As you know from this thread, we finally added achievements to the Battle Arena! Unfortunately, we've been having some implementation issues, and as of yet we have not been able to release them, although they are viewable in your achievements tab. Although we are releasing them later than we initially announced (and hoped), I do have good news about achievement collection! I had previously announced that you would have to collect achievements after finishing an arena. Now, when they do get released, you will be able to collect any already-completed achievements from the arena lobby screen (the main screen where you join the arena). You won't be able to collect achievements while you're currently involved in an arena, however as soon as you finish you'll be able to collect any achieved achievement at the lobby screen. Again, we apologize for the confusion, and we appreciate everyone's understanding while we figured out the best way to implement these awesome achievements! UPDATE: You can now collect your Battle Arena achievements by going to the Battle Arena Lobby (by clicking on "Battle Arena" in your Battle tab)! Thanks again for the patience while we got this sorted out. Enjoy! UPDATE 2: Never mind! It looks like there were some collection issues we missed, so we've taken the achievements back offline, and will put them back up once we get the issues sorted out. For everyone who experienced an issue with collecting their rewards, you will receive the appropriate amount of points before achievement collection goes back up. Thanks again for everyone's patience! UPDATE 3 (May 3, 6pm PDT): Our fantastic developers have been working their butts off (on a Friday afternoon, no less) to fix this issue, and they've assured me that collection will be back up sometime this evening! That also means that anyone who got their achievements without getting the appropriate points will also have those awarded sometime this evening! Thanks for hanging in there everyone! May 7th UPDATE: Battle Arena Stats are now available on your profile page! If you don't see any stats, please visit your the Battle Arena Lobby (by clicking on "Battle Arena" in your Battle tab) and then go back to your profile page. We won't be releasing a leaderboard tab at this time, although it is something we will consider for the future, as leaderboards are awesome
what about number 1 did not see any for that ??? i think myself there should be for we all no there is 1 that survive...
Hey Wonderbread or developers. A lot of players are saying they did not get there skills or favor points for collecting the arena acheivements. I just went to collect mine myself since i didn't realize we could do this already and sure enough it happened to me also.
K well that was not ideal. What will happen is we will disable the awarding of the achievements, find all those who have already received some and properly award the Skills and FP to their accounts and then re-enable this. If I had to give you a time frame I would expect this all to transpire within the next 24 hours. Hold tight and I will keep it updated here. Apologies for another delay with these!
At least its caught thats the most important part no worries as long as they know they will get there rewards. Will let players know. Thanks smack.
Ok, Skill and Favor Points missed have been awarded to ALL those who missed out. The Achievements have been re-enabled so anyone who collects from this time forward should be good to of. Of course if there are issues please let us know, I will be monitoring throughout the night. Cheers
Thank you, for the battle arena achievements/rewards I am wondering however, if the SAME achievements/rewards are under consideration for the daily effort required to maintain, Armadas/Guilds and so on? As is, Armadas/Guilds (etc) are only rewarded with trophy's, ribbons and end of season experience for their commitment. And as I don't frequent the forum, I do apologize if this topic has already been discussed. If so, please direct me to the proper thread. Thanks
can you guys add a battle arena stats tab to your profiule so we know how close we are to acheiving the achievments?
@Gunpowder There aren't currently any faction-based achievements, although check out our Ideas section to see if someone has suggested something similar @Neil Stats should be available in the next few days