load out page

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by polishpimp, Sep 17, 2013.

  1. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Kano can you please do something with our personal load out page? For some reason that page is much slower than all the others. Im sure there is some technical reason for why this is but its really become annoying to perform such a simple task as changing ones load out. Whether switching from one currently used item to another, selecting a new item to put in ones load out or simply trying to change your inventory selection from att to def its always delayed. Once an action has been started a player is then stuck being unable to perform another action until the load out action has processed. More than a few times when ive been tinkering with my load out Ive been put up on bounty and not been able to heal quick enough because I had to wait for the load out action to process.

    The flow of the game is very important. Personally I like to fly around performing one action after another on diff pages without interruption especially when im short on time. It seems more and more little tweaks have been put in to slow things down and for someone like me it goes from monotonous to frustrating. Another couple of examples would be the newly tweaked skull heal tab, the annoying message one gets when trying to do calendars/challenges, excessive windows opening when gifting.

    Anything to help speed up the games is a plus. Thanks
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2013
  2. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    it would also be nice if there was 2 tabs for load outs.....tab A for att.....tab B for def..then all you would have to do is click A or B and your load out would be there. Just a thought ..thanks
  3. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    hey larry that type of idea has been said before and from what i can remember it got decent score
  4. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

  5. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    back to the original post....the loadout page is and has always been slow as hell and its gotten worse since the move to kanoplay

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