way to go kano, you ruined the only good thing left in zombie slayer

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by slave, Nov 8, 2012.

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  1. slave

    slave Member

    Nice job, congrats, way to take any skill out of this game.

    why dont you just give everyone the same stats? or even better why not just have a lottery and pick an arena winner that way.

    cuz you have certainly ruined the last one remaining feature that keeps me playing.

    you have dummed down the speed click rate on mouse and installed a pop up so to speak, about slowing down.

    o m g

    you have to be kidding me, are we playing little league again? everyone has to play and get a trophy?

    wake up and smell the coffee
    while you check the postions available section and hope people are hiring text based programmers.
  2. slave

    slave Member

    "your running out of steam" wait x seconds to attack again
    if you attack with the message on the screen it adds a second to the wait, if you keep attacking without realizing the message is there, the number builds rather fast. its really really really great to get that message when the kill is on the line.

    so all the work you did to take it down can be gathered in by someone who didnt do jack diddly on it, while you wait for the message to go away and heaven forbid if you attack too early it just adds more time to your timeout penalty.

    kano, we are being put in freaking timeout for clicking too fast - do you know how ludricous that is??????????????????????????
  3. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    I have never had it come up for me. It's something in place to stop bot users. you wanna be mad, you need to get mad tat the cheats, not Kano when they do things to try and stop the cheats.
  4. slave

    slave Member

    maybe we should make it so people can only click one time per second so everyone is even and eveyrone gets a turn at bat....

    being put in timeout for being able to click faster than someone else is why this game is in a death spiral.....

    oh and nice job mucking up the randomizer, im guessing when they put the new code in, they forgot they updated the randomizer code and now everyone is on the same tired page of people.....again my hats off to you guys, enjoy beer friday tomorrow
  5. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    As you know, we've had issued recently with players abusing an exploit in the Battle Arena. The change we pushed out recently addressed this issue by throttling players showing activity outside of what's to be reasonably expected out of a player using only their mouse to play the game.

    While we are interested in keeping the game fair and competitive for everyone, we also don't want to take that competition away by being too strict with the limit. If you have any suggestions about how we can tailor the change to be more competitive while remaining fair and within our Terms of Use, feel free to let us know.
  6. slave

    slave Member

    i hope you employ the same strategy to the hitlist too

    dont you only think that is the right thing to do?

    throttle back click speeds on the list seems right on par

    heres the problem wonder bread
    when you are the guy doing the majority of the damage on the target
    say it starts at 200 million, when you get down to the kill range the speed picks up and then you got the timeout message
    and someone else gets your kill

    to put it very bluntly - that blows
  7. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    It doesn't blow anymore then when you do all the damage on a person and someone comes in at the end and snipes it. You have a good point, i have no problem with this being on the hitlist.
  8. slave

    slave Member

    oh no relentless your wrong, being put in timeout, you have no chance for the kill when the kill is on the line, at least if im not in timeout i still have a chance at the kill, but when your waiting for a message to go away....and the kill is on the line

    you have to questiion why your even bothering and time to start practicing sniper skills

    and if thats the case the big stam players make and do, arena will never end.....
    cuz there will be no drivers only snipers, someone has to do the attacks
    its pretty plain and simple, without some people doing 50k,75k attacks
    theres nothing for anyone to snipe, but a bunch of people all jumping around helath checking slayers who arent dropping, you want to see some inactive people place high? watch this arena....
  9. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    I understand the frustration, but Kano have to do something. I'm sure they are open to ideas on how to improve things, how about offering something else to them? To many people are getting away with cheating, we are always going on about Kano not doing enough to stop it yet anytime they try to cut down on it, they get their heads ripped off.
  10. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    Again, our interest was in keeping the game fair for players who weren't abusing the exploit, while not reducing the competitive nature of the arena. We are absolutely looking into massaging these numbers to ensure that both of these goals are met, and we appreciate the feedback.
  11. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Nice to see Kano trying to stop the cheats.

    But this is a bad idea as you're also hurting the real legit players.
  12. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Seems someone posted way back in rockin the developers about a exploit in arena.

    Seems no one paid attention then.
  13. Jim Wells

    Jim Wells Member

    so we are being punished for being able to click faster than you????? and this seems fair to you???? i have a tremor (that means i shake all the time), that means i can click faster than you most of the time, i also use a gaming mouse (also allowing me to click faster). i modified my strategy while building my slayer to better suit arena (while it was fun). if you are going to take that away from us can i have a reset on my stamina??? i would never have gone past 500 had i known this would happen!!!
  14. slave

    slave Member

    and relentless, as for ideas

    i have posted at least a dozen ideas in the ideas section that were highly rated
    and how many responses from kano on those? -cricket- zero

    i have long been a proponent of make enough new content and people wont worry about alts
    but this game is like watching paint dry when it comes to new content
    and people are bored and when people are bored they either quit or find something to do, and i believe they create alts cuz it allows them to play the game again

    i think if you took out all the alternate accounts out of zombie slayer, there would be a very small number of people playing
    less than 100 actively participate in arena, and prolly less than that now
    when we post hits, 90 percent of the time someone in our group gets them, makes you wonder if there is anyone else out there....

    so im done with new ideas, its like talking to the wall, no feedback from kano, nothing implemented, why should i waste or worry about it
    its not my game, i just play it for the time being

    but there is better stuff out there........

    and thats why the landscape is shrinking
  15. slave

    slave Member

    you want to see the message boards light up, implement this clicking penalty on the hit list.....

    and then you can get rid of the number question

    if its good enough for arena, then its good enough for the hit list
    theres my new idea for the day
  16. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    @Jim As I've mentioned, we're looking to massage these numbers so as to not affect players playing without exploits or add-ons. To help us look into those numbers, please send a message through to Support about the issue so we can gather more information.

    @TP While we do try and keep a handle on the larger public groups for each game, we're unfortunately unable to get in there all the time, which is why we encourage players with issues to either post in the forums or message in to Support about it.

    @Slave We currently have two ZS-specific feature proposals posted right now that both came from community feedback and ideas. While we unfortunately can't implement or comment on every community idea, we do try to keep an eye on what's popular in the community and implement what's reasonable and best for the game and community.
  17. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    There is some that can get like 3 or 4 clicks in a second.

    If its past that then something could be up.

    But the fact is there really is some that can click that fast.

    Maybe a limit to like 3 or 4 clicks per second?

    Just throwing that out there
  18. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    It was brought up to me that some players may not realize that gaming mice can cause violations of our Terms of Use. The reason we have limits in place is to prevent these kinds of things from giving an advantage, so if your mouse has a feature that enables faster clicking/actions, and that causes you to run out of steam, the throttle was applied correctly. Hopefully this helps clear up some confusion around the feature.
  19. slave

    slave Member

    is a quick finger against the terms of use too?
    is using your brain against the terms of use?
    i dont really want to hear that a mouse is against the terms of use
    because if you say a mouse is against the terms of use, then computers themselves are against the terms of use
    because some computers are better than others that does not make it against the terms of use
    same with mice, because they have better connections and allow more clicking or faster clicking is compltely and utterly ridicolous
    and you guys need to look at that statement before you speak again
    how about wireless? if that gives you an advantage is that against the terms of use?
    fios ? is better than cable and dialup so is FIOS against the terms of use too?

    come on kano you are getting ridicolous....
  20. slave

    slave Member

    i have a cheapo logitech mouse from staples with no bells or whistles and im getting throttled
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