Kano Play Gets a New Look!

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by mi7ch, Aug 9, 2013.

  1. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    The second update we're putting out today is kind of a big one. Kano Play is getting a makeover and with that comes some nifty new features. You can see a screenshot of Kano Play's new look below (it comes with a cool slider that scrolls through all the games, too) but the change is both cosmetic and functional!

    Kano Play will be getting a chat feature in addition to a friend inviter and profiles/avatars all in the near future. We're beefing up Kano Play to make it much more appealing to our players, so I hope you can go over there and check it out! If there are any bugs or issues that come up with the new site, please post them here!

    Here's what Kano Play will look like from now on:


    Or, because the forum compressed that way smaller than anticipated, click here!
  2. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Looking good Kano....Keep up the good work!
  3. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    looking good and cant wait for the next update of the day.

    ONE_EYE_JOE New Member

    I like it!! Very cool!
  5. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Couple things that we will fix today:

    - Server 1 / Server 2 links in the footer
    - dropdown selection in the header to pick server to play on

    If you are having issues connecting to your preferred server, log out and log back in or hit the server links directly by changing the 1 to a 2 etc.
  6. gene illugi

    gene illugi Active Member

    dumb question # 1 - the servers , whichever server we choose we are playing our account , no need to have a different account for each server ? or is this a way to play more than 1 account , a different character for each server ?

    dumb question #2 - is the chat going to be like an IM ? i had suggested on other threads that what's needed is a facebook type IM system . we could have an IM window up while still playing the game . ( a little pop-up window on the side , out of the way of the game itself , capable of group messaging ) .

    now a comment - you guys are doing a great job . have a great weekend everyone .
  7. AlterEgoT

    AlterEgoT Well-Known Member

    Loving it thanks!

    Would love to see the invites not have to go back and forth 3 times and maybe show the game name instead of unknown slayer.

    Other than that. AWESOME JOB! Thanks!

    ETA: The only snag I've hit is if I click on a link from fb that uses kano play it gets all confused since I am usually logged into the ms one. I sometimes miss pk requests from it. Not a biggie but worth mentioning.
  8. Eric

    Eric Administrator

    Thanks all for the supportive comments!

    @gene - You only need one Kano Play account to play on either server. Server 1 however does require you to connect with Facebook. If your primary Facebook email is the same as your email registered on your Kano Play account, when you connect your accounts will be merged.
    For our initial release chat will contain public rooms per server and per game. Our next phase we'll look to do private rooms, thanks for the suggestions and feedback.

    @alter the invites through Kano Play will be more streamlined and clear thanks for the suggestion. Also thanks for noting the confusing link issue, we default to server 1 if there is no 'game_server' identification in the link, we will look to apply server tags on all links so this issue doesn't happen again.
  9. saywhy

    saywhy New Member

    Question about the two servers merging. Does that mean your Facebook chiefs would be added to you Kano Play chiefs if you do not I have the full 1000 chief limit?
  10. Eric

    Eric Administrator

    Your Kano Play website accounts will merge, each player you have on each server will still be separate.
  11. saywhy

    saywhy New Member

    Thank you Eric, I knew it was going to be a long shot in the dark, but I still had to ask...
  12. coolestcool

    coolestcool Member

    I must be the happiest player for this change because I can now access the kanoplay link since this change was made on my mobile phone. Before then, all I got was an almost blank page on Opera mini browser. It still need fixing because I still need to change from full page view to single column view otherwise, what I get is just the left hand side of the page. I can't scroll sideways to see the other half.
  13. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    @coolestcool What type of mobile phone do you use and what version of Opera is it? I'll pass this along to the developers but it would be good to get them as much information as possible first. :)
  14. coolestcool

    coolestcool Member

    I'm using Blackberry Curve 9370 with Opera Mini version 7.1.
  15. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Thanks for the information! We'll see what we can do to get this worked out.

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