New leaderboard idea

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Chima Ejim, Jul 30, 2013.

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  1. Chima Ejim

    Chima Ejim Banned

    This is only an idea suggestion. You should make a world leaderboard for the best win/lose fight ratios.

    Having the most fight kills and fight wins only gives bragging rights to the person who has no life and sits on the fight list 24 hours a day.

    Having a leaderboard for win/lose ratio is more based on who has the best fighting strategy or even defense.

    In other words, please make a leaderboard for people who have real lives and can't be online fighting all day. haha
    Thank you!

  2. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Once upon a time I liked this fact I suggested it years ago. But Ive since changed my mind. For starters....leader board status and achievements should reward those that play more not less. The fact that u consider someone who plays more to have no life is the lamest argument Ive ever heard and I would imagine ...quite offensive to some. I suppose you take exception to those players that actually put a few dollars at these games some how less than deserving as well?

    Not only are these competitive games but its a business as well...The whole idea is to get more players to play more and pay more which equates into dollars. By rewarding less play I think you would run the risk of promoting less play by some. Lets not forget how competitive some of the players out there really are and to what extremes they will go to achieve their goals. For starters a win/loss ratio would need to have a set minimum number of attacks to even qualify or there would be a huge number of abandoned accounts sitting atop of the leader board with a 100% rating with no chance of a casual or very active player ever taking over the top spot. Even if there was a minimum this could easily be abused as well by players with alt accounts just for something to do. Unfortunately thats just a reality of the games we play and some of the players that play them
  3. Chima Ejim

    Chima Ejim Banned

    You do not have to play the game less in order to achieve a higher ratio. You would need to have more attacks, but be careful who you attack. for example, do not attack the players who sit on this game 24hrs a day, since they will take it way too seriously and have a vengeance for you until you die.

    And I never said I had a problem with the achievements that require an insane amount of time. I am just saying that I would like to see an achievement that actually requires skill/strategy, instead of "how many hours can I sit here per day and how many times can I click the mouse today?"

    It is funny to me that you called my suggestion an "argument." Do you know what an argument is?

    Also, anyone who would be offended by my comment is obviously someone who spends way too much time playing this game. It is simple.

    I am not sure where you are getting your premises, but they have no relevance to anything I said in my original post. So I will ignore most of them.

    but I never said that players should be less rewarded either. Don't know where that one came from. lol

    This was only a suggestion to add one more thing to the leaderboard. It was not an attack on the players who have no lives and sit on the game all day.
  4. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Use Argument in a sentence
    ar·gu·ment [ahr-gyuh-muhnt] Show IPA
    an oral disagreement; verbal opposition; contention; altercation: a violent argument.
    a discussion involving differing points of view; debate: They were deeply involved in an argument about inflation.
    a process of reasoning; series of reasons: I couldn't follow his argument.
    a statement, reason, or fact for or against a point: This is a strong argument in favor of her theory.
    an address or composition intended to convince or persuade; persuasive discourse.

    You gave a suggestion and your reasoning...I offered up a counter argument in an attempt to dissuade your opinion. Our counter points can be considered an argument. An argument does not mean it has to be violent or contentious in nature. Ever hear the term "argument" being used in reference to a debate or a court case? Any other questions?

    So your comments of "no life" or "no real life" werent intended to be derogatory or at least to infer that those who dont play as much are some how better or actually have a life? Thats a lil subjective dont ya think. Say what ya want but its my opinion you didnt intend it in a kind or meaningful way meant to persuade the masses to your side of the "argument".

    Everything I said was relevant to the discussion at hand....I was merely expanding in attempt to explain why I felt your suggestion was not a favorable one. Im the sort of person that likes to give actual reasoning's for my comments so others understand why I agree or disagree and not just disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing. Sue me.

    Back to the actual topic. At the low levels there are literally thousands of abandoned accounts. Most players in the beginning feast on these abandoned accounts with no recourse which result in awesome win/loss ratios. Many of these accounts then quit themselves in short order....I would argue that these accounts would dominate your proposed leader board category. Then u have those that either hit and hide or battle very lil other than to get their dailies....once again they would stand a much better chance at leading this category. Hence my reasoning's for a minimum number of attacks. Why would we want to reward players who fight very little with category that would be all about fighting? In your first post u said....

    In your first post u said...."Having the most fight kills and fight wins only gives bragging rights to the person who has no life and sits on the fight list 24 hours a day.". Well of course it rewards the most dedicated of it should be in every aspect of life.

    In a game thats been around for years and where many players have already amassed huge totals doing exactly what Kano intended them to u honestly think it would be fair to introduce a new category that they would have no chance at legitimately competing for? At the higher levels where one has far less (if any) rival page.....they have basically no choice but to level with another player in which they have to return the losses which really doesnt offer them much opportunity to "right the ship" in order to compete in that category does it? Kano doesnt even offer leader boards for the arena...nor do they offer achievements for the arena except for ones that are reasonably obtainable by all eligible players...why should they differ here?

    Than we have the whole potential alt abuse thing. Its not very skillful or strategic to use an alt account to rattle off all the wins ya want while never taking a loss now is it?

    Like I said previously...I once thought this to be a good idea and even suggested it myself, but after thinking it though a bit more I came to the conclusion it was bad idea for the reasons Ive mentioned. Im not speaking solely from the perspective of a high level player I have accounts in all the games that vary in level range from low to high. Your whole attitude about players that have more time to play comes off as petty jealousy and ignorant. Active players make these games go round bro, if u simply dont have /want to spend that much time thats your choice....but its really not a valid reason to infer they are somehow less than deserving or that those who play less deserve any more.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2013
  5. slave

    slave Member

    chima you must love faction wars

    you only get to attack 100 times
    you can chose how low an opponent you want to attack (to pad your wins)
    and then you can only attack once every 3 minutes after your first hundred
    so after two days anyone can have the exact same number of attacks, i hope we have a 40 way tie for first
    isnt that what a war is?
  6. L1LOne

    L1LOne Active Member

    This has already been discussed...I personally don't agree with having ratios, doesn't really prove much of anything.
  7. Chima Ejim

    Chima Ejim Banned

    it is way too slow!
  8. Chima Ejim

    Chima Ejim Banned

    tl;dr .
  9. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Even if defense this idea would give hit 'n hiders more incentive, no THANX
  10. Chima Ejim

    Chima Ejim Banned

    lololololol! just trying to make the game more fair for the people who have real lives other than facebook games hhahha

  11. I'd SHOOT DOWN THAT IDEA and get as many friends as i could just to back it up in shooting it down.

    Lets have a Leaderboard just to show the ALTS how good they've done..

    I think not. Absolutely RIDICULOUS
  12. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    a.d.d? ;)
  13. Chima Ejim

    Chima Ejim Banned

    did not read.
  14. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Alright guys, there's been some good discussion in this thread, but I think it's gone as far as it's going to go. Thanks for the feedback!
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