strong Salman might go after you in game and take you out... He seems to have all of the answers...
  8. seems you understand me in the wrong way lol. I meant that any new player can't get the 1000 real captains, me or any other guy, unless if there "alts adding" as what you have said. So what should we do ( new players ) to get the real 1000 captains on the kanoplay site?

    Nah, I don't think so, on kanoplay I am level 900+ ..
  9. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    LOL...wait until there is a 1000 or more players to add. Its the only legit way

    So the player u used as an example in your first post doesnt exist? If they do, how do u know they have 1000 real clan?
  10. no it doesn't exist lol.

    well, i think that this is also going to be the only way to get the real 1000 captains lol, but i can't do it , since today is my last hours on the game .. (all servers) ...

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