basicly what the title says i think there should be 2 different loadouts and my reasoning for this is because when you challenge a boss their loadout has 6 items and ours only has 4 so why cant we have 2 different loadouts one for battle that has the standerd 4 and a loadout for bosses that can hold up to 6 items. here is how it would look: battle loadout- 1 ship 1 captain/matey 2 weapons boss loadout: 1 ship 2 captains/matey 3 weapons the location of th boss loadout would be on the same page as the regular loadout is and when you are on that page it would have a tab that says boss loadout and another tab that says battle loadout. and of course it would have a little i for information that you would be able to click for all details. also when you view someones page it would show personal loadouts instead of personal loadout and then say battle loadout underneath it and then the other loadout wich would be boss loadout.
even thought theyre working on giving us customizable loadouts, i think this is a great should post this also in the thread for the loadouts...10
if you guys arnt in that much of favor of this idea i have been thinking of another way that is similar to this but also very different. just let me know if you want to know the alternative
Thanks for the suggestion, neill! Going forward, though, let's try and keep the Customized Loadout feedback concentrated into one thread (even if it's separate ideas like this) just to keep it all in one place for the developers.
well its a different idea completely mitch, so i can see why he made a new thread.....he's saying there should be a separate loadout completely for bosses with more weapons/warriors allowed to it for bosses since they are equipped with more at the higher levels
ya demonik gots it right, i was just sugesting in the other thread that you should take a look at this to give us your thoughts/opinions about the idea.
I'd like to keep it separate as well but Neil, Mitch did kinda same idea in Loadout thread which is this. Would You Like to be Able to Equip More Items? This is kind of a touchy subject which is why we're going to ask it here. Currently, you can carry a wide variety of items across all games, but would you like the option to be able to carry more? Right now we're thinking of adding in the option to equip another Matey/Warrior for Pirate Clan and Viking Clan and another Armor for Mob Wars: LCN and Zombie Slayer. Note that this would only affect your personal stats and wouldn't change how your Clan/Mob/Squad brings items into battle. What do you think? Should this be something we explore with the Customized Loadouts?
no, he really didnt....he asked if adding more items would be something we wanted....hes not saying to add more in general, hes asking for more against bosses...a totally separate loadout that has no effect on any other aspect of the game
Well I guess I would like wouldn't care but now got 5 tabs in mix? Next 10? I'm still wondering if going to be a strain on servers. I have no clue but I'd assume yes.
i know how to deal more damage to bosses lol but i was making a sugestion because i see that most bosses have 6 loadout items so i was thinking we should be able to do the same.