Cloudwalkers, Demigods, and Songreavers

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Mr. Murphy, Sep 26, 2013.

  1. Mr. Murphy

    Mr. Murphy New Member

    Are about the most useless upgrades I've ever seen. 175 favor points for this stuff? LOL

    Do they come with adaptive technology?

    KANO on that $$$$$$ hunt!!
  2. Lawskar

    Lawskar Member

    An interesting move for sure... It's kinda what we were asking for, but prima facie a less straight forward purchase than their predecessors.
    Just can't get passed the notion, the enhanced battle boosts may be the way to go. It's the only bonus which relies solely on skill point allocation..
    The increase in adventure gold and hoarding esp offers precious little by way of character development..
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2013
  3. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    I think its a total waste of fps for what it gives you and it doesn't even add on to what you've already selected character wise....that being said, im saving up to get one of them xD
  4. Brosnik

    Brosnik Active Member

    I spend a while doing a comparison with the existing characters & the one I have. I too came to the conclusion that it is a lot of FP's for small beer. In my opinion there is only one of them that I consider to be anywhere near viable. Having said that, I too am saving up like Demonik1 - LOL
  5. Can't the Devs cut us guys that had already upgraded out character already? We never had the option of upgrading back when we got ours, and if we buy the latest and greatest, the one we have will be a waste of money. The stats is not that much significant to spend an additional 175 God Points either. How about giving us long time loyal customers a break?
  6. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    I agree, since buying the new character doesn't add on to the previous one we spent 100 fps on, then we should be able to get a discount.
  7. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    So let me get this straight....the numbers dont build off and improve from the last character upgrades? ROFLMAO!
  8. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    I think, I might be missing something here, but as far as I can see, a new character does improve your stats.

    I'm using the Cloudwalker and I have more money and more energy and my adventures cost less energy. Also, they come with 3 cutting edge items, which, if you had to buy them as limited items, would cost you a whooping 90 FP's a set. Also, they're stronger than the current limited quantity items. So, in the end you're paying 85 FP's for an increase to Energy Regen, cash regen, less energy intense adventures and increased cash gains from adventures with a Cloudwalker. I consider this an acceptable deal, but others might see this otherwise.
  9. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Does it improve it from the numbers that were enhanced by the last character upgrade or does it improve them from the numbers you had before the last character upgrade? Will be interesting to see if the character upgrades piggy back one another. If they dont whats the point of buying now? Im looking forward to seeing what kind of difference there is between the upgrade available at 1850 and 12k (or whatever level the top upgrade is available). Considering the difference in levels and the difficulty and length in time it takes to get to such a higher level the difference should be of epic proportions. Why do I have this funny feeling Im going to be underwhelmed?

    Interesting that the limited items given with the upgrade are comparable to some of the better ones available for purchase being that the upgrade is available at 1850. I wonder what the numbers will be for the limited items that come with the character upgrades at the higher levels? If they are similar that would seem a little outta whack. It seems to me that what ever limited items come with the highest level upgrade should be vastly superior than something available at such a low level. After all....they havent upgraded the numbers of past purchased limited items in some time now and even when they have they arent comparable to the latest items. Will be interesting indeed.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2013
  10. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Yes, your regen times are reduced further with the new characters. Skald: 55 seconds = 1 Energy, Income every 42 minutes. Cloudwalker: 50 Seconds = 1 Energy, Income every 40 minutes.

    The probability of being underwhelmed? Hell, I don't expect these promised characters to bring epic changes to one's gameplay, simply from the base deduction that overly increased regen times for Stam/Energy/Cash are likely to blow up in the developers' faces. At most, I'd guess that an energy/cash character would have energy every 30 seconds and money every 30 minutes with adventures possibly having a 5% reduction in energy cost. That's the estimation for a level 12k character, I might be extremely off the mark with that, though.

    Should the old limited items get another upgrade? Hell yes, some of them are so horribly outdated it's not even funny any more. 150 total points less than the current cutting edge items? Weaker than Weekend/Month Calendar items. Yes to both. Oh, the loyalty ítems could do with an upgrade too, the standard items are currently approaching the strength of Alexandrite items.

    I also agree that the items coming with the characters for the higher levels should definitely be quite a bit stronger than any limited item currently available to anyone. Otherwise there is no real point to strive for these levels. When you can get comparable items for your loadout at any level, striving for a new character becomes a reduced priority.
  11. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Yeah...I tend to agree....but maybe well get lucky and this will be the one time Kano really comes through for the higher levels....maybe even make up for the neglect and limitations. ROFLMAO! SY....I tried my hardest to keep a straight face..... but had I held it in any longer Ide have blown brains out my nose rather than snot. ;)
  12. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    yeah but I noticed if I were to choose the demigod it would change my reduced income regen of 42 mins to an hour....that's not adding to what ive already purchased
  13. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member ye Gods giveth with one hand and taketh away with thy other. Oh well...Im sure it was out of "necessity" to maintain the "balance". Whether thats the games "balance" or kanos bank "balance" Im not sure.....the window of "transparency" has become quite blurred
  14. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    I might buy 1 if 85 points and say screw the weapons/warrior, 175 FP'S is way to much after have already spent 100 on the previous upgrade character.
  15. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    im going to complain the entire time im saving up 175 fps but yet im still saving and I will still get it and im sure kano knows this and there are plenty of people that don't have the patience to wait
  16. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    LOL, true but what about you buy the one available "when save up the 175 fp's" and the next day after your purchase next one comes out, going to save again? Maybe they should of waited untill all were ready depending on what level your at in game and do it in 1 shot. Just my opinion.

    Just did some quick math for SKALD VIKING->SONGWEAVER (In 24 hrs this is the difference you'll get)
    85 more stamina
    556 less energy
    1.7 more times a day current income
    Yup great deal for 175 FP's LOL, PFFFT.

    Guess get this as well +0.25% power boost applied when you are Attacking and Defending in Battles.
    +1.5% more Gold in Adventures.
    -1% on Hoard deposit fees.
    And the 3 items
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2013
  17. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    the only one I like is the demigod and after I get it i'll lose about 12 trill a day from my profit which isn't a huge deal but its still effed up that im spending 175 fps and it makes ANY area of my account worse. what sense does that make?? did anyone from kano think about this at all or was it an oversight?
  18. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    There is pros n cons as far as positive and negative numbers with the first character upgrade as well (leve 100) which kinda made sense in that they were the first of a series and no one character was going to be perfect for any one player. But now that we have moved on to the newer character upgrades they should have followed the same lines as the previous characters upgrades in that they had the same attributes. If a a player changed character lines then I can see why there would be negatives but as long as they retained the same line there shouldnt be any going backwards of numbers....especially when one consider the price of both upgrades combined was 275 FP/UN. OUCH!
  19. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    well as far as adding the cost of the 2 characters, that's a moot point for me cause its been ages since I spent that 100 and have spent thousands since....I just think that purchasing any of the new ones should only add to what you've already bought
  20. geckster99

    geckster99 Member

    should be 175 ; people only value what they pay for And the thrill of waiting And doing those levels ; the strategic choices made all determine the game. Only thing i don't like is the green, so wouldnt go there so the cloudwalker as the german said, is where i'll go. Its a status symbol more than anything else Am sure it will work ; its a game of small percentages And application ; theres never epic change

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