Player thoughts on the development of Kingdom of Thrones

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by polishpimp, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    I tried it and didnt like it at all, but to be fair I didnt try it for long because i simply dont like those kind of games.

    What troubles me and also explains a few things is why Kano would create a new game. They admittedly are a small understaffed Indie company with limited resources. They cant already keep up with volume of the forum, support and the existing games are woefully behind. I could not in good conscious recommend this new game due to reasons lmentioned previously.

    Until the existing games catch up to the players that have already dedicated their time and or money.....I dont think Kano should be starting new ones, look at what happened to hollywood Zombies....they all iut completey ignored those players for months before deciding to tell them they werent going to be going any further with it. I wonder how many players invested time and money into that game before Kano decided to finally come clean.

    The existing games have been around for years and their most dedicated of players are playing in worlds thousands of levels below them, numbers needed for final achievements have been more than doubled in some cases. Where has Kano been? Off building another game while neglecting its current games.

    most of this is just my opinion....but the rest is plain old in your face fact.
    Lasinagol likes this.
  2. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    Polish, the thread you posted in was for specific feedback about the new game, and while you did mention briefly you didn't like it, most of your post was about whether you thought we should have made it at all. I've moved your post to a new thread, as it's largely it's own idea.
  3. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Above and beyond the games themselves ....what Kano did better than any other gaming company was that they interacted with their players. I remember when I started playing you could find multiple devs at any given time in the forums yacking it up. Players had questions answered pretty quickly and it just felt like our opinion mattered. Since then the Devs have all but disappeared and they have left one person in charge of this zoo. Not only that....but that one person also has to cover support, and 2 other forums because Kano is expanding to other platforms and other games. Kano your losing your grip on what made u diff and better. You may be a small Indie company ...but your acting like the larger more selfish sort. Remember Deltan? That big goof came in and tortured us for how long? Obviously Kano realized there mistake, probably had nothing to do with all of our bitching and moaning. But did we hear an oooops....our bad? Hell no....we got...."We dont wanna talk about u cant either". Now we have this ridiculous new game from an already understaffed and under resourced company while their existing games have already fallen way behind its players who have been here the longest and supplied them what resources they do have. Personally....I feel like Kano has all but abandoned its players, why not just make it official and sell out to the big boys? Ide rather listen to an automated recording than the same old tired excuses that turn out to be just a cover for something else.

    Dont take me wrong not slamming on you, I know your just doing what Kano tells ya to do and all things considered your doing pretty darn well. Ide say Kano should give ya a raise.....but Im the selfish sort and frankly....I dont want it to take away anymore from the ;)
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2013
  4. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    I like the game, I enjoy it it is different and there is ""alot"" to do , and figure out, which is a nice change of pace for me, makes me thinks rather than just click , since I have learned PC for the most part , all it takes now is just to keep moving forward. I notice there are different dev's working on it, who I have never heard from before, and also there used to be another network HI5 so Kong is just taking it's place , so to speak, but I understand your point of view on it.
    Ne0istic likes this.
  5. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    Polish If you actually played kingdom of thorns for a few hours, It would just make you sick how incredibly intricate it is. If they put a 1/4 of the effort into the current games as they did the new game, There would be nothing left to complain, well except the people who continue to bitch about peoples alts, nothing could make that go away.

    We would have a solid weekly competition, New content that gives us something to do, battle arena would be a primed, the new achievements we've all been begging for would be live, we would be gaining players instead of losing them.

    but hey, at least the few of the knao players that actually like thees atrocious cheesy flash games will have a very well mapped out game to play. That is, until kano doesnt make enough money on it and abandons all updates and refuses to debug it like hollywood zombies.
    Lasinagol likes this.
  6. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    With Hollywood Zombies we built a game that was outside our core expertise and we learned a lot from that experience. Unfortunately it never gained the traction we had hoped for and was not feasible to keep active development in place to support. All that being said, we have left the game running and operational, I guarantee you a lot longer than any other developer out there.

    We continue to push new content into ZS/PC/VC/LCN. I think there are some new achievements in the works right now for some of them.

    And as for "cheesy flash games", I totally have the same feelings towards Flash as you do which is why we built KoT with HTML5. One of Kano Apps goals is to build web based games that are multi-platform which flash does not allow you to do.
    Lasinagol likes this.
  7. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Not sure where 2. has fallen off, we have actually increased our community support resources and have implemented a lot of ideas. That being said, it seems like we have fallen short lately with responding to and acknowledging ideas that have been implemented and why certain ones can't which is what WonderBread is currently working to improve.
  8. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    ummmmm....FYI,the games are thousands of levels behind its top players. this gives equally dedicated players behind them in levels a huge advantage. In games that are already very limiting to the highest of levels this is pretty messed up. Now new games?
  9. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    You hit the nail right on the head there Pimp.
  10. I never could get into the games based around building a castle, an Army, a Monster, a Farm.... whatever
    That being said, I went to install the app and check it out when I realized that its an animated app. My old computer can't handle animated app.'s so I wasn't able to try it out :(

    I guess this post isn't worth much considering the fact that I wasn't able to give the game a chance.
    I still want to weigh in by saying that I personally would rather see you guys spending your time on Zombie Slayers rather than working to create new games
  11. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    I Play the 4 games and now a 5 th and I really like the Newest game, not so much cause it is better but because it is different, give it a shot, ya never know ya might like it .
  12. ben

    ben Active Member

    i rather play pc as my main one that i play most and a very high level...its a shame that i cant really get any where in it because kano cant keep up with me so i stop putting money into it ... why should i put money into it im at a stand still on pc until kano can catch up with me...
  13. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    PC is also my main game. :) and the one I have put the most time and money into, but I still am enjoying the new game, so far, it is totally different, a whole new ball game, and similar to two other games I have played .
  14. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Couldnt agree more Ben. i use to spend a decent portion of my entertainment dollar with Kano.....but that stopped when it became obvious that the money wasnt doing anything but funding my own demise. I know many others that feel the same, why on earth would we spend money when it goes to helping all the newbs while we languish in limbo? Kind of odd that most if not all of Kanos past or current leaders in all games and platforms feel similar, the same or have already left. In time those that replace us will realize the same.....but at that point Kano will have already spent all their money on a game for someone

    I still remember when muspell was the highest world like forever....those of us that got stuck/stopped there really took it in the shorts, weve got thousands upon thousands of all them worthless non blacksmithing items now....that we wasted tens of thousands of energy and stam on. The newer players breeze right through that lame duck of a world now not wanting to waste a dime in that useless world.

    Itstill blows my mind that Kano went back and inserted new bosses and adventures into the middle of a mature game, it sure helped everybody BUT the players that were waaaaaaay beyond them already. Lower levels have everything we had still ahead of them.....why Kano would put new content anywhere but at the end is an about mind blower and insulting to say the least
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2013
  15. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    Its not flash?

    It sure is as glitchy, It doesnt flat out "crash" but it does freeze up and cause you to refresh, There is problems with moving around the screens. It also likes to overheat my laptop.

    It does have mining in it (the same as farming just another name for it.)

    It is all "cute" with thees colors and squished up characters , and the fighting is like "eveyone take turns".

    Your do "visit" friends castles, that are displayed in a row on the bottom of the screen.

    I suppose you can divert from the meat of what I was saying by pointing out its not a flash program, but It doesn't argue that the game was made to appeal to people that play other games than your own.

    Im sticking to the relation to Hollywood zombies, It looks like the same mistake repeated. Trying to copy another developers tactics When Its what you already have that has survived for 3 years, As similar canvas games that where around before social networks became popular, (It was still called "blogging" back then) have also nearly survived a decade. (some never asking a penny from their players)

    by the way, Its very nice to see you make an appearance Kendal. Almost afraid you where no longer around.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2013
  16. ben

    ben Active Member

    to me how i feel about the new game l feel like kano has let me down big time... i find it hard to think kano would let us down on there other games and take the time that it took to put this new game out...that time could of been use to catch there other games up to the players in them...
  17. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Yeah it could of.
  18. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    I understand your concern but unfortunately we would have to release content faster than daily to keep content ahead of players. Keeping content ahead of players, especially with the game design of VC / PC / ZS / LCN, it is pretty much impossible to release locations at a pace that is going to be ahead of all players. Also, the amount of time that it takes to release a location (number crunching, asset creation, planning, etc) is not a fast process and we do not plan on cutting down the quality of assets / locations so that we can pump them out quicker.

    While we continue to release new locations to VC / PC / ZS / LCN we are also looking for content that is replayable that higher levels can enjoy such as Battle Arenas and hope to get a new feature like that out in the next month or so.

    Also, we tried to make it as clear as possible that resources are not being sacrificed that are on VC / PC / ZS / LCN to release this new game. If KoT is a huge success it is a big win for our existing games as well, having VC / PC / ZS / LCN linked could introduce the existing games to a bunch of new players.

    One big push that we are on right now is to turn around the ideas, better communication with the community and turn around the "Kano doesn't listen" to "Kano doesn't always implement what we want, but they listen, are involved and have implemented suggestions from the community, they are a developer that cares!"
  19. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    I am always around, can't get rid of the Kendall!
  20. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    I cannot speak for VC PC LCN, but in zs, There is New outbreaks available for everyone but the top 40 in levels. I agree, it not necessarily locations that the game need a lot more of, but I disagree that its another battle arena either. Its something to keep people logged in for a longer amount of time. resulting in more healing, and more action in the games.

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