[PC] Introducing the Job Board!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by mi7ch, Oct 30, 2013.

  1. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Avast, mateys!

    We're rolling out a new feature to the pop-out chat today called the Job Board. This new area will allow you to freely post help links (Adventures, Bosses, Challenges, etc) without using up your Speakers.

    The chat is geared so that you can't spam a link, so be mindful with what you post! Here's how the Job Board will look:

    job board.jpg

    On Bosses, Adventures and wherever else you send out Help requests, you'll find a new button down on the bottom which will automatically publish the link for you on the Job Board. Please bare in mind that you still have to have the person in the Captain's list to help out with their post. It looks like this:

    job board link.jpg

    Give it a try! It's just on Pirate Clan for now, but we expect it to make its way to the other games soon. Please let us know if you have any feedback or if the Job Board is making your chat window act funky.
  2. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Looking good so far:)
  3. Gazember

    Gazember Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    I tried out, but none of who posted was in my captains list.
    I don't understand, why is the need to duplicate the feed? Even if the feed is full of delays and filters... many times something (adventure, challenge or boss helps) shows up with a delay of a few minutes, or in 15-20 minutes vanishes from it and if I click on that persons profile I can see that is still there the help request. I don't want to be a smartass, but a delay-filter free feed would be more awesome.
  4. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Im just a little confused as to why there has been such an emphasis on the chats. With all the the heavily debated topics and highly rated ideas that have been around for months or in some cases over a year....it just seems odd that the chat seems to be a priority. Even player submitted ideas about the chat seem to be taking a backseat to chat stuff Ive never heard or read anybody asking for. I understand the social aspects importance but we already have numerous ways to communicate. IDK....but to me the chats are a low priority. The most glaringly obvious and most requested that Ive seen is for names on the side chat. It just seems goofy we dont have names especially when one considers most players havent even created avatars yet. We dont even know whos talking half the time....lol
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2013
  5. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    @Gazember We're looking in to opening up boss links to non-Captains in the Job Board, which should give people some more incentive to use it.

    @polish I hear what you're saying, but from a development stand-point it takes much less time and bandwidth to give the chat a bit more functionality and a refresh than some other things we're working on at this moment in time. Those things are still being worked on, but given their complexity the chat changes appear to be coming in much faster. We're not placing a heavy emphasis on the chat over anything else, it just appears that way due to the rapid nature of the releases.

    We're also keenly aware that the chat is deficient in some areas, so we're working on that as well.
  6. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    In regards to your response to "gazmber"...YIKES!. Im not loiking that idea at all, it just takes away from the whole importanc of clan thing. In addition.....we cant even join the elites of someone in our own guild who we arent clan with....how does it make sense to allow non clan to share bosses? Is this idea only going to be for links in the job area of the chat? So the link posted in the jobs area will be diff than my actual boss link? What im getting to is....if a clan member copies my boss link that I didnt post to "jobs", can they send that to a non clan member of mine and they will be able to get on it?

    In regards to your reply to me....... Not trying to violate "wheatons law" but if part of the issue is that some of the ideas players would like more take up more banbwith than other things such as chat......how does it make sense to add anything that is not greatly wanted by the players? Even if the chat takes up little bandwith....its still taking some of the available bandwith which would seem to perpetuate the issue of precious bandwith when it came to the updates players would like more. Make sense?

    This whole bandwith thing confuses me anyways. i thought when we moved to Kanoplay we were suppose to have all this extra room available that was suppose to make more things possible, especially when one considers how fewer players there are than were on MS. I even get more confused in regards to the issue when i think about the problems some of us are having in regards to personal loadout page lag. If we have so much more resource available to us on KP than w did MS than why are we having this problem? Cant they just designate more space to the personal loadout pages and alleviate the lag? If not...and bandwith really is a great concern then im left to wonder.....would Kano play even be able to handle a large number of new players without incurring even more lag issues?

    Im the least tech savy guy in the room...so I may very well be out in left field here somewhere. Im just curious because to my extremely unskilled ears it sounds like conflicting messages. My apologies for my cluelessness.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2013
  7. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    I am also confused about the "question" of non clan bosses links, If I am not clan I do not want non clan on a boss of mine ,Good thing I rarely go public with my bosses,:p
  8. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    @polishpimp sorry, I didn't mean bandwidth as in computer resources, I was speaking more to the time and manpower needed internally to work on chat. We're also making an effort to get to some of the player ideas that we've had on the backburner for a while.
  9. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Its all good Mitch. Even though its a bit off topic and im sure i have all the terminology wrong...Ide still be interested in knowing why the personal load out page seems to be having such issues when Kanoplay is suppose to have so much more resource availability than MS. Ide ask Smack myself but every time I go looking for him hes off dropping floaters into the straights of juan de fuca and he tells me to keep my nose outta his crap ;)
  10. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    The Personal Loadout is something that we're striving towards actually making progress on very soon (and that actually means something because usually I just say "it's still planned"). :)

    Kano Play does have more available resources than MS, but only in the sense that, since we're no longer bound to using Myspace's older server architecture (which, while I'm not sure, might have been allowed to obsolesce while they prepared to drop the games) the performance of the games are faster. It doesn't necessarily free us up personally to do more stuff, it was more of a side-benefit to our current player base on that network.
  11. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Well thats certainly good news. TY TY !
  12. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    So to answer this part of your question, I made it known to the devs that the notion of other players sharing your Bosses among non-Clan or, heaven forbid, your rivals, is a no-no.

    Additionally, I'm under the impression that the sharing will only work in the Job Board feed.
  13. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Im starting to think its not Halloween thats upon us, because its starting to feel a lot like Christmas....lol
  14. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    OK, we've made some adjustments to how the Job Board works for Bosses.

    If you choose to send you Boss out to the Job Board then anyone who clicks on the link in the board will be able to attack it (even non-Captains). As you can see in the image below there is some grey text explaining this.

    boss board.jpg

    The good news is that, if you come to another player's Boss from anywhere, you will not see the option to share the Boss. That option is available for the owner of the Boss alone. This is a screenshot from someone else's boss. Notice that I don't have the share options anymore.

    other players boss.jpg

    You can still ask for Boss help all the old ways, just be aware that if you use the Job Board link everyone can see and attack your Boss.
  15. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    So if u post a boss to the job board than the normal link that accompanies every boss...wont be there? Thats way it looks and reads just want to clarify that it would be impossible for anyone other than clan to get on a boss of mine unless I post it to the job board.
  16. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    That link will still be there as it always has been, I just blacked it out because I used another player's boss. Just trying to be considerate :)

    But yes, non-Clan shouldn't be able to get in on a Boss of yours unless you post it to the Job Board.
  17. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

  18. Gazember

    Gazember Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    tried again to help on a boss but still : This Pirate needs to be your Captain before you can help them out in their Boss Battle. Send invite!

    Re: I checked, that boss was started 10hrs ago, on a recently started boss by a non-Captain I could join
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 1, 2013
  19. Gazember

    Gazember Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    In a browser anyone can right-click on any link even if that is in the chat and select Copy Link Location and he has the link in his clipboard. :confused::rolleyes:
  20. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    i do not like the idea of sharing bosses with non clan or enemies. to me it seems like sharing with enemies would hurt you or your guild/clan even more

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