[LCN] New Achievements for Mob Wars: La Cosa Nostra

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by mi7ch, Aug 28, 2013.

  1. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Hey everybody,

    Just to let you know, we're putting five new level achievements in the game along with five new Gamer Point achievements! If you're over the barrier for these achievements already, just be aware that they will not immediately pop up; you have to gain another level or earn some more Gamer Points to make these achievements appear. These are achievements that we meant to release back in early June along with the Viking Clan ones, but unfortunately there were events beyond our control that prevented that. Sorry for the delay, and happy achievement hunting!

  2. HammerTime

    HammerTime Member

    Why don't you add the achievements we've all been asking for for months and months now? All you've done is favor the top player again by putting out achievements that only benefits the one player, you're thinking in this game is way off, what about the rest of us, what about all the other achievements we've been asking and waiting for?? Where's our new city achievements, that's a prime example of your lack of listening to people. For months and months im guessing about a year now, we've been asking for more city achievements but you say that not enough people are over 50 bill income, well take a look again because plenty of people are way passed the 50 bill achievement, jeez im nearly at 400 bill, stop favoring the one player and start doing stuff that benefits all of us, seems like everything said in this forum about what we want in this game is ignored or totally changed with your own bs ideas
  3. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Hi HammerTime,

    As I specified in my original post, these are achievements that we meant to release earlier this summer but were delayed due to a certain circumstance. We're continuing to work on achievements for other parts of the game and you'll be able to see the fruits of our labors in the near future.
  4. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Kanos way of thinking is way off? There is no doubt that there is a whole lot of achievements that need to be both updated and added but what makes u think that the particular ones u are looking forward to are somehow more important? Lets not forget that every high leveled player was once a low and mid level player that had to go through all the same crap and even more than u did. For as long as u have waited....they have waited longer. Months? In some case weve been waiting years....not only for achievements but new/updated content as well. Id love to see some new city/rule/ empire achievements as well. In VC the top achievement for income is 1t im sitting at nearly 13t, the top hoard achievement is 1Q im nearing 50Q but what makes that more important than say the number of bounties set, the number of consecutive battle victories or actually winning an arena?

    In the end bro...your about as far off base as u can possibly get ....the highest leveled players have never been favored in these games and in fact take it in the shorts more than any other sect of players. Level in theses games is as close as it gets to a culmination of pretty much everything we do in these games it makes perfect sense that those achievements are taken care of first.

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