For Facebook you must go to your requests page, do you see any gift there? or is this a problem when you click accept gift there is no gift rewarded.
Help as well I am having the same problem.None of my friends can send me the Leather Helm I need to do my next adventure.when they do send it I canot receive it.Please help with this because im stuck and cannot do this adventure and I need the drops to go to my next one!!!!Thank you and have a Viking Day!!!!
We've just posted a fix for the gifts and invites page. Looks like facebook added another popup to add more friends and the location of the skip button prevented sending of the gifts. If you do see this popup to add more freinds after you send a gift scroll down and press the skip button.
I'm having similar difficulties. I get a message on my home page that says there are items to accept and go to FB request pages. I have checked about 4 times today and nothing from Viking Clan is on my request page. So-either the original message was a glitch or the fact that there is nothing in requests from Viking clan is a glitch. Either way, it's confusing and I may be missing new clan member requests or gifts or both. If I'm told to check FB request page and there is nothing there, what do you suggest? thanks for your help, LadyLynx
Check your Chieftains page for invite requests if you do not see any on your Facebook requests page. Facebook requests have been known to error out sometimes which may result in missing gifts.
Why did I lose a gift? When it says "Sorry, no gift exists in the system." but someone sent me that, and it just disappeared?
its possible You did got the gift from the game and later you went to inbox and open your mail with gift and that's why sorry message come up ?!