New achievements in Pirate Clan

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Snorre Mikkelsen, Oct 27, 2012.


What kind of new achievements should be added?

Poll closed Jul 24, 2015.
  1. Bounties placed

  2. Pistol whip kills

  3. Rule

  4. Cagematch wins

  5. Lower level adventures

  6. Hoard

  7. Coin from captains

  8. Gamer points

  9. Challenges

  10. Boss achievements

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Snorre Mikkelsen

    Snorre Mikkelsen New Member

    This has probably already been taken up many times before as well, but I'll still make a thread about it.

    I (and probably many more) agree that the Devs should add more achievements to the game. Not just to the battles won or bounties killed, but for rule and hoard as well. In viking clan the rule achievements go all the way to 1 trillion income, whilst in pirate clan its only 600 billion. More and more players have reached max on this achievement, and it should be increased. as for the hoard, 1 quardillion is not a lot of coin anymore, this should be increased, maybe as high as 5 quadrillion or so.

    Another thought for achievements would be for pistol whip kills and more achievements on the bounties placed part. what do the people think about this?
  2. diva of destruction

    diva of destruction Active Member

    YES! catch up with us!

    ten stars! more bounties placed, pw kills, RULE Achievements!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Green Beard

    Green Beard New Member

    about time for a new world boss...just sayin..

    a new world boss would be very nice and break the mold of the same ones we have been dealin with.... would be very nice!!
  4. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    This poll will close on 07-24-2015 at 03:12 PM

  5. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Aw seems so far I'm the only one that voted for cage achievements.
  6. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Ill ask snorre to come back and reopen the poll he might not have realized the date and time it closed since he just created it. Let me message him about it.
  7. Chris Palevich

    Chris Palevich New Member

    much appreciated & voted. everything snorre said i second (can't since kim already did). it would be great to see kano add some new achievements. pwk's would be fantastic! encourage mayhem on the high seas!
  8. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    TP you would :p
  9. jothong

    jothong Member

    Hmm - just thought of a couple that Snorre didn't mention:

    Battle Arena:
    - Kills
    - Battle Arena's participated in
    - Battle Arena wins
    - Battle Arena top 200 / 100 / 50 / 25 / 10 finishes

    Waddya think?
    *wendah* likes this.
  10. diva of destruction

    diva of destruction Active Member

    came back and was able to vote this time!
  11. diva of destruction

    diva of destruction Active Member

    bump bump bump. why isn't anyone voting??????
  12. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    This poll will close on 07-24-2015 at 02:12 PM

    LMFAO..thats over 2yrs worth more of voting :)

    Seriously I think that needs to get adjusted.

    I never seen a timed poll last this long.
  13. Snorre Mikkelsen

    Snorre Mikkelsen New Member

    yes, that was my bad, lmao, i think i just "skipped" that step or something. I have tried to close it, but I am curretly not sure how to do it. Want to fill me in, on how to do this? :)
  14. *wendah*

    *wendah* Member

    Bounties placed -srsly...can you imagine the mayhem of bounties people will post to reach achievements....wait....chaching....can i switch my vote plz??
  15. anchorage Douglas

    anchorage Douglas New Member

    I would like to see achievements for a new catagory..... Survival Streak & Victory Streak wins
  16. BitterSweet

    BitterSweet Active Member

    I think they already have the survival Doug ;) I like the one with boss ...also for boss help ;)

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