Kongregate viking clan

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by George Burd, Sep 17, 2013.

  1. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    Can we get a idea of what numbers we need to reach before arena and guild wars opens on our server?
  2. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    We don't have an exact number we'd like to reach, but hopefully we can look towards having these features implemented on Viking Clan in the near future. We're trying to build the community there so it reaches critical mass.
  3. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    maybe if some more interactive features were available it would draw more people
  4. Brosnik

    Brosnik Active Member

    The more 'sticky' the site is the more people will return after they look in. I know of several who had an initial look and thought it was not interesting enough for them so don't actually play. Maybe a better front page would help? Maybe something that really obviously helps newbies to understand the game rather than forcing them to waste their first few hours trying to find out what it is all about and how to play - if they actually last that long.
  5. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    @Brosnik that's some good feedback right there. It may also be something we're looking in to as well... ;)
  6. Brosnik

    Brosnik Active Member

    Thanks mi7ch that is helpful to know. I know that from the front page you can get to 'helps,' but when you are a newbie you don't know that. The first thing a newbie is going to do is NOT read a rule book in my opinion, but is going to give any game a few clicks to see what it is all about. Just suggesting that their first few clicks, or up to level 5 or 10 or something like that should perhaps be really obvious (I didn't say easy). Higher players would welcome fresh blood I am sure and would not consider that they are being robbed if the first few goes were VERY helpful to newbies in some way. If so it may even be something that we are never even aware of. Then after attainment of a certain low level you may have caught a new player. From then on it kind of reverts to normal as they leave 'boot camp' and get into the real game.

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