Have i missed something??? You have successfully requested help against the Wrestler Zombie (Level 122 France Coop Boss). Your boss link has been posted to the Raids chat tab. what is this??
im flabbergasted over this.... it wasnt here earlier, what is this possibly going to do for us? omg really? you are spending progammer time on this garbage when 99 percent of this games players are screaming for new content and you do this?? do you guys have any priorities on things over at kano? cuz when you do stuff like this its telling me no you dont
Slave this what you mean? http://forums.kanoapps.com/showthre...elp-from-your-Boss-page&highlight=BOSS+HELPER
no, i have been aware of being able to post your boss to your faction feed this is something else that just popped up last night after i posted for help and i got the message that it has been posted to raid chat...whatever that is....
Sorry for the confusion, it looks like there was a bit of a language problem, which resulted in some Kongregate-only language showing up for the other networks. As you may or may not know, Kongregate uses its own chat as opposed to our Kano Chat. The raids tab is a feature on Kongregate chat where players can post their boss links for other players to help with. The language issue will be fixed later today, thanks for pointing it out.
Seem's to hit FB VC as well, but little different. You have successfully requested help against the Hel Rising (Level 25 Hel's Rising Coop Boss). If you would like to share your request outside of the game use the following link!