[VC] TGIF...This week in Dev and Community June 24 - 28

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by mi7ch, Jun 28, 2013.

  1. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    TGIF! It’s time for the weekly wrap-up of what happened in Dev and Community!

    Player Bans June 14 - June 20

    As a reminder, the following numbers are permanently frozen accounts, and don't count temporary freezes.

    FB: 10
    MS: 108

    The majority of permanently frozen accounts are frozen for being a shared or alternate account. This is something we actively investigate, and we appreciate players reporting suspicious accounts to us.

    If you have any questions or comments about a frozen account, please direct them through Support as the Forums are not the place to discuss account freezes, because of the sensitive account information involved.

    Canada Day Holiday

    Just a quick reminder that this upcoming Monday July 1 is a holiday up here in good old Canada, so we won’t be back at work until Tuesday. That means that Support will be a little behind next week (and after having just gotten caught up with Myspace requests, too!) and you won’t see my friendly avatar on Monday. The mods will still be patrolling the forums, so be on your best behavior! :)

    New Limited Items!

    We have new Limited Items out this week! If you want them, they're available now!


    New Location: The Wellspring of Mimir!

    What will you find beneath the roots of Yggdrasil?

    Prepare for your greatest challenge yet as your adventure takes you to the Wellspring of Mimir...


    Support Report with your favorite burrowing, nocturnal mammal and Answerpreneur, Aardvark!

    Hey players, long time no see! We've been slammed in Support for the past couple of weeks, but the backlog has finally gotten cleared and we should be back to normal response times from here on out. Thank you to everyone for their patience while we worked to get all of our former Myspace players set up on the new Kano Play site, it's been a bit of a bumpy ride, but things should go much smoother from here on out.

    A note to our former Myspace players! If you are having trouble accessing your game on Kano Play and have not been able to reset your password, let us know, but PLEASE: provide us with as much information about your game as you can so we can find it. We have many thousands of records in our database and if all we have to go on is a mis-remembered ID or that your character's name was "Sam... something" that puts us in some serious needle and haystack territory.

    Here's some examples of info that can put us on the right track. The more you can scrape up the better!
    -player ID number
    -name, or part of a name
    -approximate level
    -faction name
    -any old emails that may have been associated with your game in the past

    Terrible Joke of the Week

    This week’s joke is more of a terrible pun, but I do enjoy pun-tificating every now and then.

    I have a job crushing soft drink cans. It's soda pressing. <-- highlight for hilarity!

    Have a great weekend, or long weekend if you’re up in Canada like we are. See you next Tuesday!

    Play Now!

    Facebook Canvas: http://bit.ly/vc_forum_tgif
    Facebook Connect: http://bit.ly/vc_forum_fc

    Kano Play Myspace: http://www.kanoplay.com/vikingclan?game_server=server_2
  2. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Holy crap...thats a lot of bans....sweeeeet!

    I would also like to offer my services to any clan member or rival that is having difficulty with the transfer. Either contact me if u can or let Kano know u were my clan or even a rival so I can assist them in anyway I can
  3. James Wright

    James Wright Member

    Hey, this is like my 2nd post ever so that gives you an idea of how annoyed I am. As one of the so called "higher" level players who has batteled for hour and hours to get to the new world, imagine how impressed I am that the new challenge just takes you to a blank screen. Bit like getting to the last page of a book and someone has ripped it out!!!!

    Please sort it out Kano, asap!
  4. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Hi James, well since it is the weekend and Monday is a holiday in Canada , ASAP might have to wait till Tues, but do send a support ticket in , in the event that something may be up with your account, I am not sure if anyone else if having a problem, in your xp range.
  5. James Wright

    James Wright Member

    Hi Linda

    Martin got to the new challenge before I did, exactley the same for him, blank screen!
  6. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Im assuming u play on FB as all is well on Kanoplay/MS
  7. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Polish , are you having the problem, also, I am nowhere near that level so I cannot tell, but I guess we gotta wait till Tuesday :(
  8. James Wright

    James Wright Member

    Spoke to Bully as well, affecting all high level players who can get the challenge. Not impressed LOL
  9. Maler

    Maler Member

    It seems that things made with haste, don't always perform as they should. This is me "hating" :D
  10. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    No problem here on Kanoplay/MS....works great and the drops are delicious
  11. gene illugi

    gene illugi Active Member

    Happy canada day kano
  12. Jme

    Jme Member

    In regards to the entire adding new worlds to the game, I for one am glad to see that there is at least evidence that there's still someone at the helm of these games putting out fresh content. I got royally fed up with hitting walls in these types of games, and there was never any content added beyond it despite empty promises.

    I don't play VC more than once a day anymore, to give my stamina a chance to refill, so I'm glad to see that, now that I have reached the beginning of the godly trials, that there is yet more to look forward to.

    And seriously... Some of you, who shall remain nameless, are way over-thinking things with these games. Who cares about boss stats, and the calculations that go into their development? Just play the game and enjoy it.

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