Ben thanks for the kind words. Dutch it wasn't brilliant - in reality I likely only won because Mr. and Mrs. Blimp either forgot to play or because they were busy. (a couple of players being galactically stupid and committing suicide on me had alot to do with it) Larry just FYI - I got full rewards. If that offends you, not sure what to tell you. I'm the top ranked Viking on here - and it's suicide to try and have 1 person take me out. I'd have won whether I was in defense mode or not. I really don't know who deserves what or who does not deserve what. If KANO had not given me full rewards, I'd not have really cared. As they give me full rewards, I'll gladly accept them. We've had this discussion already. \ But Larry if you would prefer - maybe one day I'll not be in defense mode - and figure out who you are in there, and go after you with my 32,000 attack. Would you prefer that?
Congrats Fielding..... LOL Larry sounds really butt hurt about you winning hahaha sucks to be him... too bad i forgot about it as well but hey least PARA got the win
I am not hurt and IMO Fielding should not get full rewards because he did NOT get 100 hit in. If he did then Kano needs to take them away from him because he did not do the minimum. I stand behind what i say about all inactives should be taken out of the reward tier and those spots given to active players.
My apologies But I did not get full rewards. I got partial rewards, which again is more than fine by me. 10 favor points, and several hundred trillion in gold - maybe 1 quad in gold? No favor points. Again this is all fine by me. No sense in complaining. Heck I'm just glad to have won the thing.
if someone wins BA without doing the min 100 attacks i dont see an issue they already lose 10% health for not doing the 100 attacks anyway
lolol I barely read any of these comments but I thought this one was hilarious dutch...brilliant? dude FORGOT to play, wasn't even in dmode or anything...just sat there and collected hahaha
Actually his def. stance is just a little over two hours. And he does have a really strong account that the average player would not be able to overcome easily. But the rules are, he was completely inactive and will only receive the rewards of a rank of #50. I think that's more than fair since he never plays. He just got lucky this time. WTG Fielding, way to shoot yourself in the foot.
Cha Cha As I've said 3x both here - in another feed, and on the world chat in KANO VC - more than 1/2 the reason I won was you and yours didn't play. The rest was due to the fact that multiple people committed suicide attacking me. Most everyone knows that you and yours win the KANO arena more often than anyone else. That's because y'all and Larry and whoever else work as a team well. No one is arguing that. And my dear Cha Cha, as many times as I've broken my ankle, don't you think it's time that I injured my foot another way - such as shooting it? Quite honestly I don't see what all the fuss is about. I won something - which is nice - but I'm nowhere near the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th when it comes to performing in the KANO arena. If I got the reward levels of a 50th ranked player, fine by me. YIPPEE!!!
Well which is it? Ten favor points or no favor points. I don't have the reward tier in front of me atm, but I think you get two favor points of rank #50. And as for "winning", that's a controversial statement at best. Does one win for doing absolutely nothing? As anyone who has ever spoken to you knows, you go out of town 99% of all the beach if I recall. Something about two chick magnets in the shape of corvettes?? And, as you correctly surmised, Polish and I were not in this arena. Life happens and sometimes we just can't make it. But all this is kinda funny. When Kano announced their plans for a battle arena, it was originally designed for fighting............not hiding in defensive mode till it's over. This is probably the first time anyone made it to #1 without lifting a finger but imo Kano should not allow that. Defensive mode IS a strategy but hardly deserving of first place with others fought hard to reach their rankings. Again, just my opinion. And if Kano does feel that someone who doesn't lift a finger in the arena is deserving of first place, then the battle arena has come a full 180 from its original design and intent I believe. Still, for now, as I said, wtg Fielding.
You misunderstand me, for the most part, Fielding. I'm not all that upset that YOU reached #1. I think the fault lies with Kano. You do have a very strong account, mostly due to the thousands, or is it millions (kidding), of skill points you have had to allocate above your nearest rival. And you earned them fair and square, well, a large part of them anyway. I just don't think the BATTLE arena was meant to be a HIDING arena. It's for battling. At least that is how it was represented to us in the beginning. It is so far from Kano's original intent at this point, before this happened, that it's barely recognizable now. Now it's more of a Hide and Reach the Highest Level Your Defensive Mode Allows arena. And that's too big a title for the navigation bar.
but the big thing about it is an inactive won it and that will always stand big time...congrates fielding to your win in vc arena...
Personally, I think that's wonderful that Battle Arena is still being offered from the remaining players in Kano 2 (former myspace) All those who did participate should be commended. One the other hand I would like to say sometimes arena does not fall on times when people are able to play. That wonderful little thing called life does take precedence. I do fail to understand as to why VC Battle Arena is such a concern of yours Ben? If I remember correctly you are the self proclaimed "Sea Master". Is there no one left playing PC Battle Arena? Have you and your cohorts driven them all to Facebook?
Actually my dear Cha Cha - I don't misunderstand you one bit. Nor did I misunderstand Ben, or anyone else who posted. I won something that sooner or later I had to win. I'm just shocked that there is a thread about it, and that it's garnered so much interest. You're likely right it was not meant to be a "hiding arena". But your significant other and Larry and I have been back and forth with that topic. Thanks to Ben, Cha Cha, Matthew, and everyone else for the well wishes. Now back to offending people.
My dear Cha Cha Yes I was at the beach with my 61 Corvette. But at my advanced age they're no longer "chick magnets". More likely I look like a "fading legend in my own mind". To answer your question, I have no idea if I got favor points or not. If I did, they weren't very many. Hence the reason I found out I didn't get full rewards. Otherwise I'd never have known. I'm rather comatose that way.
My way of playing Viking clan really does not mesh well with the concept of the Battle Arena. I used to actually go out very early. Once I may have been the 1st to go out? Certainly one of the 1st 5 to be killed. My idea of playing VC is to find someone and attack them over and over and over again. Doesn't work well with the arena.