[All] No play=No coin

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by The Protector, Apr 29, 2013.

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  1. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    If a account has been inactive for more than a month,then their profit should stop after the 30th day.

    This would cut back on low level or any level alt from just sitting there racking in the coin.

    A month is more than enough time.
  2. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    1 star. I like when people who quit the game kind of just let their money rack up and come back every once in a while, spend some cash to liven things up and go away.
  3. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    And easily abused by alts that just sit there.
  4. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    So you're implying that someone can't keep abusing this by simply logging on once a month?
  5. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    No comment if ya cant figure it out.
  6. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    pointless, the alt men and women would just adapt
  7. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    and what about the people just just don't play too actively? Hell, on the small ZS kong platform I can name someone off the top of my head(by their kong username not ZS username, don't get trigger happy with the edit button mods) "4xdblack". He's not an active player but he just feels like logging on every once in a while. So protector is thinking of banning every account that's run by someone who really doesn't feel the need to play that often because some of them are alts?
  8. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Once again,if you can't figure it out,no comment.
  9. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Not feeling this one. I was under the impression that was already capped due to inactivity over a period of time...did that change?

    Honestly I just dont get it, who cares if players are amassing huge fortunes? I dont play nearly as much as I once did....I dont think what Ive done up until this point should be discounted.....One of the many reasons I grew my empire so large in the first was so I could amass a grip of coin while not on and playing so I when I did come online I could spread the wealth which in return promotes activity.

    IF money was not going to build over times of inactivity.....then I guess we would have to entertain a lot of other things that shouldnt happen to our accounts while inactive
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2013
  10. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    Sounds like "I can't think of a real reason so I'm going to act like it should be obvious".
  11. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    I have FB PC blocked, and unblock every few months to give others some fun hunting. Did it last night as a matter of fact, 1 from me. Inactive doesn't mean alt, it means don't play it in my example.
  12. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    1 from me i meen i just started playing this agan last year.(actually 440 days to be exact i have a coment in my armada from when i came back. yes there inactive)and i stoped playing the game for a verry long time and wheen i came back i had trillions apon trillions of dollers and if this was in place i probly wouldve only ended up with like 20 tril instead of what i actuallly got then. i hope this doesnt pass and im speeaking for myself and probrobly many others.
  13. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    its not being rewarded man, its gaining what youve worked to earn as you should gain it...if my profit is a trill every 42 mins, whether i play actively or not, thats exactly what i should make every 42 mins...the things you get daily for being an active player are rewards, not what your profit is...active or not, we've all earned that...we havent been REWARDED with what our profits are
  14. I am the leader of a syndicate on myspace, and an officer of a syndicate on facebook; on BOTH sites I have members that have been inactive for more than 30 days due to REAL LIFE issues (they are in the hospital recovering from wounds recieved in the line of duty) .... should they be punished because they can't get online? they worked hard to build their accounts up, buy the properties to generate the income .... you already lost the familia earnings if you don't collect every 3 days .... does a landlord stop collecting rent because he goes on vacation? NO. this is NOT a good idea.
  15. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    hmmmmm...so if inactivity means we should gain nothing, than our earnings should stop every time we log off or remain idle for a few minutes? Thats lunacy. Im guessing u meant inactive for a certain amount of time....but thats lunacy as well, players up until this moment have been collecting their income 24/7...talk about creating a divide between diff generations of players. I get the whole alt abuse thing and akll alts are bad...but cash cows are a bit of a dinosaur. It takes them forever to gain big coin and then they spend it all in a couple listings and arent seen or heard from again for months. They might actually be helping the games economy. But more importantly like the others of said "thats earned money" whether your playing or not. When I made the decision to buy my empire...i did so with the understanding that It would be an ongoing thing.

    Perhaps u think it might promote activeness? What about the players who still have large upkeep? They come back from being gone for whatever reason and could possably have lost many purchased items. If your upkeep exceeds your income thaen u begin to lose these items. Not exactly a very nice welcome back gift that would entice players to play more.
  16. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    Giving them money will help the game if they ever come back to blow cash.
  17. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    well youre entitled to be happy with losing a months worth of income...i am not
  18. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Well, as I said I don't log into a certain game, yet I'm online daily. You can lose your coin if want, I want mine.
  19. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Not a bad idea about freezing the upkeep, but who knows how much would be involved in doing that and if it would be worth it. Kano would need to chime in on that one

    So what would be considered active? If the inactive limit is 30 days....whats to keep someone from simply logging in for a sec and performing any simple action and starting the income clock again? Dictating how much time or what a player has to do every month seems like a pretty slippery slope. Especially if its a long time player thats spent a lot of deniro. Would it really be fair to players that played and invested heavily from the get go and built their accounts in such a way so when they semi retired for what ever their reasons they could come back and have a bounty party with old friends every now and again?

    One of your concerns is that there is to much money in the game.....do u think this idea would really impact that? Active players would still be amassing huge fortunes. Im also wondering about your thoughts on one of my concerns I mentioned earlier. Dont u think it would create a huge financial divide between players starting recent and players that have been playing under the current system from the get go?

    Personally...Ive been around these games for longer than most and have have been one of Kanos staunchest supporters both here and in all their games on multiple platforms spending both time and money. Its taken me years to do what Ive done and am creeping up on 8t every 40 min or so (VC). If I wanna take a break for a couple of months I really dont want to see all my hard work go to waste.

    Alts are always a concern....but so is players logging in to multiple accounts. I dont think its much of a stretch to think that an update such as this would actually increase that practice. It may not sound like a big deal to have another player log in for a couple of minutes once a month to get the income clock ticking again....but it kinda makes the whole update moot does it not?

    In the end...its not the worst idea ive ever heard, but its simply unfair to those that built their accounts under the current system, those just beginning and I just dont think it will have nearly the desired impact as it could easily be circumvented ....so why bother wasting kano resources on it.
    Last edited: May 2, 2013
  20. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    I would think this would make it easier to catch cash cow alts.

    A account that only logs on about every 400 days suddenly becomes more active for a little bit a month?

    And if its only hitting a calendar door just to say you were playing?

    Would think that would raise a flag.
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