Should reallocation of Skill points be allowed under any circumstances?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by polishpimp, Oct 31, 2013.


Reallocation of skill points

Poll closed Nov 14, 2013.
  1. No way not under any circumstances

  2. Yes, absolutely..should be an option available to everyone

  3. Partial reallocation on a case by case basis deemed appropriate by Kano

  4. Complete reallocation on a case by case basis deemed appropriate by Kano

    0 vote(s)
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  1. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    the daily stamina boost and daily rewards are based on your maximum stamina so im thinking 75% of 10k stamina would be a hell of a lot more than 75% of 7500 stamina, especially over a long period of time
  2. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    thats not even including the daily rewards
  3. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    In my opinion capping backwards as they did and penalizing players was wrong. But ultimately it's there game and they will always choose to do what they see will either improve or impact the game in their eye's. Would i have done that no. I would have put the cap just a little ahead of those players and ended it right there as far as they were able to proceed in that aspect of skills. But capping on exisiting system backwards is never good for anyone. And those players that did have this happened to they did deserve the right to reallocate if they were ahead of the cap for that instance i will agree with. But just allowing skills to be thrown left and right whenever you deem fit no sorry.
  4. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    And sorry for not replying sooner work has been a real witch lately.
  5. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    So a situation just like where the guy who was adding energy and getting his full amount one day and not even half the next day doesn't deserve any reallocation? more than 99% of his skill points got put on energy and then they took it away. They were fair in allowing him to reallocate that.
  6. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    no, its not fair at all. it teaches you that if you build in one direction only then youre setting yourself up for failure somewhere along the lines...even tho i cherish my attack based acct on vc, ive still added to defense here and there and will again eventually cause evven if you like one side better than another, the best way to build is at least semi-balanced when you favor one part of the equation over the others
  7. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Huh? Of course its fair. Someone cant be expected to see into the future, all we have is the current set of rules and guidelines to go by when building our accounts. If those things change and it has a drastic detrimental effect to ones account than Kano should make limited reallocation an option (and they have). With that said Im talking extreme situations. That pretty much takes low and mid levels out of the equation as its easy to make up thousands of SP and right the ship. At the higher levels when a player has done things a certain way (within the rules and guidelines) for years to have things change overnight is simply not fair to them in that they cant "right the ship" in a reasonable amount of time due to the xp now needed to level.
  8. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    thats why people should look ahead instead of seeing something thats easily exploitable and build their acct soley on that exploitation. you cant expect something thats too good on any game to simply continue forever if its causing an imbalance...why else would certain rules be made or changed? if i would have made my acct nothing but attack and crap on everything else then thats my fault, no one elses.
  9. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    and you talk about current rules to work with, ive been playing since the rules and setup of the game were way different and ive adapted to every change in the game successfully. you cant just look 2 feet in front of you when playing a game of this or any type, anybody who does that is just a fool plain and simple
  10. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    so adding skill points to an attribute such as energy that refilled to 10k is exploiting a loophole or that person should have just known that kano was going to come along one day way later and drop it to 4500? how is a player not to think thats what they were suppose to do?
  11. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    Max Energy 1500

    Max Stamina 1000

    Max Health 42850

    Attack 4300

    Defense 1

    I haven't experienced any failure yet :)
  12. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Bet arena Def time sux BACON LOL, one downfall.
  13. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    i just think its foolish to load up in any one area way more than others, if you do youre setting yourself up for future problems. yeah, that 10k energy example is a pretty good one but if you let one person reallocate then you should let everyone....the same argument i had for the protection feature not being available for everyone...i wouldnt use it but that doesnt mean everyone shouldnt be entitled to it. whats fair for one should be fair for all so if every single person in a certain game isnt allowed to reallocate then why should one be just because said person felt slighted due to overloading in one area? sorry but in my opinion thats just bullsh**
  14. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    Dear Kano,

    I made a mistake with my skill point allocation, and I can't beat anyone out of my level range. Do you think it would be possible to take, say, 30,000 points from my health and put them into attack? This will have several benefits for the game, not the least of which giving out of range players someone to fight due to the limited fight/battle lists. Anything that you can do to help me "right my ship" would be much appreciated. Thanks!


    Long-time Kano Apps supporter
  15. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    i hear ya. But I think there is a big diff between an extreme example such as the one brought on by Kano that i cited and somebody just wanting to change things up. So technically I agree that it should be available to everyone, everyone that was adversely affected by a kano game change in a big way
  16. View Poll Results: Reallocation of skill pointsVoters 22. You have already voted on this poll
    This poll will close on 11-14-2013 at 06:16 PM
    Yes, absolutely..Reallocation of skill points should be an option available to everyone :)

    if i get my skill points to reallocate - i would just stick them all in stamina .. and than see what happens.. from that point i could level from bosses as much i like and make tons of new skill points that way i see light at the end of tunnel hahaha

    there was so many changes in this game and before changes i put my skill points to att/def it was great that time ..
    but than bosses come up ... and all new players just add all in stamina and in 3 days they level up 1000 levels some more .. but that was great for new players .. but old players just kind of stuck and some complain about boss battles .. and attack and defence just be come weak because boss killer players got they boss drop weapons and warriors and old players only got they high att/def and no much stamina so they have no much boss drops ..

    easy to say : keep levelling and add lots stamina and you will get there .. i dont thin Kano understand that after long play you hit the wall and you have to start from square 1 and do all this hard work again for next 2 years ? .. is it fair ? yes some can do that with lots of $$$ .. but some just get tired and stop playing .. well some players see no end and they left they old acct levels 3000-4000 and start over from level 1 to do it easy way and shoot up with lots stamina and high attack lmao
    im not saying that Kano sucks - no im not saying that at all - i think that Kano did a great job and made a great apps to play -spend time at work when boss is not looking, or on boring holiday, or just for brain storm , thats all great but there is still some holes on the road that still need to be fixed up to make a perfect ride :)

    but its like this.. like English joke
    wife who was married for 30 years got a Valentine card from her husband..and she got all excited.. and she look at the txt to see what it say and the message was: ''dream on bitch''


  17. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Ah, the reallocation of Skill Points. Honestly a difficult thing to decide. I personally am fully against it, with one exception, extreme changes to the games. I'm not talking about bosses, they're an old thing by now and we had years to adapt to this change.

    I'm not 100% sure, but I'd say, bosses have been around for 3 years by now.

    Well, I'll even defend my position.
    Negative impacts of reallocation
    1.) Potential abuse. Let's be honest, there are players out there who have shared their log-in info with others. In-game friendships don't last forever. With this it becomes easy to screw someone's build over. Other avenues of abuse are hacking some else's account and destroying the build they have.
    2.) Vicious Cycle of Reallocations. Player A changes his build to be able to fend off Player B. Player B changes his build to continue being able to beat Player A. Repeat ad absurdum.
    3.) Reset by mistake. Yes, the honest mistake for reallocation is possible. Not likely, but some people do play around with things they don't understand fully and then they are surprised when it comes back to bite them in the ass.
    4.) What about the achievements? For a reallocation of all skill points, every skill would be reset to the default value. Character Stats Achievements would have to be reset, too, and the skill points taken away from the players. Unfortunately, several of these achievements also give Cash/XP/FP's. These would have to be taken away, too.

    For example, someone with the 10k Attack, 10k Defense, 75k Health, 3k Stam, 3k Energy achievements resets. This would mean, they get 9999 SP for Att/Def each, 7490 SP for Health, 5994 SP for Stam and 2990 SP for Energy. Now they're at base values again.
    The Health achievements gave them: 62 SP, 30660 XP, 22FP's.
    Energy gave them: 57 SP, 30660 XP, 22FP's.
    Stamina: 57 SP, 30660 XP, 22FP's.
    Attack/Defense: 94 SP, 34FP's, 31320XP in total.
    For all the achievements, they'd have to lose 270 Skill Points, 123.300 XP, 100 FP's.
    See where this is heading. Either, the achievements are reset, too, meaning the reallocation of Skill Points becomes quite a bit more expensive or the achievements stay as "Achieved" and the next achievements are the ones towards the ones who reset will have to work. Of course, this opens up another can of worms, as the player would now be free to spend Skill points from Energy and/or stam and/or health to fill up the att/defense achievements, meaning they could drive energy or stam or health below the threshold that influences energy regen ratio, leaving them with the full regen ratio while not having the energy/stam/health they'd need for the regen ratio they have, seeing that, as far as I understand it, the regen ratio is tied to the achievement.

    I think that Skill Point reallocation is a double-edged sword and if it ever comes, I can already see the customer support drowning in complaint mails. Because fine-tuning it is impossible, not if it is intended to stay fair across the board.

    One possible solution would be a partial reallocation, meaning that all Skill points above the latest achievement can be reallocated, but I don't think that this would work out too well, either. One of the first issues here would be the price and of course, the usefulness. Someone who is close to the next achievements will have more options with this one than someone who just finished achievements.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2013
  18. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    @ Das liebe Beil. Great post, I too agree that it shouldnt be available to the masses as it just diminishes what all those who made the right choices (for them)along the way have done. I also think that it makes a huge diff how long someone has played or what level they are at. Obviously its a lot more difficult to "right the ship" at the higher levels than it is at the mid to lower levels. Bosses were a big deal at the time but we also know that nobody was all that high of a level at the time they were introduced and they could have easily decided to change things up as its was still relatively easy to level up at those levels. A good example of someone not doing this has posted in this particular thread...they simply decided to stay their course and allowed everyone else to leave them in the dust despite the solution being right in front of them as had been proven by all those that changed their direction and prospered whether higher or lower in level at the time.

    I think I may have inadvertently mislead some of the community members replying to this post by omitting "a partial reallocation" as one of the poll selections. I never intended to mean a total reallocation on a limited basis...that would just be crazyy for a lot of the reasons u suggested.

    I think certain attributes would need to be off limits for the most part except in the rarest and extreme situations brought on by Kano themselves. Depending on the game I think Stam or energy would fall into the "off limits" category as a player would have benefited much more from these attributes in terms of SP and levels as they would have with the other attributes such as att. , def. and health. With that said there has been instances where stamina has been allowed to be reallocated elsewhere, even though the situation was not all that extreme and the cap was in place long before players even noticed it yet they continued to allocate SP to stamina.

    I think allowing partial reallocation down to the last achievement is the way to go for the most part. But as u said this could be problematic if a player just recently reached an achievement. In those case Kano would have to go in an delete an achievement and their corresponding rewards. But lets face it...we are only talking about allowing this in a few rare circumstances, that being the case I dont think it would be all that difficult for Kano to switch things around a lil bit.

    In the end I think it need to be limited to the rarest of occasions where kano changed the game and it had detrimental affect on players that are way to high a level to realistically right the ship in a reasonable amount of time. That would eliminate about 99.9% of the players that have ever played these games. When I started this thread I was just curious as to how players thought...I was surprised a lil bit in that I thought more might want the option to reallocate everything. I wasnt surprised at all though that most said "no...not under any circumstances" I think it just goes to show how selfish they are and a lack of foresight. Obviously most players will never be in a situation brought on by Kano that would have them wanting/needing to re-allocate, but I would willing to bet nearly anything each and everyone of them (of a decent level)would be screaming to reallocate if indeed Kano did do something that adversely effected their games in a big way
  19. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Not selfish, smart, if someone is not smart enough to read up or ask questions or ask other players for advice, Oh well there is plenty of info out there and plenty of players willing to share their game strategies ,for 99 %(or more) of players , reallocation is a Big No NO,it is one of the reasons these games are good,we have all had things added or tweaked,feature wise, that may make someone decide to change directions and we are all still playing ,I have seen what reallocation can do to a game, if ya want a crap shoot then play Craps.
  20. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    @polish: yes, we agree here. Righting the ship is far, far easier up to level 4k, I'd say. At 6, 8, 10, 12k it becomes increasingly more difficult to hammer out flaws in your build. Hell, I can already feel it that I neglected stam too long. Soon I'll have to add to it in a tour de force.

    A partial reallocation on a case by case basis after extreme changes to the game is the only way I can see this being a viable option, any other way madness lies.

    And yes, Stam and Energy should definitely be off limits. I also think the sanest choice would be allowing reallocation to the last achievement, as deleting achievements and the cost it will have might prove rather difficult.

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