Im having difficulty understanding what your trying to say. There's already a leader board category for "battle kills" which includes "slap kills". Im all for more leader board categories but I cant see having 2 categories for the same thing. Is that what your sying? Have 2 categories...1 for battle kills and 1 for slap kills? That seems redundant to me.
Achievements and leader board categories are 2 completely different things. Health has an achievement(which is severely outdated btw) not a leader board category. The amount of ones slap damage is largely dependent on ones health but I dont think it is the sole factor. Maybe Im wrong about that ...Im not entirely sure. If slap damage does rely entirely on the amount of ones health then they way slap damage amounts are derived is even more absurd than I previously thought and shouldnt have any type of category at all.
Kills is what this game is largely about....its a shame Kano doesnt make them more important. Its also a shame that the higher in levels or the stronger you become makes it easier to kill a higher level than a lower seems totally contradictory and counter productive to the whole idea of these games which is to level up and get stronger.
Last edited: Sep 29, 2013