Battle arena questions directed at Kano.

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by polishpimp, Feb 28, 2013.

  1. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    In the name of "transparency" have the fine folks at Kano tinkered/adjusted the formulas that determines the outcome of a fight and its results since the initial arenas? Perhaps weighted certain attributes differently than they once were or adjusted the "random factor"?

    Since the first arena Ive participated in Ive paid particular attention to the numbers and how they change based on both minor and more extreme changes in skill point allocation to the different attributes of my account. I test these changes on the same players week after week who have made no or very lil change in their allocation and ones that have made pretty severe changes. The results are that things have been changed pretty severely since those first arenas. Reasons?

    Another thing, Why do certain attributes carry so much more weight than others? Why do some attributes increase at the same rate they always have in relation to their effectiveness in the arena while others do not? For example....the effect of Def. and att. seem to grow at the same rate they have since day 1 while the effect of additional health drops off the face of the planet. At approx 50k in-game health a player will have about 1 billion arena health. The assumption base d on these numbers is that if everything else remains about the same than at 100k in-game health a player would have 2 billion arena health but this is simply not the case. The amount health increases in the arena in relation to what a player allocates in the reg game decreases significantly after the 50K in-game amount. So while a player tries to increase their arena health not only are they getting slighted by the now dropping health increase ....their overall skill point allocation percentages are affected and the other attributes such as att and def are being impacted negatively as well.

    f course if one adds more to a particular attribute such as health while not adding to the others a negative impact should be expected.....but shouldnt the players be made aware ahead of time that an increase in certain attributes is going to change suddenly and drastically after a certain point so they can make an educated decision? Its kind of like playing a football game with only seconds to go in the game and the team down by 2 decides to kick a 3 pt field goal for the win, only to find out after the fact that the powers that be changed field goals to 1 point halfway through the game and decided not to tell anyone. Or just trowing a team on the field and telling them to go play with out telling them the rules or object

    Shouldnt the way things are formulated based on skill point allocation be made public so we can make choices based on facts instead of hoping things remain consistent?

    Thirdly, What happened to arena leaderboards and achievements?

    What ever happened to changing the the way the arena ended? This Kano sponsored idea had a lot of community support. Do we no longer want to reward active players and lighten the work load on the servers?
  2. slave

    slave Member

    all good points and all answers we probably wont get

    a good example is how they changed the xp payout in the last arena - that was no glitch
    that was a code change, it couldnt have been anything else

    what is exceptionally disappointing about it is the way they handled it, first by calling it a bug and then changing their story and admitting they made an improper change

    what they should have done is fess up, compensate EVERYONE THAT PLAYED, instead of making just the 20 or so people who read the forum fill out tickets and compensate individually

    its seems like they have good intentions but fail to follow through on most ....everything
    i agree with another of your posts, if i didnt know better id swear they were chasing us off.....
  3. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    I wish I could say im surprised at no reply from Kano , its usually the way it is when legitimate game questions get asked(take bounty delays for example). They sure have quick reaction times when it comes to someone praising them or someone gets outta line and needs editing. I guess actual game questions r best left to someone else? Tired of the fence sitting and double talk and standards. No wonder frustration with Kano has gone through the roof.
  4. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    Battle calculations have not been changed since the first few arenas, although there were a few tweaks after the initial Battle Arena or two.

    As for your question about skill allocations, you can see fairly detailed information about your perks in the in-game help when you're in the arena. I've included an example of this help below, although please note that the specific numbers are based on my test account, and will vary depending on your own allocations.

    ba help.jpg

    As you can see, there are min-max values for all three perks, and you can see the value of your perks in the help. If your perk is at the max value (or min for defense) then additional skill points in that stat won't affect the perk.

    Arena achievements are on their way in the near future, although I don't have a specific release date for them yet. As for a persistent arena leaderboard, there haven't been many requests for one, although if there was sufficient community interest we could certainly look at adding one.

    While we are personally in favour of changing when rewards are given, there was a reasonable amount of opposition to the idea that we wanted to let it sit for a while and give more players a chance to participate in the discussion. Looking into it now, it looks like the general response was more positive than I remember, so I'll put it back on our radar.

    Also, while I'll be addressing this in today's TGIF, please check out Wheaton's Law and It's okay to not like things for a general response to many of the negative things posted recently. We do listen to and appreciate community feedback, but there's quite a difference between constructive criticism and the sweeping generalized negativity fairly common in our community lately.
  5. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Is that the same test account for that zs arena?? :)
  6. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    LMFAO good 1, about spit my beer out on my puter
  7. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    sorry dan but thats complete bs. whether or not changes have been made that you arent aware of or are unwilling to admit, there has DEF been a change in the formula somewhere. ive noticed over the past few arenas that im losing more attacks to people i shouldnt be and winning more against people i shouldnt. MSVC arena, i attacked the person with the 2nd highest defense in the game and was winning at least half the attacks or damn close to it when i could barely get a win cant tell me that its just a coincidence or that ive gotten extremely stronger in a couple weeks without doing anything differently. SOMETHING has been changed and theres no if, ans or buts about it.
  8. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    Polish have you gotten a PM from wonderbread? When I called him out he sent me a message calling me a dick in what he thought might have been a subtle way using videos, and then adding the same videos to the weekly update. Funny how telling the truth and informing someone of opinions shared by a mass of people gets you personally insulted. Or maybe he just did it to me?
  9. slave

    slave Member

    no bacon, just to you...

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