Does it improve it from the numbers that were enhanced by the last character upgrade or does it improve them from the numbers you had before the last character upgrade? Will be interesting to see if the character upgrades piggy back one another. If they dont whats the point of buying now? Im looking forward to seeing what kind of difference there is between the upgrade available at 1850 and 12k (or whatever level the top upgrade is available). Considering the difference in levels and the difficulty and length in time it takes to get to such a higher level the difference should be of epic proportions. Why do I have this funny feeling Im going to be underwhelmed?
Interesting that the limited items given with the upgrade are comparable to some of the better ones available for purchase being that the upgrade is available at 1850. I wonder what the numbers will be for the limited items that come with the character upgrades at the higher levels? If they are similar that would seem a little outta whack. It seems to me that what ever limited items come with the highest level upgrade should be vastly superior than something available at such a low level. After all....they havent upgraded the numbers of past purchased limited items in some time now and even when they have they arent comparable to the latest items. Will be interesting indeed.
Last edited: Sep 28, 2013