In regards to your response to "gazmber"...YIKES!. Im not loiking that idea at all, it just takes away from the whole importanc of clan thing. In addition.....we cant even join the elites of someone in our own guild who we arent clan does it make sense to allow non clan to share bosses? Is this idea only going to be for links in the job area of the chat? So the link posted in the jobs area will be diff than my actual boss link? What im getting to is....if a clan member copies my boss link that I didnt post to "jobs", can they send that to a non clan member of mine and they will be able to get on it?
In regards to your reply to me....... Not trying to violate "wheatons law" but if part of the issue is that some of the ideas players would like more take up more banbwith than other things such as does it make sense to add anything that is not greatly wanted by the players? Even if the chat takes up little bandwith....its still taking some of the available bandwith which would seem to perpetuate the issue of precious bandwith when it came to the updates players would like more. Make sense?
This whole bandwith thing confuses me anyways. i thought when we moved to Kanoplay we were suppose to have all this extra room available that was suppose to make more things possible, especially when one considers how fewer players there are than were on MS. I even get more confused in regards to the issue when i think about the problems some of us are having in regards to personal loadout page lag. If we have so much more resource available to us on KP than w did MS than why are we having this problem? Cant they just designate more space to the personal loadout pages and alleviate the lag? If not...and bandwith really is a great concern then im left to wonder.....would Kano play even be able to handle a large number of new players without incurring even more lag issues?
Im the least tech savy guy in the I may very well be out in left field here somewhere. Im just curious because to my extremely unskilled ears it sounds like conflicting messages. My apologies for my cluelessness.
Last edited: Oct 30, 2013