another ISSUE with arena .....AGAIN ???????

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by So what, Jun 11, 2013.

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  1. So what

    So what Member

    whilst i can understand BUGS HAPPEN ...computors crash go wrong

    yet again theres another issue with the arena BEfor IT Starts

    all the health load outs are wrong AGAIN


    Thanks for contacting Kano/Apps Support! We have received your ticket and will look into your issue as soon as possible.

    If you have an issue that requires further assistance, we will be in touch within 2 business days. We sometimes have a lot of requests to work through, so let us thank you ahead of time for your patience and understanding.

    YES YOUR BUSY who isnt

    but this is now a solid 6 weeks of issues and its still not fixed and NOT once have you gone to compensate anyone for your errors take the cash and tell us SORRY we hope its fixed

    but 6 weeks of mistakes

    is this a ploy to garnish money

    or there simply is an issue that your messing with the coding to such an extent you cannot find your way to keeping all the codes that matter ???
  2. Survival Streak 0

    Survival Streak 0 Active Member

    Ty, was starting to think it was only me losing health and attack strength here.

    After a few chats on fb and ms it seems people with high health in the game are being penalised for it in the arena, and people with lower healths are being compensated with extra.
  3. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Hi So What,

    I actually received word from one of the developers this morning that they're looking into some aspects of the arena, including the health/attack strength issue.

    I know it's a small reassurance, but the developers are aware of these problems and are actively investigating them. I'll be updating the forums when I hear anything back from them!
  4. So what

    So what Member


    ive been talking to all i know over 50 k and it seems to be directed at all of us
    with extra health been added to those without health

    wish they would just fix the alt and auto click users

    appreciate all your help
  5. So what

    So what Member

    sorry bud

    it was you that alerted me to it so THANKS

    i normally dont log on till i know i can play KUDOS bud xoxoxooxo
  6. So what

    So what Member



    as yet ive gotten no reply to my emails
    other than PAY PAL who are intrested in helping us out with all our issues
    this is going on 2 months of errors

    and as ive gotten no reply and they (the developers) are been very silent
  7. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    On this issue the dev's may be silent but not silent on the MYSpace debacle which they have been working on nonstop since Thursday, sorry but that is about it, and now with myspace shutting out the games last night with no further warning, all heck is gonna break loose.
  8. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Hi all,

    Yes, as Linda said, the Myspace thing has been an ongoing concern for us, especially given their sudden decision last night to take down game support with no notice.

    We weren't expecting Myspace to shut things down so quickly, so even though we had accelerated our plans anyways they still moved faster than we anticipated. That said, the Battle Arena remains a top priority as well, and it should be addressed in short order. Thanks for your patience!
  9. So what

    So what Member

    whilst you have all m sympathy for that situation , we here on FB have been for the past 2 months used and abused
    things go wrong but latley its been to consistant and seems to be directed at very specific accounts

    this has gone beyond a joke now , empathy can only do so much , luckly other platforms (paypal and facebook) that we use are in agreement

    mistakes happen
    just not on a constant basis
  10. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Hi everyone,

    Just a quick update, the developers found the cause of the problem and fixed it so everything should be working normally now!
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