It is time for some new cities !

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Howard Scott Pearlman, Nov 30, 2012.


We Need Some New Cities Every Month ?

  1. 1) Yes

  2. 2) No

  1. slave

    slave Member

    so im playing this other app, and they have some radical differences that zs could learn from

    their factions have levels - the higher level faction they have the more benefits they get from belonging to it
    they contribute cash to their faction - in exchange for that cash they are allowed to buy small boosts and lesser items that help them in thier play
    they can buy skill upgrades, not skill pts, but skill upgrades, like +20 to attack, +20 to defense etc etc, again these come from cash contributions made by the guild members
    if you leave the faction you lose (temporarily) your skill upgrades unless you migrate to another faction that allows those same skills, if you moved to a lesser faction whose faction is a lower level you only get the skill upgrades equal to the new faction (prevents a lot of hopping around)
    they have faction contests and reward contributing members that PLAY in them, not join and dont participate, they actually have to do something - a novel idea that you have to do somethign to get something...
    their daily gps, again completely novel....they reward you with small items, cash etc for completing them
    zs could do well employing some of the above stratagies imho
  2. slave u spend so much time whinging and whining about how much u hate this game, and how boring u find it, yet u play it more then most people do. If it is that bad and terrible in ur opinion why do u still play it and continue to whinge...
  3. slave

    slave Member

    im trying not to whine, and trying (although it is difficult) to give constructive feedback and ideas on how to improve the game, but quite honestly i spend way more time on another app now
  4. slave

    slave Member

    at least nick when you and i whine about something we know what we are whining and talking about unlike most of the other posers in here that comment on things that they havent done, will have never done and will never do

  5. He only does if it doesnt work to him and his faction's advantage.

    Without Throttle = Winning Brains on Arena Weeks

    With Throttle = Not even close

    All the sudden, Faction member after faction member after faction member was all up on this board complaining..

    Its always fun to sit back and watch the madness.
  6. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    If you knew anything you'd know that having a tab of ZS open is not "playing the game". There are many days where I only do basic gp maybe catch a hit or two but for the most part only have the tab open to chat with people a bit while I'm doing other things online. Notice how he said he's playing another game. He's been trying to give constructive feedback to this game for a long time trying to make it better, but you just say he whines.
  7. Anyone can say they are playing another game. Why dont the rest of you all go join in and you can Pretend to Dominate that game too.
  8. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    It's called wartune. It's an overall fun game, but it's fullscreen. The only reason I even play ZS is because of chats and community. If wartune could offer that I would dominate it.
  9. Now when everybody is of topic anyway. I would like to know when the veteran achievements is coming ? We were told they would come soon, before the summer holiday 2012 :))

    AND for all the clever ppl who said we should not have any new locations, WHY ? High level players stop playing all the time for different reason, but mostly because they have nothing to do. Hitting the same boss for the hundred time or killing 2 bill zombies in the same city, is not that much fun.

    WHY does every new content kano put into this game have to be for ALL ?

    PS: its been 3 month since the last location came out. CHECK it.

    Have a nice x-mas and good slaying.

  10. FB Game?

    I dont have time for games if i did, World of Warcraft, SWTOR, Diablo III, EQ if i wanted to go old school, ZS is simply there , I'd rather play Songpop LOL
  11. Daniel Jones

    Daniel Jones New Member

    A new arena every month will be too much for developers as they have to see a lot of other things too. Seasonal new arenas for occasions like Christmas and other seems feasible and that will also be interesting for the players.

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