[ZS] We need an auction site

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by slave, Oct 13, 2012.

  1. slave

    slave Member

    Yes we do, we really do.

    We need some place to auction off un items that are no longer useful to our squad.
    this would serve two needs, or maybe three, one we would be able to recoup a fraction of un that we originally spent, lower level players would be able to get useful items to them for a lower price, and people would feel good about getting something back for items that they no longer use.

    Kano would have to broker the deals, so they wouldnt feel left out. A percentage or just straight out cut of the deal.

    would really be a wonderful idea and win/win for everyone
  2. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Thought Kano had made a post already that this is impossible for the current games.
  3. slave

    slave Member

    nothing is impossible, it just takes a little money and a few more lines of code......
  4. Akkhunter1

    Akkhunter1 Member

    fixed it lol
  5. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    This has been talked about before, it's never been an idea i've liked. It is to easy to come by money these days, people shouldn't be able to throw some cash up and get what others have had to work hard for. I'm giving it a 1.
  6. Lance Mustang

    Lance Mustang Member

    Even still, it is their job to write codes to make the game better for the players right? Laziness shouldn't be the reason good ideas are shut down.
  7. It dosi'nt take thousands of lines of code to make small change like that. Where did you learn to make coding ?

    Anyway didn't vote, don't like the idea much is a bit with Relentless on this one.
  8. Ya, Kano act like its impossible to code anything lately. We are just a small bla bla bla
  9. I kind of like the idea. There are plenty of items that I have that are totally out of date and maybe with a deep discount would be useful to someone else. Kano has been offering many of those items for sale, but the discount just isn't enough for the most part. I may look at something that has a 15% discount, but only if it's one of those items with a high attack or defense, such as the Avalanche Nanuq (which isn't so high anymore). I haven't seen too many of the more recent limited time items go up. I may be interested in those.

    Frankly, I'm getting a bit tired of the power creep. Slow it down.

    I'd like to see a return on some of my older items. A few UN would be nice. I'm going to give this idea a 10.
  10. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    I think he meant to pay with UN. Just a smaller amount of UN than you would originally pay for an item, or sometimes more if somebody missed out on buying an extremely powerful item and doesn't want to buy it from Kano at a reduction of it's attack and defense. Kano would take a cut of the UN, and the rest would go to the player auctioning the item.
  11. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    Completely agree. Even if it is just one person working on it taking months while the rest of the team are focused on the upkeep of the game and easier projects it is still better than being shut down. Sure you get the occasional "does it really take so long to do ONE thing kano?" comment, but it's only from people not realizing that keeping on top of the bugs and working on other projects takes up time.
  12. Akkhunter1

    Akkhunter1 Member

    It was just a joke, have a sense of humor lol.
  13. alka

    alka Banned

    I'll give this "10".
    Based on the fact that we have to buy the items and they are technically ours, we should have the right to sell them off for a price that suits us!
    As for Relentless comment, I would have thought a system like this would make it more affordable to guys less well off to get some bargains.

    It will never happen as developers would lose too much money!
  14. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    I like it. I had a similar idea sometime back....if I remember correctly it wasnt received very well. Maybe I'll look for it. 10 stars
  15. Holy CashCow Batman!!!

    IDK about anyone else but money isn't so easy to come by in my neck of the woods. Matter of fact I work 8, 10, 12 hours a day to try and make ends meet and I'm still falling behind. I'll take any deal I can get.
    Hell I'd give 10 stars to trading Beaver Pelts for Credits!!! :p
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2012
  16. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    I was talking about in-game money. Players who have no business having some weapons, will be able to throw up some cash and get what others had to work for. No thanks.
  17. What are you talking about? We're talking here about an exchange of credits between two players. You don't have to spend real money to get credits. I have an old plumber's outfit just gathering dust. I'd be happy to sell it to another player for a few credits.
  18. Ahhh.. Gotcha ;)
    Misunderstanding on both sides maybe? I thought you meant real money, sorry.
    I'm pretty sure the original post was in regards to a player having the option to auction off their obsolete limited powers to other players in exchange for UN-Credits.
  19. slave

    slave Member

    that is exactly what i meant an exchange of items for un to be brokered by kano (if we dont let them broker it, why would they allow it)

    but then that butcher cleaver that was once top of the line, i might be able to get a few uns for, from someone starting out, assuming of course there is anyone still starting out in this game that are not alternate accounts....

    and why would someone buy one of those characters, now that the items are obsolete, come on kano, you got to keep up or stay home...

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