battle arena

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Jayme, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. Jayme

    Jayme Member

    wtf let me chain them down to near the end and tell me im running out of steam so somebody steal's my kill ?????
  2. Fusheng

    Fusheng Active Member

    has that just happened Jayme ?
    as i was worried about that feature too as i click my mouse like a psycho too as was worried how it would affect me
    but so far i have chained down from 500 mil twice and got the kill and no feature has interrupted
    so it hasnt seemed to cause me any problems
    its aimed at those useing speed click or hotkey type action
    if the feature has slowed you down and you just clicking normally then send the info into support
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2012
  3. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    I agree with Fusheng... I have not run into this issue since the last Pirates arena... I did not run into it on the last Vikings arena or LCN today... from what I understand, Kano made some changes to make it less likely players would get this message unless they are playing unfairly somehow (hotkeys, etc.)... that doesn't mean it's not still happening to some players... I would send a message in to support so that they can look into it further to see if anything needs to be changed further...
  4. Fusheng

    Fusheng Active Member

    totally agree ive been chaining in BA for few hrs now and have not had any issues
    i believe the feature is set up very good and not causing any issues from what ive seen
  5. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    @Jayme Definitely send a message through Support with you account specifics so we can take a look. As Jared and Fusheng have mentioned, we have been tweaking the feature to ensure it doesn't affect players who are clicking their mouse to attack without using any sort of exploit or automation, and are fairly confident in where it is right now. I personally have been testing it, and wasn't able to trigger it without some outside help.
  6. IpeeFreely

    IpeeFreely Member

    congrats to the Devs on the new feature!

    i've killed 88 ppl now in the arena, my hands all cramped, but i have only ran into the new feature a couple times (maybe a slight glitch?). it has not bothered me at all... wait 1 or 2 sec's to attack... defidently not a problem if your not cheating!

    as i said, congrats, its nice to see the devs comming up with new ways to combate cheaters!!
  7. Fusheng

    Fusheng Active Member

    congrats on 88 kills so far hopefully i wont be one of your kills lol
  8. Bocce

    Bocce Member

    STOP TWEAKING that damn feature cost me kills. When I spend 100's of stam to bring a person down from 500 - 600 million only to start running into "your running out of steam please wait x seconds." That is absolutely BS. I AM NOT USING ANY EXPLOITS!!!!!!!!!! I have a high end rig at home with a gaming mouse; allowing me to click quickly. BTW here are my current stats:
    Attacks 65,970
    Kills 102
    Wins 62,730
    Losses 4,974
    Biggest Attack 2,635,706 damage

    over 60K in attacks, NO EXPLOIT!
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2012
  9. alka

    alka Banned

    I would like to see a set standard which would be fair to all. If the average person can click a mouse button 4 times a second, then that should be the standard for all. This would put pay to players with fancy mouse setups which is costing games like these it's players. That should apply to hunting and healing too.

    It would be interesting to know how many of the people triggering this message thingy actually do report it to support so they can have their account looked into in order to understand the cause. :)
  10. IpeeFreely

    IpeeFreely Member

    Myspace LCN arena....

    Biggest Attack
    14,354,740 damage
    Status: Dead
    Rank: 2

    I agree with "alka" limiting the number of actions in fights/hitlist ect would stop the bots!
  11. Geeez, I must really be slow. I have no idea what you all are talking about. I do every click myself and I would NOT be happy if some new feature allowed me to miss my kill. What is this you're saying? Sorry to be so uninformed.
  12. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    This is getting a little off topic, but I believe that it's important nonetheless... I do fair in the arenas, and I do terrible on the hit/bounty list because I'm not "fast" enough... My understanding is that there are already hitlist/bounty restrictions in place with a bounty "delay" for higher level players and the math/security question that pops up occasionally. I would imagine that there will be a LOT of feedback about implementing a similar type of reasonable limitation for hits/bounties as is now in place for the arenas to reduce cheating (bots, hotkeys, etc.) based on previous threads about similar topics in the past... even if I do nothing else but look for the "Active Hit/Bounty" button and click where it shows up, I can normally only even get an attack in less than 1% of the time, and then only if it's one of the top 25 players or someone that appears to be autohealing...
  13. If I knew who you were, in the game, Jared, I would message you privately about how people appear to be auto-healing. I do think that someone did explain it here in the forum about a month ago. They aren't's a legit thing inside the game.

    High level players do get a bounty delay after they kill about 10 times on the bounty within a certain time period. As far as I know, Kano, to this day, won't admit that's true. lol But every high level player I know has experienced it. Since I forget to read the forum for weeks at a time some times, I could be wrong about Kano admitting it.

    So, I'm still unclear what is happening inside the arena though. Some thing was put in place to keep people from using a bot of some kind?
  14. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Most yes it's legit.

    Far as what's put in arena it was to stop anyone from clicking to quickly so kills can more easily get sniped.
  15. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Jillian... I know that not everyone is "autohealing", and that it can be done legitimately with quick fingers.. :)

    The arena limitation started in the last Pirates arena, and I was very surprised since I don't cheat, I'm just a fast mouse clicker... the end result for me was about the same, so it didn't really matter to me, just an unpleasant surprise. In the Vikings (mousepad) and LCN (mouse) arenas afterwards, I myself did not "run out of steam" one time using different computers as indicated, so it appears that the changes in how the limitation is triggered have resolved the problem for both myself and others that have spent much more time in the arenas than I do...
  16. Oh. That sucks. When I'm taking someone down, I don't click my fastest until the end. When it gets down to the nitty-gritty, I click as fast as I possibly can. I would not be happy if I'm being punished for doing my best at that point!!! Kano, you got some splainin to do!!!
  17. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    I do the same thing, Jillian... click faster when you see someone else is on your target or you're getting close to the kill... I did not "run out of steam" in the last 2 arenas even with faster clicking/tapping, and I would be surprised if you "run out of steam" yourself, unless... you're doing something that you're not supposed to be doing, let's just say that... :p
  18. Jared, you're being so nice.....I really want to tell you that there is a heal button in all apps that allows one to click non-stop and it heals you so that you pretty much heal at the same spot every time. Therefore, it looks like auto-healing. The only time it screws up is if someone REALLY more powerful than you is hitting you or your computer refreshes. For me, it's usually the latter. There is WAY too much refreshing going on in these apps for several months now.
  19. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    Thanks again, Jillian...

    I normally only have the refreshing problem on a wireless connection... seems to be worse on wireless... I don't know if your carrier (such as Verizon) has anything to do with it or not...
  20. No, I'm not on wireless, but I live in a VERY small town and the internet speed isn't very good here.

    I was told about the heal button several months ago by a dear wasn't a widely know thing back then and of course my enemies immediately accused me of cheating. lol Any time they don't know why I kick their butts, I must be cheating. But I heard that someone went into great detail about it here in the forum about a month ago. So the secret is out.

    Good luck with it!!

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