Kanoplay/MS VCBattle arena 8/26/13

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by polishpimp, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Something seriously needs to be done about the arena until participation numbers increase....this latest arena was a complete joke.

    For starters...its seems the old issue of the fight page not refreshing correctly/randomly is apparently back.

    most if not all the active players in this arena were dead in approx 30 minutes....the remaining few hours was akin to watching paint dry and I found myself wishing someone would drag their fingernails across a chalkboard just to know i was still alive and kickn. the last 3 or so hours was nothing but sitting around waiting for players to come out of Defensive stance. The arena has become basically nothing more than a competition of either whos got the most Def stance and whos got the most time to sit and wait em out.. With participation numbers being what they are the importance of heavy D is just ridiculous. Active players in the arena are becoming fewer with every arena.....its just ridiculous. Something needs to be done until the numbers increase.....its not a free for all battle to the death.....its a hurry up and wait until the guy not even manning his account comes out of Dstance...another feature just being destroyed because it promotes inactivity. How does it benefit Kano to have players enter the arena and then go do anything else other than play the game? Youve created an environment that rewards inactivity....that makes zero sense.
  2. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    I have to agree as I had to refresh my fight list 4 times just to find someone not in D-mode. I really do not understand why anyone should get a reward for doing nothing more than signing up.
  3. Grand Master Fielding

    Grand Master Fielding Active Member

    Well my dear Blimp - as I've stated before - because of the consistently changing times of the Battle Arena - most of us really can't play it, so guys like me have to log into defense mode and then just hope for the best. Right now for KANO VC - we need people to play the game. Seems to me it's best that we not penalize anyone for signing up for battle arena - even if you might not like how guys like me play. And since you're consistently winning - along with your significant other - you should be quite happy about how you are doing - and not want any changes to the current system.
  4. Grand Master Fielding

    Grand Master Fielding Active Member

    Well my dear Larry - let me try it this way - how's about I not play and then when you and Jill and Blimp and UVOD are not able to kill me, and y'all don't get the big health boost - see where I'm going?

    Let's focus for now on getting more people to play KANO VC and get into the battle arena. And once you get 1000 plus people playing Battle Arena, then worry about guys like me in defense mode. Make sense to you?
  5. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    With all due respect Fielding...your missing my/the point. For starters ...my individual results make no difference here, my results and that fact that ive been fortunate enough to enjoy some success despite the excessive handicaps is a whole other topic which I have indeed talked about in other threads.

    I agree that we need more players to play the game and that is in large part what this thread is about. The arena is no longer what it once was in terms of fun due to the lack of players and now the overwhelming majority doing nothing but sitting in Defensive stance.

    Yes, there are those that simply cant make it for one reason or another very much like yourself, but from what Ive experienced thats not the issue. More and more players are at the wheel of their accounts yet doing nothing in terms of attack...they simply sit there wait until they are attacked and then go into Def. stance. With the handicaps being what they are and the incurred damage while hitting someone in def. stance it is in no way a viable option to attack someone while in Def stance until the very latest rounds when ones attack is multiplied a great deal. So what we have here is way to much emphasis on def in an aspect of the game that Kano claimed was suppose to reward balanced builds. I guess you could call going into Def stance from the beginning a strategy but in an arena that only lasts a few hours at most that would be a stretch.

    If we want/need players to join/play perhaps we should actually give them an incentive to rather than having features that are akin to watching paint dry. Perhaps Kano should create an environment that actually rewards activity rather than inactivity. I dont see how its exactly good for the game if Joe blow signs up for the arena, puts themselves in Def. stance and is off n running to go shopping and then comes back and rakes in his rewards in term s of both rank and achievements. While on the other hand the common player who actually wants to play and support the games by being active and using stam refills stand less of a chance than their inactive counterparts. I think its important to remember why the arena came to be....Kano wanted players who had little or no rival pages yet who loved the PVP aspect of the games to have something to do. Its no stretch of the imagination to claim that we are way off that mark at this point.

    This could easily be rectified by lengthening the arena to a point where the average player doesnt have enough defensive stance to ride out most if not all an arena. How do we lengthen the arena? Adjust the multiple attack slider to reflect the actual number of players that have entered. With the current number of participants on average the multi attack slider should be dialed back to 2 or even 1 per. When and if participation numbers increase the slider could be dialed back up. Pretty much the same idea that is behind the rewards being based on participation numbers.

    Im happy with my results...Ive done fairly well despite the handicaps both before and after the inception of the multi attack slider. But this isnt about me...its about balance and bringing players in. The current system does everything but.

    To be completely honest....the multiple attack slider and the current low participation numbers works out great for a player like me...I get the same results in a fraction of the time. It drove me nuts when the arena dragged on seemingly forever when it was a single attack per. But now that Ive played under both systems I can see that its hurting the lesser players that want to actually get in there and mix it up. The opportunity has been significantly decreased. Like I said previously....alll the active players were either dead or forced into D stance within a half hour....how is that in keeping with idea behind the arena and/or promote active game play? It doesnt, the arena now promotes and rewards inactivity which definitely seem defy the logic of its reasons for being
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2013
  6. Eric Thunderbone

    Eric Thunderbone Active Member

    If we're trying to get more players in the arena, scheduling it at 10:00 p.m. on a Saturday night may not be the best way to do it (unless you are calling it the "Virgin Arena" or some similar promotion)!

    </tongue in cheek>
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2013
  7. Grand Master Fielding

    Grand Master Fielding Active Member

    Thank you Eric - you're onto something. Seems that KANO could do a better job of timing the arena?
  8. Grand Master Fielding

    Grand Master Fielding Active Member

    Blimp - I think that Eric is onto something here - better timing of when the arena commences might help??
  9. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    IDK....4 diff start times is already options is it not? No one start time is going to be optimal for everyone. The 10pm pst start time is def not optimal for me.... but it does seem to better for some that are much further east in the world, as im sure a good start time for me is bad for others. Diff start times doesnt do anything in regards to Def stance being weighted so much more in such short arenas.
  10. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    Well my dear Larry - let me try it this way - how's about I not play and then when you and Jill and Blimp and UVOD are not able to kill me, and y'all don't get the big health boost - see where I'm going?

    Fielding as i see it you and all the ones that did nothing got all they deserve for rewards when they singed up, by allowing you to have more rewards means you cheated someone that was active out of getting what they earned. As far as start times go i feel that not all start times are good for me but i deal with it and dont complain
  11. Grand Master Fielding

    Grand Master Fielding Active Member

    Well - one could also state that if I weren't there for you and your guild to kill off the moment my Defense mode turned off, you'd maybe not get the rewards from my death- so maybe you'd not finish so high? Just something to think about.
  12. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Im not sure if your talking to me or Larry .....as nice as as your kill reward is ...up until this point it hasnt played a factor in winning. At that stage of the arena we all have a lot more health than we really need. But none the less...your kill reward is very impressive and alil extra health never killed anybody...lol
  13. Grand Master Fielding

    Grand Master Fielding Active Member

    I was talking to Larry - and while the kill reward that you and yours and Larry and UVOD have gotten certainly wasn't the main cause behind your winning so many times, it certainly was an aid in helping you win. Which is more than fine by me.
  14. Grand Master Fielding

    Grand Master Fielding Active Member

    Wasn't trying to sound hostile about this situation, but I was trying to give Larry another way to look at it, a view which he chooses to reject, which is his right as an American. Same with my right to think that Larry is looking at this in the wrong context.
  15. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    You didnt come across to me as sounding hostile and hopefully the same rings true for my words. Much to often the written word belies our true intent. Especially for someone like me whos blatant disregard for for proper punctuation has gotten me in more than a few unfortunate situations....lol. I wonder how many rivalries have started in these games because someone misunderstood what someone else was trying to say?

    Not trying to nitpick but I dont think Larry or UVOD ever got your kill reward. You being the big fish in the pond it takes JJ, me or both to get that job done.

    Perhaps Im wrong....but it sounded to me like Larry was just reiterating some of what I said....just in diff words. That the current situation in the arena is not in keeping with its original intent. I agree that we should focus on increasing participation....I just feel that creating an atmosphere that is more in keeping with what the arena was originally stated to be is the route to pursue. The current way seems a whole like like liberals wwer in charge of its design. It doesnt reward going out and actually "doing" so much as it rewards spreading the wealth and rewarding people for doing nothing.....Im sure you of all people understand what that way of thinking will get us....lol
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2013
  16. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    You are completely correct Polish. and I have never gotten Fieldings reward. I have never depended on his reward to help me finish where i do. :)
  17. Grand Master Fielding

    Grand Master Fielding Active Member

    Larry and Blimp:

    No offense was taken. And if it sounded hostile, wasn't my intent. I'm just looking at this from a totally different perspective was all. Either or - see you in the next arena. I'll be the guy in Defense mode - and one of y'all will likely be the guy/gal (if it's Cha Cha) sending me to Valhalla. Where I can read the Norse poem dedicated to the Ratatoskr.

    (What can I say - I really need a life).

    I'm gonna have to change my next arena name to something more - shall we say - Fielding like?

    HMMMMM what should that be lol. Whatever it is - it's gonna be something insulting to a certain Viking who we all know and well - kinda wonder about lol.
  18. As a mere minion I would like to add a few words on my experience of the last arena. I am (usually) a very active player in the arena and play to the original concept of fighting one's peers in an all out battle, character to character, with def mode as a strategy to fend off stronger foes if you need to at any point.

    However due to unforeseen circumstances I could not attend the last arena even though I had registered. I was shocked to find that I had earned FP's and XP when I awoke the next day. This was welcomed initially but on afterthought it did feel a little like cheating and left a bad taste in my mouth, so much so that for once I have not enabled my identity after the arena.

    I do believe the original concept of the arena was for player combat and it would be good to see it become that with defense mode as purely a strategic move for minimal time during combat. Maybe the amount of defense time could be somehow linked to the number of kills achieved so far during that particular arena??

    Anyway, that is only my view but I hope it helps the thread and ultimately the arena.
  19. bully thor

    bully thor Active Member

    i dont usually reply to threads so here's my 2 pence worth, how about you can not start arena in defence mode and it can only be activated after you done a certain amount of hits like 500-1000 this will get people on line and stop hiding, well thats my idea eaither you like it or hate it but up to you
  20. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Its nice to see that there are players that can get past selfishness in the hopes of making the games more in keeping as to their initial intent. TY!

    I like the idea of the amount of time in Defense somehow being linked to being active...its brilliant!

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