Well I suppose its my turn to chime in. A couple of shout outs before I go into my rant....lol. For starters...Congrats to Fielding for taking first in the last arena. Despite what anyone thinks or says you won it fair n square within the rules and guidelines set forth by Kano. WTG! Secondly.....WTG LARRY! Maybe now all the haters out there( some that have posted in this thread) will recognize you for VC stud u are. How many time have we heard all the jealous haters say u only get what u do in the arena courtesy of JJ n I? Considering U finished better than normal, we didnt even play and all of them finished well below you....I guess everyone now knows what some of us have known all along..... YOU DA MAN and they're all a bunch of whiny lil turds who look to tear down others due to their own inadequacies. Im sure they will just find something else to hate on but who cares...U showed them for what they truly are.
As far as the arena itself goes...what a complete embarrassment for Kano. Way to completely ruin another feature KANO! Cant say I didnt tell ya something like this was going to happen. Youve now officially turned a feature that was in your own words "a feature designed for players with short battle lists that liked the PVP aspect" into a complete and utter joke. Its not Fielding fault....hes an uber high level with great numbers....he did exactly what you designed the arena to be,reward and promote (inactivity). Even though myself and others have been telling you all along this was going to happen. The signs have been there from day one with more inactive performing well than active players. You did nothing about it and this is what we get.....all the players that spent FP on refills got the shaft while the person who won was off at the beach doing anything but playing your game. If the message u wanted to send was HEY GUYS.....PLAY OUR GAME LESS AND BE REWARDED ...then ya ya hit the mark! Who cares if he only got rewards for 26th place....he still got an achievement for being in the top 5% just like all the other inactive players that have gotten similar achievements and their corresponding rewards for doing nothing while all the others that were throwing coin in to your coffers and took the time to actually play your game got ye olde shaft up the kazoo with with no KY treatment.
A lot of players would like to win an arena Kano and they do exactly what you hope of them to do in an attempt to make that happen, do u actually think that a high level inactive player winning the arena is going to give them the incentive to play? You guys have done a lot of great things with these games over the years but unfortunately its one step forward two steps back way to often.
Like I said previously....its not the inactive players fault for utilizing the do nothing strategy .... you guys have made it so the arena both promotes it and rewards it. Why not just have everyone enter and pick the top 25 at random? So much for an epic free for all designed for players who like the PVP aspect. When do we get the auto pilot tab? I could think of a few other things I could be doing while letting my game play itself. Come to think of it....why are bots illegal again? Isnt it because you dont want players to advance or excel in the games while not actually doing anything themselves? Perhaps with your new attitude towards things you should change the name to Robo-arena...where many will enter and one lucky inactive person will emerge victorious!
Last edited: Sep 11, 2013