Being Bully by other players

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Mercedes Desiree, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. Mercedes Desiree

    Mercedes Desiree New Member

    Well I wanted to no from someone what do you do when someone is bullying you in game? I mean I don't see the point picking on someone and just keep on attacking them and your level 5555 and you keep attacking someone that is level 1++.....

    I mean I play this game for fun, not to be bully or seeing other people being bully by others and it's really annoying. Sorry I do have a life and work, I can't sit on my computer everyday and just be leveling up like a storm so I can go around pushing my weight around and showing off my skills and say "Hey I'm better than you"

    I hope something can be done about this problem, I don't no why people take everything so serious when it comes down to gaming. You should help out others if not then just leave people alone and pick on someone your own size :mad:
  2. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    The games are set up to protect lower levels from higher levels already. The only way an example as u have given could happen is if the lower level attacked, slapped or bountied the higher level first. Even that only opens a window of 24 hrs for the higher level player to retaliate or until the higher level kills the lower level. So if your being attacked by a level that much higher than u....its your own fault. The game warns you when u are about to hit a player out of your range in bright orange text. I suggest u heed its advice.
  3. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    This subject comes up often, but Ditto what Polish says and to quote another player, This is a fighting game, how can it be considered bullying. :) The game encourages fighting because it is a fighting game and there are no rules, just guidelines on how to get strong and play the game, and there are many ways to play using those guidelines, just keep in mind it is a game, and you do no get hurt, and you have a heal button. :) Keep having fun, and ignore players who can tend to annoy others . :)
  4. Mercedes Desiree

    Mercedes Desiree New Member

    I'm not the one that's being bully or attacking someone that is higher level then me and how is it my fault? People say oh it's a fighting game, not all players wants to fight all the time. And no one should be bully either and I haven't seen no game that protect lower levels either. Everyday someone is being bully or being picked up and yes I see a lot of high levels players that be out there just be attacking lower levels for no reason and it doesn't make no sense at all and I don't see how someone could have the pleasure of attacking someone everyday and if that person hasn't done anything to you...

    The games are unbalance to be honest with you but I guess your alright with that... I speak from what I see and witness and like myself I like to enjoy my games in peace without the stupid non sense on here... I work hard for my accounts, and put time and energy into them and I just don't like seeing no one be bully on period, don't matter what game it is..
  5. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Ummm other than saying maybe this is not the game for you , I gotta say none of these games may be for you, there are plenty of nice games on FB that are fun without interactions that could be considered ""bullying"". These are fighting games. :)
  6. James Herbison

    James Herbison New Member

    ''bullying'' it happens every where and it is not seen just people turn there heads away because thay dont want to do the right thing and i agree there should be more done
  7. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    If it happens in real life, yes of course, but this is a game. A " fighting" game and while it may stink if you feel like someone is " bullying" someone else, there are alot of features in the games to deal with it, and one way not in the game,'' Ignore it'' and move on. Believe me eventually they will move on.
  8. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    after re-reading your original post it sounds as if your talking about yourself. But whether u r or arent it makes no difference. the fact is that these games have been designed from day one around the fighting aspect of the game. The game rewards every last aspect of the battle such as slaps attacks and bounties. The fact that u may not want to fight all the time once again makes no difference... I would like world peace but i dont see that happening anytime soon. What kind of competition would it be if each player could decide whether and when they were attacked?

    These games are full of limits restrictions and protections for lower level players(too many if u ask me). The example u have given clearly reflects that the lower level is at fault.....perhaps they dont understand how things work quite yet. The much higher level can NOT attack a lower level player all day as u suggest unless the lower level has attacked , slapped or went for the bounty of the higher level first. If and when this happens the higher level rightfully has the option to go after the lower level for a period of 24 hrs or until they kill the lower level. R u suggesting that it should be ok for the lower level to go after the higher level and the higher level not be allowed to retaliate?

    Sorry if this doesnt make sense to u......but in a fighting game that rewards lots fighting it makes perfect sense to go after everyone u can as often as u can if thats what u wanna do. There are other aspects of the game that dont involve fighting and u dont even need to heal for, perhaps this is where your example should focus their gameplay if they dont want to fight
  9. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    I am interested in how long you are playing the Kano games, to say they are unbalanced or something needs to be done about bullying, if You do not retaliate or wind up on someone's rival list there is not much a higher level player than you can do, ignore them and move on, read the help section to learn how to stay off a rival list of someone you cannot beat, and how many people are gonna actually make a habit of going after someone they cannot beat, a smart player is gonna fight someone they can beat. You say you don't know why someone would take the game seriously, well sounds to me like you do, but some do take the time to work their account and use all the advantages that work affords them.
  10. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    BULLY.jpg Find the big dogs to help you out LOL, let them do your work you can't or won't. No such thing as bullying on a game IMO.
  11. Mercedes Desiree

    Mercedes Desiree New Member

    You know what Linda and you can take my comment how ever u want to take it, cause it's how I feel and at the end of the day I play my games like how I want to and that's it. Nobody is going to tell me how I should play my game or what I should or shouldn't say on here. Cause last time I check it's the freedom of speech and I have that right. It doesn't matter how long I've played Kano games and I been playing for a long time to see a lot of things, not only that I'm not the only one that feels that these games are unbalanced. I don't take thing seriously like you are and reading your statement it seem like you getting offended by what I'm saying lol so it's funny to me.

    For as bullying goes or how everyone play in this game. Nobody likes when someone keeps on attacking them all the time. I play for fun not for Drama and I don't take no game seriously when I have more important things going in my personal life. I play to pass time and just to enjoy my friends and socialized like everyone else does... It's simple.... Anyways I'm done with this topic, I know people don't care about Bullying situation and everyone think it's a joke, so it just shows me that most people aren't mature enough so I won't go into details about it, everyone have different opinion about it and different takes on it.
  12. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Believe it or not I was trying to give you some advice how to deal with what you call " bullies" in a fighting game, since it seemed to me that you may have been a new player, but like you said and I quote

    " cause it's how I feel and at the end of the day I play my games like how I want to and that's it. Nobody is going to tell me how I should play my game or what I should or shouldn't say on here. Cause last time I check it's the freedom of speech and I have that right. "

    Not sure what freedom of speech has to do with someone attacking another player in a fighting game, but everyone has the right to play the way they want , as long as they do not break the TOS, and fighting does not break any rules. also, So if you can play your way they can play theirs.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 8, 2013
  13. Naomi King

    Naomi King New Member

    Well from reading from all comments and stuff, I think people don't take bullying seriously cause it's a game and it's really sad cause no one should go thru being unhappy on any type of games period! It may be silly, funny or you might not care but others do care. It's not fair when you got jerks on this games and platform ruining people gaming on here and most people do that cause they can and feel like they above the law. What is lacking is that support from Customer Support and I'm pissed that you say if you need any help just contact someone in Customer Support and you guys don't reply back or do anything about people problems on here... U want people money and crap but you don't want to take the time to solve people issues or address issues that's going on this game. Yeah it's unbalance is many ways.... Yes it's a fighting game but if you going to fight then fight fair and fight right, don't be going around and attacking and attacking the same person over and over again.... You can pick on weaker players but you can't fight nobody your own size or anything. People want to have smart azz comments on forums and get mad for speaking there minds and opinions but you really you guys lack so much beside this game.... U really should start doing your jobs in customer service and stop ignoring reports... I reported so many times and nothing has been done... Work on that please thank u!
  14. Mercedes Desiree

    Mercedes Desiree New Member

    I'm going to say this and then I'm going to drop it, when I made this post I was speaking of a good friend of mines and I felt bad for her cause she was getting attacked heavily and she didn't do anything towards this person. People get attack everyday and all the time, if you on the fight list of course people going to attack you to get there points in or whatever it is they doing. I'm not a fighter so I don't fight like most people do. I like to Boss Fight, do my mission and stuff, I fight just to get my points done dailies and that's about it. When I started out and played this game nobody told me crap or what I should focus points on or anything like that.

    I just played this game cause all of my friends was and I was like what the heck why not join them and play and so I did. But it gets annoying when you got people out there that are A-H in this games and like to prey on weaker players cause they can... It doesn't make sense to attack someone everyday, every hour, min and crap. SO you beating this person everyday and this person doesn't attack you back so what would be the point of harassing someone like that on a game everyday? How is it benefit you? It makes no sense to me... That's why I said this game is unbalance cause there is no protection for low level players period! Yeah if you like to fight then fight then but don't be an aggressive attacker and try to ruin the game for others and try to make there gaming experience a living hell everyday..

    That isn't fair at all. People want to have smart comments towards me cause I state my opinion on how I feel, I play my game like I want too and to be honest with you if your that high level and strong then why not help that person out till they can get stronger and defend themselves better but yet you want to punish that person and they did nothing wrong to you to begin with.
  15. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Of course what you are saying , both Naomi and Mercedes, is that you feel you decide what is fair in a fighting game, a Game that both of you are new to, and low levels and I can see from your comments in the world chat that you argue with people in your xp range, and yell and rant at them about how they should play your way. If someone is cheating that is one thing but if someone is playing the game and fighting, there is nothing wrong . As far as a fighting game , you may feel bullied, but you have a heal button and you can use it at any time, if you get attacked enough ,an option for protection will avail itself to you, but not for the few attacks I imagine you are complaining about. Some players, from time to time, seem to feel that there is some unwritten rule about how much some one can attack another player, well, sorry , there is no rule., Use counters, bounty traps, or stay dead ingame for awhile, till the person who you feel is"Bullying" you goes offline There are many ways to deal with it, and I have used them all. These are fighting games, they are designed for fighting, there are many fun games where you just play against the computer, I imagine those may be more suited to your sense of fun in a game. Yes it can get annoying and you can let it get to you, but think of it this way, you can heal and when you are done playing for the day, no on really dies or gets hurt. Get strong , ask for help,learn the game and use it as a challenge to get better, adapt and then go after the person/player, and pay them back. :)
  16. Mercedes Desiree

    Mercedes Desiree New Member

    I felt like your comments was not trying to help me at all and I felt like you had a attitude in your posts and in your words and how you came across towards me and questioning me how long I played this game or whatever... What difference does it make how long I've been playing this game or not? I'm just telling you how I felt about the subject and you be surprise a lot of people break rules everyday but nothing gets done about it cause people don't care about it, nobody takes bullying seriously enough, everyone thinks it's a joke and you can't be bully on no game... yes you can. If u sit down and think about you can and I could explain it many ways but it wouldn't make no difference. I submit my tickets in Customer Services and it's been two days and still no response and nothing yet... So nobody cares about nobody on this game just people money, long people buying Favor Points or whatever then it's all good... Cause Kano getting rich and we ain't lol so it benefit them more.
  17. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    If someone is cheating , yes reporting them and if found it is true, something usually gets done, but we can be wrong about whether someone is cheating, but Bullying as you call it is not cheating and you are right no one ( Kano) included is gonna stop someone from fighting in a fighting game, because the game is designed to be a fighting game and fighting is encouraged.I gave you game advice and asked how long you have played cause I know you are new to the games and are a low level even though it says you may have opened the game a long time ago. Everyone has dealt with some aspect of the game they may not like, but the game is the game.
  18. fredthedog

    fredthedog New Member

    Mercedes and Naomi I am your 'friend' in the game so I know who you are , that being said. take the advise as given. if they higher level attacked someone then there was an opening for it to happen. the lower level person took a shot on a bounty, slapped them because a clan member asked them to, whatever. they have 24 hours to get revenge and it happens to everyone. as for bullying its a game sorry it doesn't make you happy to have to deal with this but its a game. get over it. if it continues and hurts your real life stop playing its not worth it. don't pay for the game and kano doesn't get rich. its a free game unless you choose to give them money. whats the problem with bullying? it happens every day and only the weak don't deal. I assume you went to school somewhere and I guarantee that bullying happened there. that's what social interaction is for the most part. finding out whos will wins. I joined the game for something to do and stayed because I found some people I could talk to . if I had run the first time I took a swipe at a level 2000+ and they hit me back a couple of times it would have let them win.
  19. Kevan Chernoff

    Kevan Chernoff New Member

    In Mob wars LCN you can click on. But it does absolutely nothing but bring you to this site. There is no way to report abusers. I have a syndicate called ULT consistantly attacking and puching me to kill me. There is no way to complain about the bullies in the game. Nor is there a way to report the threats you get. To be honest Kano doesn't give a crap about it's players. They just want to market their product and do not care who gets hurt.
  20. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    First off being attacked, punched or listed in LCN or any game like these FIGHTING games is not bullying, but if ya want to report someone you write to support but you are gonna get the same answer, if these game is not for you no one is forcing you to play it, I really am tired of these players complaining about fighting in a fighting game.

    support can be reached by clicking on the words "Contact us" at the bottom of this page or from your game profile page by clicking "Report this player". IMO this whole thread is a joke and should be closed down.

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