Forum Announcement: Community Ideas and our Dev Queue

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Wonder Bread, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    As some of you know, something we've been working on recently is being more transparent with our Dev pipeline, specifically with Community-suggested ideas.

    In no particular order, the following is a list of Community-suggested ideas that have made it through our approval process, and are in our Development queue. Please keep in mind that due to other priority development projects (features, systems stability and optimizations, upgrades, etc) outside of community ideas we can't give guarantees or even specific estimates about when these will be implemented. What we can say is that we're aiming to have many of these (depending on the development time required) out in the next few months.

    Click on the idea to be taken to one of the threads it originated from

    Saved personal inventory loadouts

    Battle Slider fix

    Better explanation of battle drops (different labels for different rarities)

    New hired squad (ZS only)

    Section for posting "target" players in Faction area

    Again, there are a number of different factors that affect how long things take in our queue, so I'd ask you all to be patient while we get these out for you. Also, keep looking at ideas in the ideas section, and if you think something would be great, let us know, and vote it up! As you've experienced, it does take a while for things to move through the section, but it does happen!

    I also wanted to say a huge thanks to everyone who proposes, votes, and comments on community ideas. It's extremely clear that you are all wonderfully passionate about the game(s) and you're super interested in helping them be more awesome. You are all wonderful and we appreciate you!
  2. juanmmatam

    juanmmatam Member

    Other suggestions


    In the past I raised the question that how come that VC does not have ships a separated inventory. Viking were well know for the sailing abilities.

    Also, some player have massive amount of gifts that are not usable. Will you consider creating elite/legendary levels for the gifts and have some use. This would be also attractive to send and receive more daily gifts.


    J Mata
  3. TabithaMoon

    TabithaMoon Active Member

    As a descendent of Vikings, I appreciate your suggestion! :)
  4. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    We always appreciate the suggestions, although we ask that community ideas be put up in the Ideas section so that other community members can rate and discuss the idea, and make it as awesome as possible! :)
  5. Carl Stahls

    Carl Stahls Member


    not very computer tech here.....however i was trying to get on to other KANO site with game of thrones, other mob wars LCN version....saying it does not exist right now
    Not Found

    The requested URL was not found on this server.
    Error 404

  6. Dunk Nielsen

    Dunk Nielsen Member

    could we get more crafting ? have tons of drops and rewards from bosses that cant be used for nothing , like real nice drops from the newest boss !!! cant use them
  7. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

  8. Dunk Nielsen

    Dunk Nielsen Member

  9. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    Do you think I could get an estimate on the new hired for ZS coming out would be?
  10. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    No estimate yet, sorry. It's in our queue, although there's a much larger project with higher priority in there as well, so it's unlikely that it'll be released before that's finished.
  11. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    Any more feedback on this? It's been 2 months, but I haven't seen any of these come into place yet.
  12. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    None on mine either BACON, guess don't like positive feedback, let's give negative from now on agree to disagree. LOL
  13. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    As Wonder Bread said when he made the original post, there are sometimes factors that come into play that unfortunately move these suggestions around a bit in the queue.

    We love feedback and try to get to it as quickly as we can, but on occasion there are certain things that delay us slightly. When we plan to implement a community suggestion we will, it just might get bumped back a bit. If we weren't going to implement these ideas, we'd let you know!
  14. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    Yes but the hired squad one for ZS is necessary and would be very simple to implement. A few values changed to the already existing ones and they will be ready to run.
  15. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    There seems to be some questions as to what the status of these ideas are, so I just thought I'd give a quick update on them.

    Click on the idea to be taken to one of the threads it originated from

    Saved personal inventory loadouts - In Design Phase

    Battle Slider fix - Implemented

    Better explanation of battle drops (different labels for different rarities) - Implemented

    New hired squad (ZS only) - On hold pending release of other community idea/requested features.

    Section for posting "target" players in Faction area - On hold pending release of other community idea/requested features.
  16. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    Any expected dates on when these may be out?
  17. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    The ETA is TBD, but we'll try to get to those ASAP.

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