New PVP Achievements

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Wonder Bread, Jan 24, 2013.


Which of these Achievement sets would you more like to see?

  1. Total Hitlist Wins

    9 vote(s)
  2. Maximum Punch Damage Dealt

    23 vote(s)
  1. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    It depends on how much health the target has.

    If the target has 10k health or less the answer is whoever has the bigger attack. And dont look at me all crosseyed like that People with low health can ride, if they have ridiculously high defense. (at least in zs where your skill points have more weight)
  2. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    lol....i think your missing my point on this one. Perhaps I could have used a better example and specified a higher amount of the targets health. But it did say that"all things being equal" that would mean they had the same attack. My whole point though was that the player with the most health would stand a better chance because they wouldnt have to heal as many times....thus getting more attacks.

    Low health riders? Ive never seen one....but i guess that doesnt mean they dont exist.....I would love to take a shot at them and see how long they What I consider a rider is someone that can stay up indefinitely........not just a few minutes or an hour because nobody of any significant power is hitting them.
  3. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    Tbh, I posted that because I went and finkled around in the other post on this DB, and wanted this one to still be on the title page of the forum as for it to still grab attention to any passers by.

    oops, looks like I derailed it. Im sure the mods will take care of this lol.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2013
  4. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    It's called clan everyone high level PIMP some do it not sure why, but it is possible. You ever try to get someone slap killed yet everyone is clan with "X" Person? I have. Maybe different platform of the game I MEAN FB VC

    BTW 50K Health FB VC 6000-7000 is normal
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2013
  5. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    give him some credit, I think he might have 18-19. I don't have crazy health like you or claire, but I have a bit and he can kill me sometimes. That being said I have 1 defense and have managed to ride the list over a minute once or twice.
  6. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    Too bad KANO straight up told us no that won't happen because they're afraid of people leaving the game.
  7. Ddraig Goch

    Ddraig Goch New Member

    neither ... retrospective !!!! Ooops I should have focussed on health
  8. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    Yupp, dont have to have high health to be a fighter, or like punching for that matter.
  9. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    We all know will happen no matter what, lowers will get slapped listed hit for many reasons.
    A: a chief/friend ask for help
    B: they slap or attack you
    C: gotta love this 1, slap you for getting their bounty
    D: post something stupid in world chat
    E: in a wrong guild/war or not
    F: could keep going but to tired LOL

    EDIT: we went through it as well, suck it up!
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2013
  10. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Battle kills , would get no from me, way too may use leveling partners, so that is not a fight, fighting a rival is a fight.

    what is up for a vote, have not decided yet.
  11. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    i voted for max slap damage but would like to see both, idk what everybody is arguin about when theres free exp/skill points/fps to be had...pick one or both and do it already haha
  12. slave

    slave Member

    were either of these two achievements even mentioned in ideas?

    or is this something that came out of the 8 hour board meeting you guys had when you (all of your non playing developers) decided this would help the game, along with that crafting bs?

    just wondering

    and thanks for putting all the other good ideas on achievements in the trash

    and just a curious note, the max damage punch - that is a straight forward raise your health and you will get a higher max damage punch, no real mystery to that you get an achievement for high health and the you would get another achievement based on that high health for a punch, seems real redundant....

    but i can see how that goes with the crafting, god can you guys just put in a farm?
  13. Absolutely...
    I vote for highest punch... just because of that reason alone.
    Health = less death
    I have a 'chocolate teapot' defense ... ahaha ... but lots of health, there are only a few people in Zombies on FB that get anywhere near to killing me.
    So this achievement ticks all KANOs boxes, lots of health to get punch achievement, less crybabies whining about PVP deaths 'cos they have the health to keep them alive :D
    My goodness, are we actually making some progress with the devs listening to the PVP players at last :O
  14. I agree with you, Tim... we're having to settle for 'something'...
    I still think there should be a 1k, 5k and 10k fight kills achievement though, and I'll stand by it.
    And I'd also like to say that by adding a 'Punch' related achievement you are in essence encouraging aggression, but as it will run alongside the Health achievements, that's okay in your book, KANO ?
    Although a punch kill achievement would be nice, Tim, I think is is far too easy to cheat on it... so I don't think it will ever happen. Too many people have bees in their bonnets about THAT as it is :D
    Maybe the devs are thinking that if they encourage people to add to health, then the fight kills achievement will be more palateable for them...
    Well, here's hoping :p
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2013
  15. Yeah, but you have a deathwish... hahaha :p
  16. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    How so... You can only punch once per hour... I think it could possibly be the most complicated thing to be able to cheat on in the game.

    What you could download 4 or so browsers, build 4 different alts, all with substantial health, and level, because a bitty little thing isnt even going to help, and then punch with all 3 of your alts before your main? and STILL not guaranteed punch kill. Seems a lot easier just to make a few friends and share punch links. Which is not cheating in the least.

    I think the 3 achievements released all together would be the best, Total number of punches, Highest punch, and Punch kills

    That set will encourage factions to work together, and punch eachothers rivals. and Maybe, just "MAYBE" then.... They wouldnt be crying about getting punched, because they would be too busy enjoying punches themselves.

    Im double mentioning, tripple even. Not all fighters have high health... Hell, not all punchers have high health. Super lame to claim to be rewarding one set of players, when youre really not. Youre rewarding a different set.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2013
  17. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    I think hitlist wins, and all 3 punch ach. where mentioned several times, when people where making long lists of achivments they wanted to see.

    Im okay with both, but not just thees two, and esp just one or the other.

    Lock yourself in the garage for a month or two. come back out with new achievements for EVERYTHING that we have a stat for + Battle arena. Thats what needs to be done.

    Hell It wouldnt even upset me if there was achievements for a moderate amount of losses and deaths really, so long as All the rest of the stats had achievements too, Please remember. "Death is just another stat"

    Then, People will get achievements for whatever area of the game they want to accell in, You might have some people not so happy about one achivment being released, but at least that way. They're happy because they got the one they wanted too. Probably too busy working on it to be bitching about the one they dont care for.

    I guess this is where somone mentions "small indy team" Please. Borrow some of those "hard working" Devs from KoT that can crank out a whole game in 6 months and get 'r done.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2013
  18. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    10k is not nearly enough. Everybody on the fight kills board has over 10k
  19. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Everything PVP is SP based.

    Balance? not everyone is going to get everything(achievements)already based on their build or dedication, how or why should this be any diff? there are already achievements that would be impossible for certain types of builds. I use the word impossible only because u did....i dont think any achievement is impossible...its just personal choice. There are some that are not that hard to obtain that i dont have and never will because going for them would take away from my build and the meager rewards def dont warrant cool with that.

    I agree that it would be cool to also see number of punches as well as punch kills but the max slap does indeed need to be "worked up to" as well. My slaps are are around 5k on a good day vs certain opponents...My viking sure didnt start out with slaps like

    Only a few have over 50k health or 10k attack? When...2 years ago? those numbers are meager for many.

    I like and agree with the hamburger/steak analogy......but in the end ...its better than starving. To lazy to go back and look but didnt WB say a "series" of PVP achievements? im thinking/hoping that what ever category gets will only be the first of a few.
  20. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    Not in the way this is DIRECTLY related to it.

    You have to have a designated amount of health, to get a designated level of punch.

    on the other hand, You dont have to have X amount of attack or defense to win 250k fights. Having a heavy amount helps, but that amount is different for this level or that level.

    Same applies to hitlist.... You dont have to have more attack or health points than the next player to have more hitlist kills.

    Ambushes PURLY have zero to do with skills other than having the 2 stamina available to place it, along with placing hits, the number of punches that you dealt.

    So really, While skill point allocation does have to do with advantages/disadvantages of getting (some) of the pvp achivments. It is still not a direct relation of having a specific amount.

    As far as my statement on 10k attack and Defesne. I reference to ZS, our highest level is 4200 or so and he's nearing the point that he does not even have 1 person on his undead list.

    If did include the 50k health in that 5 people, Im sorry, I think there are around 20 people that have that much I believe.

    and when i say impossible, I mean with a low health build it will be Impossible to get a highpunch. Its in the code.

    I guess my views on skill point achivments would not work when level 5,000 is just a mid level player, not a concept im used to in anyway. What I said is true for zs, nobody has all the skill point achivments, and nobody has more than 1 of the highest.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2013

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