New PVP Achievements

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Wonder Bread, Jan 24, 2013.


Which of these Achievement sets would you more like to see?

  1. Total Hitlist Wins

    9 vote(s)
  2. Maximum Punch Damage Dealt

    23 vote(s)
  1. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    In our continuing attempt to be awesome, we wanted to offer you all the chance to vote on a set of PVP achievements. It's been mentioned by a number of players that PVP-oriented players have less PVP-focused achievements, and we wanted to remedy that.

    Therefore, a brief explanation of the choices:

    Hitlist Wins

    Fairly straightforward, but this would be a series of achievements based on the number of times you've made successful attacks on someone on the hitlist. These would added retroactively, as we are currently tracking this stat.

    Max Punch Damage Dealt

    Also straightforward, this option would create a series of achievements based on the max punch damage dealt. This set of achievements would also be added retroactively.

    Please select your choice in the poll. I realize that some players would prefer both of these be implemented, but for the purposes of the poll please choose the one you would prefer to be implemented if only one of them will be.
  2. Chris Groner

    Chris Groner New Member

    I vote for neither. Slap kills!!
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2013
  3. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Of the 2 choices its a no brainer.....the biggest slap, punch , whip. I dont think theres anything associated with this category yet

    Counting bounty hit wins would be wack. players who can ride the bounty would either be helping out their rivals (against their will) just by riding or purposely inflating the stats of their friends.

    Personally, I would like to see achievements or a leader board category for those on bounty like total wins or length of time. Riding the list is the true feat.....hitting someone a lot while on bounty is a piece of cake and is dependent on the rider. Its already unfair that the person attacking gets XP while the rider does not why does the attacker deserve even more?

    Maybe even slap kills.

    Does the retro thing go back all the way to the very beginning?

    How about the slaps that kill that we never actually see the amount? would be nice if we could actually see the damage # on a kill slap and if they counted towards the achievements as well.

    Confused as to how "Max Punch Damage Dealt" could be worked into an individual achievement. Wouldnt that be more of a leader board thing? Everyone has their own max punch....everytime the better it ...its an achievement? Or do u get an achievments for slaps that exceed certain predetermined amounts such as 100, 250, 500 etc etc? What about the highest damage slap in the game? leader board?
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2013
  4. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Same here Chris that's a PVP achievement, we have a achievement for bounties, it's called bounty kills. Doesn't matter to me how many hits I get in, it's the kill shot that matters giving you the coin. As for max punch/slap etc. that's a health related which we also have a achievement for. Nice try no vote from me either.
  5. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    My guess would be the stats from profile page when started counting but I could be wrong
  6. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Huh? so u compare slap amount to health of which we achievements for, which is for total health. But u dont think slap kills are akin to other kills such as bounty kills and battle kills? If u ask me...a kill by any means is closer related to each other than a slap kill is to ones total health, especially when the slap result is based on the lower of the 2 healths
  7. Neither of these is a reward for actual fighters.

    Hitlist Wins:
    This is a reward for hunters. Those that are able to snipe well, have a fast connection and a fast mouse (and some luck) on their side, and have the inclination to keep clicking "Hitlist" button for lengthy periods of time.

    Max Punch Damage Dealt:
    Since max punch damage is capped by health, this one simply rewards players who choose to invest in health over what actual PvPers would (i.e. attack & defense).

    How about rewards for actual PvP fighters? As in fight kills, punch kills, punches dealt (health is not needed, punching is an invitation to initiate PvP). Heck, even number of losses or number of deaths is more of a reward fitting for PvP fighters than the two options that you guys managed to come up with :)
  8. :eek: is this real life? :eek:

    my vote...Maximum Punch Damage Dealt

    Reason 1) there are no punch achievements yet
    Reason 2) This insures others will continue adding health while I am adding attack/defense LOL
  9. Terminator

    Terminator Member

    How about a ratio also...number of kills:wins - as some of us smaller players may be getting some kills without winning a bunch of "wins"...still getting the kill but not necessarily beating the one we kill...make sense? 1000 bounty kills on 1500 wins, but 5000 losses...would be better than someone with 4000 kills and 20,000 wins and 8000 losses. Otherwise, the bounty system is good like it is. As for the axe slap thing, all you would be doing is showing off everyone's health stats. We already can see that on "Stats". Divide a player's biggest slap by 0.05 and you have a very close estimate of their health. Why not have a track-able largest stamina achievement...makes as much sense. The people with the most health will be tops in the "best slap" skill involved whatsoever.
  10. Terminator

    Terminator Member

    How about a list of who has died the most? I think that would be cool to see. Thanks.
  11. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Hitting some one on bounty or withstanding attacks while on bounty is as PVP as it gets (especially for the rider because they cant take a break).

    Every last thing in these games depends on how much or how little u invested in one of the 5 attributes and or how your opponent did theirs. Somehow health is less deserving or doesnt play as significant a role? More health helps a bounty hunter and the rider does it not? A well timed large slap is a huge part of these games whether its follows a string of attacks or its just visiting your favorite rival every hour. Big slaps and health are extremely underrated huge parts of the game.
  12. How is your response relevant to what is mentioned, i.e. "on a set of PVP achievements"?

    Health = Higher Boss damage = Most number of achievements anyway.
    Hunters / riders = Hitlist skills = Existing achievements.
  13. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Your kidding right? No matter how u slice it or dice it.....4k bounty kills is better than 1k bounty kills. In addition...the fact that someone killed someone on bounty while winning or losing should make zero diff what so ever, but your suggesting that someone that gets more losses than wins in relation to their number of BKs is somehow better?
  14. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    All things being equal for examples sake. You and I are both hitting the same target on bounty for 5 minutes, the only difference is that I have 50k health and u have 10k health, whos got the better shot of getting the bounty?

    Once again all things equal for examples sake. You and I are both on bounty getting hit by the exact same players the exact number of times, the only diff....I got 50k health and u have 10k health. who stays up on bounty longer?

    Are you suggesting that the interaction of a bounty battle is not PVP? How is clicking to attack someone on bounty any diff than clicking to hit an opponent thats not on bounty? What about those opponents u attack that dont attack u back because they are doing something that PVP? How do u suggest the game differentiate between attacks which are retaliated against and those that r not? How about players like me that are on bounty and attack those attacking me? I suppose thats not PVP either?

    Like I said...everything in these games is limited by one of your attributes. You said....slaps are limited by health, yep your right about that. I say your win or losse are capped by your def or att....what say you? Before you say it depends on your opponent......the amount of ones slap depends on their opponent as well.

    "How about rewards for actual PvP fighters? " Ummmm....have u looked at your achievement page lately?
  15. IpeeFreely

    IpeeFreely Member

    This is a no brainer! ... max dmg dealt!... since most ppls hitlist wins are achieved through ridding the list with healbots
  16. Hildr Jorg

    Hildr Jorg New Member

    Of those two options, I guess I would choose the slap dmg achievement as currently there isn't any reward for slaps, only a stat. However, I would much rather see slap achievements based on number of kills rather than amount of damage. This would be more directed at 'pvp fighter' players of all levels. Slap damage is related to level and health and as such can be increased/strengthened by adventures and boss fighting. Nothing wrong with that but if you want to provide more rewards for battle fighting, number of kills is a better measure. Just my humble opinion. Thanks.
  17. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    It really should be punch kills not punch damage.

    The punch damage is totally skill allocation based.

    As it is now, The only achievements that have anything to do with skill allocation is the Skill achievements themselves, and even with those They are set so high that allocating your skills at all work twards one or another... Maybe a few have over 50k health, and i think less than 5 people have reached 10k of either of attack or defense on all networks combined.

    I guess what Im trying to say, is there is a balance to it, because You're either working on one or another, It really doesnt seem fair to put an achievement out that is impossible to get with a certain builds. ie high defense energy builds, heavy attack and defense fighter builds. (exactly the sort of people you are trying to reward here)

    I would be much more comfortable with a number of punches dealt achivment vs a max damage, if you are just too scared to put out a punch kill, or fight kill achivment.

    at least a number of punches is something that you build up to, and not just some random occurrence with the proper health. and it would also be able to reach with any build.

    Id also like to say, hitlist wins achievements would be okay to release alongside all sorts of other achievements, but putting it out on their own would lead to a mass movement to manipulate the game in the way that polish mentioned here.

    I sort of feel the same way about the high punch achievement, it would be okay, if it where released next to a total number of punches, and a total punch kills achievement . Would create a balance.

    Id like to point out, the feedback on this thread is much like limiting level 300 and less from listing highers.... All players here have clearly stated, Its not what they want, but hey, they'll settle for it. sort of like, ordering a steak, getting a hamburger, but being so starved that you eat it anyway.

    I really think kano should go back to the drawling board on this one, so Im not voting.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2013
  18. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    Really now? We give the idea for an actual achievement so you turn it down and throw this at us? I don't use this term a lot, but this really is a slap in the face to the PvP players. ESPECIALLY the ones who continue to give you ideas constantly. It's like giving a tiger a dog treat. It actually irritates me that this would be proposed after turning something real down. Hitlist wins mean nothing, biggest punch is basically a second health achievement. No vote.
  19. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Dan can you please add a third option to the POLL which is "NO VOTE" TY
  20. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    My thoughts exactly SSO, anyone see how this would create imbalance which some might go for health to get a big slap achievement besides me? More riding the bounty board, weaker opponents= less exp= more $ to lvl up, just a few to think of. KANO can you just allocate our points for us would be much easier LOL

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