Battle Arena Attack Threshold for rewards

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Wonder Bread, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. slave

    slave Member

    the way it is now, with 1400 inactive accounts trying to slide into the rewards tier and only 100 or so active accounts trying to take them out is just begging to reward inactive accounts with high health and lousy xp payoffs....
  2. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Thats a very good idea Slave. Ive also pointed out the reduction in health was far from adequate , the elimination of it just shows once again where Kano stands on things, which unfortunately is on the liberal side of the isle(welfare anyone?). Personally....I wouldnt care if there were only 3 participants in the arena as long as they were actively playing and trying to win, Thats what it was supposed to be all all out unrestricted battle for all comers regardless of level which wouldnt affect your normal game, unfortunately what the majority got was another lottery, the only diff being that u stand less a chance of winning with the more tickets they buy.

    Although Im sure there are many players who enter with the intention of playing but for one reason or another cant.....I d guess that the majority simply enter for the free XP and a chance at rewards with no intentions of participating. I would think that Kano could identifies these players that never or rarely participate even though they sign up for all of them, perhaps Kano should make them pay to enter the arena, if they want to play the lotto than they should have to buy their
  3. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    the arena for 11/29/12 in PC only proves how inactives are allowed to live while active players are hunted and killed. there was 33 that had 1 attack and less in the top 50 of the arena. that is a lot of rewards no one claimed as they didnt get the required amount of hits and how the winners allowed them to slide by.
  4. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Maybe their health was not worth anyone's time or stamina, I Played for the first hour , got 4 kills off inactives, got my attacks in and then some, went into defense mode and went to sleep, ranked # 32, in the FB PC arena
  5. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Are you sure about that?

    Are you really sure a update wasn't pushed out yet?
  6. alka

    alka Banned

    I just got 2400xp for joining PC Arena, of which I have no intention of playing.
    If you didn't give free xp for joining I wouldn't waste my time joining knowing I wouldn't play, and you wouldn't have such a problem with inactive players in the Arena! Unless of course you want them there in order to get guys to waste UN's killing them.. :)
  7. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    yes Protector i am sure if you dont believe that go count for yourself
  8. LaScepter

    LaScepter Well-Known Member

    @ Wonder Bread...I support this change.. well done Kano..!
  9. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Not exactly what I meant.

    Meant more like are you sure they didn't collect any rewards???
  10. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    TY, I as anyone else SHOULD say if don't participate it is fair
  11. Bahahahahahahaha!!!! Too funny!

    I think it's a great idea, Kano. I've always said it's unfair/unjust for those who do nothing to be rewarded more than those who put themselves and their stamina out there. Thanks.
  12. Localsiding

    Localsiding Member

    So what you are saying is, don’t join the Battle Arena if you cannot play because of the start time. Unlike other items in the game that have set start and stop times, the Battle Arena changes both date and time for starts. This means that if you start a Battle Arena and gain the small amount of XP for joining and it starts late at night, you end up losing because you are in bed asleep when the actual battle starts and would be dead by the time you wake up. I do not know what loop holes you are plugging, but it basically sounds like you get penalized for joining because you may not be able to stay up to get the minimum attacks in. I am one that wants to play and get as far as I can and not sit back and wait for whatever to happen.

    So what I get out of this is that I need not bother to join a Battle Arena the times you start them late at night and only participate in daylight hours because of where I live. By the way I am in the U.S.A. in PST, the same as the game.

    Please, any one including the Administrator, if I am confused and wrong about these changes and what I believe it means I sure would like to know.
  13. You aren't wrong except for the part about being penalized for joining. You are actually being rewarded for joining with xp, as you stated. And if you are unable or unwilling to play when that particular arena begins, there will be others at a time more favorable for you. We ALL face the same issue regarding start times, some are just more willing or more able to go out of their way to work with them while others are not. That is the nature of a world wide game, it isn't always optimal for every one.

    But why in the world should someone benefit for doing nothing while others spend considerable stamina and may actually go out of their way to play at the allotted time? I can't think of a single reason why. And while I wish you well, hopefully you'll be able to play in the next arena and exercise your desire to be active. And if you do, with this update, even if you are knocked out earlier than you would like, someone who may have done next to nothing at all won't rank and not you. Good luck!

    As Polish stated earlier in this thread, the arena was designed SPECIFICALLY for those wishing for more PVP time. NOT for inactive players hoping to score.
  14. diva of destruction

    diva of destruction Active Member

    well, in facebook I have had pretty good finishes in the last few arenas, with the help of friends and armada mates working together. I ranked 8th in the most recent one. As the list grew thinner, we targeted ANY PLAYER WITH ZERO ATTACKS! lol
  15. MADAXE

    MADAXE New Member

    Eeerrmmm...., i think the inactive who got a kill must have been attacked by someone who didn't know how to play the game.
  16. MADAXE

    MADAXE New Member

    Like it. Good improvement.
  17. So what

    So what Member

    Thanks it's a small step but if u can make it 100 ....u can make it Count by been 500 or 1000 which would go somewhere to showing u tried. As yet I've yet and I do mean YET to see anyone lose health simply by waiting it out ..the proposed health drop has yet to materialise ...why?

    As stated befor this was sold as a help to those with no fight list......I've no hassle buying the un but it has to be fit for purpose.....not simply a new glitch that's found out....sit still do nothing.....waste no un and reap the rewards

    How do u propose to fix that? Will be interesting to see what Kano comes up with
    Martys ideas of pay to play could fix that 20 un to would put the ppl in who want to play.......
  18. Localsiding

    Localsiding Member

    Ok, you obviously did not read my post carefully. I said nothing about “wanting” to be inactive or not being rewarded for joining. I said the opposite.

    “This means that if you start a Battle Arena and gain the small amount of XP for joining and it starts late at night, you end up losing

    This is what I said about being penalized, “but it basically sounds like you get penalized for joining because you may not be able to stay up to get the minimum attacks in."

    I am active and I did get some XP for joining. I have never tried to cheat or get something for nothing. I basically threw the start time issue out there knowing what the answer is to that so what I am saying is the XP reward for joining isn’t that much, so if the game doesn’t start at a convent time for you, too bad, I get that. I have never tried to benefit for doing nothing. Just the way you say that you are accusing me of doing nothing and wishing me well because Kano is fixing an issue that others have found to take advantage.

    I will clarify that the Battle Arena has been going for a while, and I have only been in 3. I fought in all and killed opponents in all 3 arenas I joined and the last two Battle Arenas I saved Davy Jones points just for the Arena to purchase more Stamina. In one of the Battle Arena’s I joined I made it to the top 50 and it wasn’t from not playing.

    Your last comment is insulting as I did join for the fight and playing, so quit being so critical of someone you know nothing about.

    As Polish stated earlier in this thread, the arena was designed SPECIFICALLY for those wishing for more PVP time. NOT for inactive players hoping to score.[/QUOTE]

    This is why I rarely write anything in the Forum as people seem to read what they want and not what was written. I am not being mean, I am stating a fact as the proof is in B&W above. The forum is here to help each other share information and all I did was ask a question and then get insulted.
  19. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    At this point in the arena with the new feature, you must have a minimum of 100 attacks to even have a chance of being ranked in the reward tiers. I hope thats clear and any other questions , just ask.
  20. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    I don't think your right.

    I think its up to rank 50 you get the reward for where you placed regardless.

    If higher than 50 you only get reward for rank 50 if inactive or not enough attacks.

    Could be wrong but thats how I read it.

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