Arena still not fixed!

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by slave, Dec 15, 2012.

  1. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    The 300b bounties would have been under level 200. The 400b i think i was just over level 300. Mind you when i started on MS i had over 100b in the bank at level 100.

    FYI the saying "it's like FB ZS with training wheels" was first said about Hi5, nice to see your keeping it alive now. I guess you'll be saying the same about Kong too soon, though at least there you would be right.

    FB players think they are the be all and end all to everything. They also seem to be the only one surprised when they get their ass handed to them and have to go running for help. Muh!
  2. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    Gone running? I hope you're not referring to me lmao. I've prompted you to try to get you to kill me more in the past. When somebody can actually list me to the point where i can't level within the minute, maybe i'll admit I got my ass handed to me. You can kill someone 500 times in a row back to back to back to back. If they can level right then and there i have some news for you, they are laughing at you. The training wheels saying was true for hi5, and now it's true for myspace. I'm sure at one point your platform mattered and was some sort of challenge. Now it's something for me to do when I'm out of stamina on my facebook account. Also I don't play kong yet. I'm gonna give it a few months maybe a year. Hopefully there are some more users on there. I got on one day to see 3 users on my level 50 fight list.
  3. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    I think the point you miss is, people don't care. Like you wanting me to kill you, just because you wanted my attention, it meant nothing to me. I actually get sick of FB players coming over to MS and saying "oh you killed me a lot an i leveled anyway haha jokes on you". I really couldn't care and neither could the rest of MS. Where is the fun in killing someone who wants to be killed? Or even worse, someone who can't fight back? You said it yourself, MS is just a time filler for you, why should people bother with you when they can be playing the game against others who are there to enjoy it like they are.
  4. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    I had actually gone to myspace trying to make this a regular game. It's not active enough. there isn't much to do at all except messing with people.
  5. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    You didn't give it a chance. You wanted it to be like FB and that is never gonna happen (Thank God)

    Just because it's not for you doesn't mean you have to try and run it down for those who do enjoy it. You've never gotten anywhere on MS so i think it's a bit harsh when you start bagging the place out. I go to FB every now and then and end up having to booby trap people 4 times my level 50-80 times in a row, i don't call the whole network lame just because a few playing there are. It is what you make of it and i think it says something when people would rather play on a dying network then play on FB.
  6. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    Run it down? How was I running it down. There's no fightlist, almost never any hits going up when I'm around, no rivals. I was posting on world chat trying to get someone to attack me to make something out of the game. I gave it a chance and I'm still giving. And it's funny how you complain about having to deal with the higher levels. Back when I was your level I was punch killing them trying to piss them off so they'd chain me. I didn't want to level. I'd get around 50 deaths a day on average and it still wasn't enough to keep me low. So you can keep on playing on that dying network of yours where nothing is a challenge(training wheels) I'll keep on playing where the people list, and attack, and make efforts to kill me as I do the same to them. It's a killing game, but it's no fun if you never get killed.
  7. Blasphamy

    Blasphamy Member

    So, I think this thread has reached beyond the point of 'productive'..... you all sit here and complain, gripe, piss n moan about this thing or that thing......but you never offer any solutions. You're the first ones to point out that there is a flaw, but never offer an opinion on how to go about correcting it. Just, 'this is absolute crap, I can't get a kill.....fix it Kano" ......and that's no way to go about it. Instead of posting video after video, or complaint after complaint...... why not try to give a solid corrective action? What is the number for "human capability" over a length of time?? If I recall correctly, (with no prior lookback at the little click game you posted earlier) I believe the number of 'clicks per second' that was 'normal' was around 11 per second....or somewhere around 630-660 per minute...with a few awesome efforts that reached into the 700's (but that was only after a hella forced amount of effort, which you won't be doing for the course of a 10+ hour Arena). You also said earlier, Bacon, that you had only tripped the throttle 4 times all arena long....which means that for 99% of your attacks, you were just fine. But, with that being said, you just so happen to set up your 'record it now program' to catch the exact 30 seconds of you tripping it for 1 of those times??? You defend yourself by saying that holding a recorder in one hand and clicking with your other is a pain......but resetting and recording every 30 seconds of game play seems to be a bit more of a hassle, just to prove something that nobody believes you are doing in the first place. Nobody knows when, how, if the throttle is going to be applied....hell, even Slave (the master of figuring out the rhyme or reason for it) can't get it figured out....but you, you can seem to set up a program and trip it at your own free will....then post it up and say 'see, this sucks'.

    If the problem is so diverse, and you want it resolved.....then make your claims a bit more logically thought out. Don't post up a click per minute game that the 'normal' player can get 600ish on..... then comment on a post saying how 'sparatic' the tripping is...... then say that you only got it four times, but you just so happen to record the exact moment it happens..... then come back and say that it's a problem. It seems to me, that your going to elaborate lengths to prove there's a problem and every step along the way you are contradicting yourself.

    I love a good debate.....when there is a solid issue, and a logical solution proposed. But I gotta admit, these forums have been full of complaining, with no real solutions offered. You don't like where the throttle is positioned....then jump on your click per second toy, get to pressing that dang button about 850 times in a row, take a small break for 20-25 seconds, then go do it again.... do that about 4-5 times and come back and tell us what you come up with for a logical, click per second 'throttle' should be set at for a 'normal' human being. If right now it's set to something like 14-15, well, that's 900 clicks per minute....and as far as i'm tracking, nobody that played your little game even came close to that number.... so what, 10-11?? that's 600-660.....which seems to be just about right.

    All I'm saying is offer a solution. Don't just complain relentlessly and then get into a debate about the game on the forum. You guys sit here and argue day in and day out......then you wonder why Kano don't do anything about it. There are no solutions offered, just complaints and 'fix it'. And if there is a solution offered, it gets turned off by another player who then starts a debate and it turns into an argument and then again, you wonder why there are no fixes to your game being implemented. Am I the only one who sees this? You all sit here and go round and round, but never work together to come up with anything. Why would Kano listen to you? I'm just a player and I sure as hell hate reading 5 pages of worthless garbage debating between 3 players who think that their opinions are the only ones who matter and that those 3 players should be the voice of seemingly thousands of others who think the game operates just fine. Just don't understand it.
  8. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    I have offered many solutions. I've gone out of my way to make videos, and pause my playing to take screenshots, and then I come on here on top of messaging support to show KANO what is wrong. I have given them the solution to push back the throttle or take it out. As you may know from some of my posts the amount of times I tripped the throttle this time went down, and I thanked Kano for their efforts. However, I still hit it and I sent in a video to prove that someone can still trip the throttle without the use of any bots/autoclickers. Also TAKE A LOOK AT THE VIDEO. Notice I already have a running out of steam message there when it starts. Whenever I got the running out of steam message I started running the video. What you see there is my third attempt. The other 2 times I didn't get the throttle again within 30 seconds. It wasn't a matter of conveniently capturing it at the right time. Once you trip the throttle it usually keeps happening to you during a kill. Take a look at the ideas section for a bit. Both me, and slave have offered KANO a variety of ideas, not just related to the arena. We want to see this game get better, but it won't happen without feedback. If you want to think lowly of me for giving this feedback; it's fine, but you should take your own advice and think logically.
    A company's best customer is one that complains. When they complain you know what to fix, and the ones who don't complain never say a word, but they never come back.
    I hardly think you complaining about the players sniping off your kills is productive at all, so don't lecture me on productivity. I relay information to KANO, I put up ideas, and WE(not just me) have given them solutions. I've contacted support, I've posted on the forums, and I try to do everything that I can to make sure that people that don't cheat don't trip this throttle, don't get slowed down, ect.
  9. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    The games on either platform are essentially the same, the only real differences being player count and the individual players dedication, tenacity and mind set. It can easily be argued that the sheer number of players in FB allow for many more options than MS which in my opinion makes it FB easier than MS. If a player such as myself had started on FB rather than MS than I would more than likely be more than double the level I am on MS due to the sheer availability of opportunity. I guess you could argue that the extra amount of players in FB would have slowed me down by making life difficult with attacks and bounties, but I had that 24/7 here in MS when I started over and I leveled even faster than the first time. The only difference.....the fact there was less players meant my rivals had less distractions thus allowing them more time to concentrate on me. So in the end.....I dont think the platforms are all that diff other then a difference in the amount of down time from one to the next
  10. Blasphamy

    Blasphamy Member

    I acknowledge your input, as it is normally very well thought out. Seeing this thread take a turn for the worse is what got me going. My post complaining about sniping was started due to the volume of players that despise the 'tactic'... I didn't say it shouldn't be allowed, but rather offered a feasible solution that would require players to hit a target 'x' amount of times to be eligible for the kill... I understood that some players don't have 1000's of stamina to be drivers, but everyone has at least a couple hundred, so by making all players be actively engaged to a certain extent would increase the spread of health and make the last 200 or so remaining players a bit more challenging, rather than waiting til the final 14.

    I personally like to see the 'complaints' roll in, but more times than not they are not coupled with a solution. Maybe not yours in particular, but you have probably noticed it as well. Constructive criticism is absolutely a crucial part of the improvement process. But the debates of player vs player on here detracts from the overall effectiveness of that effort. That's what I was getting at Bacon.
  11. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    I'm sure at one point in time myspace may have been a different animal to try to work with, but right now it's insanely easy. Barely any fights, not many lists, easy to ride. To get the deaths I need to make sure I don't level with excess stamina I end up attacking higher level players to suicide on them lol. I'm almost level 700 and i've been playing for about 50 days. this past week i haven't even been on every day either, and I don't even really play it. Even eraser will admit that it has gone from a good platform to easy mode.
  12. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    Wow, this thread is entirely derailed. and now my names been mentioned in it.

    I guess my input on the 2nd topic would be blue on black at this point.

    I started playing zs on myspace right around the time that ENGLAND was the newest area. and I reached the "war" levels of about 400 shortly after the release of factions.

    When it first kicked off, there where about 7-10 really great fighting groups, ZKA had a good 3 or 4 factions full of active members. There where a bunch of active chatrooms full of people hunting, the average hitlist lasted about 4 seconds if it was full life, which reduced over time, as more people came up in the game...

    I cant say anything for the other games, because I dont play them. but as of current. ZS on myspace is dead. A few months ago, I put up a hitlist, at a punch kill of health, and it sit there on the list for over 40 seconds before anyone bothered to look up and try to kill it, Ive logged in over there and killed everything that went up for over a half an hour.

    Usually when I got listed in the end days of myspace, unless it was a setup, I had a good 20 seconds or better before somone hit me. and after healing for a good 10 minutes or so, Id have maybe a max of about 5 people attack me. When I "attempt" to heal of facebook. I have had 16 different players hit me in 30 seconds.

    and as far as a new player comming in? They will be greeted with a good 800 levels of fightlist FULL of inactive players that quit before the release of hired squad. If you paid the right sort of attention. Added the right people, I would say there is less than 50 people playing the game less level 500, You could play for a Verry long time without even being attacked, build yourself up a good 10,000 consecutive win streak or better.

    Myspace ZS is much easier place to play than FB zs. Its just not as much competition.

    There are some REALLY awesome players still kickin' it Over there. And they CAN make things difficult for you, but for the most part, the biggest challenge is finding something alive.
  13. slave

    slave Member

    well ive identified the issues, but i dont have any solutions but...fix the code

    the first ten arenas, there were no glitches, no slowdowns, no brains messages, and no health rewards taken away

    the last four arenas have had multiple showstoppers (in my humble opinion)

    what has changed but code? probably kano cant be arsed to go back through all the lines of code and fix the ones causing these glitches
    they would rather issue new code and try to correct it, but each subsequent release has had new or more bugs in it since.
    again i cant give solutions but fix it....

    as for the argument going on about being throttled, its real easy to sit back when you havent tripped it, and call anyone that does a cheater,
    well get over it, people are tripping it and they are doing it by clicking a mouse. your story about the throttle being designed to catch someone over a period of half hour or hour or two hours is bunk as well

    two arenas ago i tripped it 24 minutes in.....thats right 24 minutes after the start of arena
    i know i wasnt cheating, all i was doing was clicking a mouse, i reported to support with account information and times of each of the three arenas that i tripped it. Im still here playing, do you really think if people were cheating, they would be crying about tripping it in forum?
    think about that for a minute, your never going to hear the cheaters complain, your only going to hear the people getting stopped who are doing it legit.
    a cheater wouldnt bring undue attention to themselves.....

    so stop sitting on your pedestal and accusing everyone else of doing something wrong just because it hasnt happened to you yet....

    throttling? sucked
    slowdown? was worse, couldnt even compete
    but getting your kills taken from you after youve seen your health total raised? come on ......

    its getting worse each arena and that only means one thing
    participation will continue to drop
    this event used to be worth using UN on, but now, i dont think it is (again my humble opinion)

    its a simple fix, make it playable, or people wont play....

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