@Kano Way back when there use to be a lot of discussion about the fairness of a 5k limit of attacks on a leveling partner vs the virtually limitless leveling done by boss leveling. Players can level much faster and much more by doing bosses while Battle levelers are extremely limited by the 5k limit, even if the limit was lifted (which i dont think it should be), battle levelers would still be extremely limited by time. If I remember correctly....the power attack button was introduced to some games and promised to come to others in order to help the battle levelers out. My question if this was suppose to tighten that huge gap between battle and boss leveling....why does the XP drop significantly per attack whether a single or Power attack at exactly 4k hits? It doesnt make a diff who is what, who has what , what adjustments are made ....nada, no matter what a player does the XP drops quite a bit per attack at exactly 4k hits (approx 12 pts per regardless of which random XP amount comes up) .. Basically battle levelers using the power attack button are getting more XP than they use to but they are also using more stam (which is Kanos lifeblood) The decrease in XP at 4k serves to minimize the extra XP gained while still using more stamina.....so the battle levelers are actually gaining very little while spending much more. This doesnt seem to close that gap barely at all....so whats the point? Why not leave the XP the same for all 5 k hits? Im a boss leveler for the most part so this doesnt affect me too much....but Im all about being fair as well Also very interesting is that most if not all those discussions from back then have all been deleted.......thats pretty much BS as there was great info and many great debates contained within. Cover-up? lol
Sounds like they're trying to get away with making people buy more refills than usual. XP for arena decreased as well. I usually have at least 50k attacks in arena, but this time I wasn't even able to hit 10k.
i always thought the exp went down from battle leveling to dissuade people from doing it and since i stopped power leveling off people and bosses a while ago i never really cared about it much but now that you bring it up i totally agree.....why should the amount of exp you get go down at all? both sides have done alot to put them in whatever position they are in and should get the same amount no matter HOW many attacks they have on one another. the 5k attack limit can stay or go, not many hit that anyways
Thats the thing, once upon a time Kano didnt approve of leveling partners...they made it quite clear here in the forums on numerous occasions (those post have all since been deleted). Since then they have supposedly adapted/embraced leveling partners and were supposedly genuinely empathetic with the battle levelers concerns (those posts deleted as well) and implemented things such as the power attack button battle drops and even considered raising the attack limit on more than one occasion (or at least thats what they said) But as seemingly par for the course with Kano....they make a big hooplah about what they are doing for us in response to our concerns, of course while they put on the dog and pony show for all us idiots their other hand is rifling through our pockets as they take away from the back end basically making the update as useless as it was in the first place. YEA....look what we have done for u.....but never mind the guy behind the curtain. A while back when "feltan" ( we r not allowed to speak the real name)was running the forums he supposedly was eliminating a bunch of old posts in an effort to streamline the forums, supposedly they were going to leave all the older more important and useful and informative posts/threads.....what they have done is basically shred all the evidence as most if not all of the threads/posts from back then that were heavily debated are gone. Anybody remember Eddie? I was never a fan.....but he had some great posts and threads as he knew these games extremely well but often times was critical of Kano and their system.....good luck finding many of those posts/threads. Kano is going down the toilet as they have completely lost their way. Am I surprised this post hasnt gotten a response from them? LOL....not hardly. Every time the community as a whole starts to turn against Kano we get a bunch of empty promises to just shut us up, Remember "transparency"? how about the more recent declaration that the devs would be trying to spend more time here in the forums? The forums have been tweaked again again.....wonder if that s why activty here in the forums is seemingly at an all time low? How about "mod gate""? players sure as hell didnt get what they wanted outta that either....maybe thats why the forums are a ghost town.....maybe its a culmination of all these things? So.....how does every body like the new ticketing system for support? personally I havent heard a single positive thing about it, in fact....its all been negative and most things take longer to get answered, handled or dealt with at all....Is this Kanos idea of beneficial to its players? So with Kanos new commitment to its customers and its continuing efforts to streamline and make things easier and better am I surprised to not receive an answer from them? ROFLMAO....not hardly.....ive been dealing with recycled doubltalk for years now....Im still waiting for answers about bounty delays....lol Game play has slowed and player participation has seemed to slow in every game on every platform....the forums are dead. So where is Kano....you guys should have plenty of time on your hands ....no? Perhaps your working on another new game? So how is your latest game "KoT" or whatever its called coming along? Good I hope because youve let all your others go to pot. Quit the lip service and giving us 10% with one hand and taking 20% away with the other. Your biggest claim to fame was once the interaction of your team with its players....now that is all but non existant. Perhaps if u actually dealt with all the issues that persist and that concerned players keep bringing up year after year....things could be different. For starters.....how about rewarding players as they climb in levels instead of giving them less? Thing get more challenging at the upper levels yet we get less reward, it makes no sense to me that low levels get achievement for every hundred levels early on yet that decreases at the higher levels even though it the XP and time it takes increase an insane amount. You wonder why players dont stick around? Players strive to find a niche and taylor their accounts to excell in that aspect...what do u guys do? You penalize and restrict them.....that may make sense to you....but to me it leads to frustration and players leaving. You claim "bullying" is the reason why newbs quit so u put in a ton of restiction, limits and protections in an effort to thwart the mass exodus. Remember back in the day when all your games thrived...you know....when all that crap didnt exist. Maybe just maybe you should look to give us more and quit trying to figure out how to screw us for doing the things the games are designed to have us do in the first place? Perhaps u should reward your longest playing and more dedicated players more than some newb fresh off the street? In a business like yours reputation is everything...do u actually think running off the majority our long time players helps your rep? Players such as myself use to spend a portion of my entertainment dollar with you but no longer do.......mind giving me and others a reason at my level why I should? What exactly am I supposed to be working towards while handing over my hard eaned deniro to you? Im sure the lower levels that are coming up the ranks would like to know this as well. Is there a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow or just more of the same that costs more yet offers less? I went over and tried out your games in KONG for like half a day before I was so disgusted I had to quit. So much of the crap we fought long and hard for to get or have removed is totally in play again over there. Obviously your players of MS and FB spoke to their like or dislike of many of these things as u changed them in those platforms, so why are they in play in Kong? Are those players just so diff than the rest of us or is it your trying to squeeze every penny out of all those new players before they get settled in and realize they dont like what your doing? If players in MS and FB dont like something....I think its a fairly safe bet that those in Kong will eventually grow to dislike it as well...dont ya think? Thats pure greed Kano! Sure ya gotta make a buck, but trying to make a quick buck off of naive players will only come back to haunt you. perhaps u should try earning their trust and respect to keep em around. Apparently u have no issue with alts or bots over there.....is that because u think they are so special or somehow diff from MS or FB that they wont make alts or use bots, is that why u r not policing things there? I was their all of Five minutes before I noticed players making hundreds of alts and advertising them in the feeds. Oddly enough there is no math equations there as well. How about raids and battle drops? So what is it? U dont mind alts and cheats because its all about player count which equates to dollars? What about your loyal and honest players that are spending their hard earned money that u care so much about Kano? Its ok that they get F****** by these cheats that u know damn well exist in every game since the onset of them? Still want to sell me on how much u care? You guys are no diff than every other company, the fact that your an Indie is no longer endearing as u are acting more and more like the corporate big boys everyday, the only diff.....at least we know what to expect from them. With you guys we get to listen to all the double talk about how much u care so we will hang on just lil while longer and u can suck the last ounce of our lifeless bodies. Perhaps instead of KOT u should have mad another version of Vampires.....ya got that one down pat!