Ive no doubt this suggestion and similar ideas have been posted before but I never have much luck with the search option.
Would like to see obsolete items that have been made from recipes at the black smith be able to be made into elite and legendary items. Not only does this give us all more options at the blacksmith/workshop but its just a darn shame having the extra inventory sitting around collecting dust, especially when one considers how much time, work and coin went into crafting them.
Secondly, I would like to make use somehow of now obsolete legendary items, perhaps another category like god items. Considering what it takes to get items to legendary status it would be great if the numbers were "off the charts", like limited item numbers to ensure they stay and are used in our inventories pretty much forever so we wouldnt run into the same dilemma. To be sure not to upset the "balance" make the number of legendary items needed to craft"god items" higher than the ratio of items needed to craft them from elite to legendary.
If these suggestions are not feasible, and nothing is ever going to be done with these now obsolete items in the future....can u tell us that so we can clean out our inventories of the clutter? Or how about a buy back option? Obsolete items can be sold back at a fraction of the cost. I know some may say that u cant return old items in real life to the place of purchase for any amount and I would agree...but I would argue that valuable items can be pawned or sold regardless of their age...wouldnt legendary and crafted items fall into that category?
Last edited: May 11, 2013