Love it Finally got to play again Forgot how nice and fun it was... Nice level gaining as well this time around Who knows,might play it more often.
Yes u should play more......i think it would be great to go toe to toe with ya, unfortunately ...much like the previous week I just didnt have the time to stick around. Perhaps the next time u want to participate we can both announce that we will be....that way you n Ben wont have any lame excuses. But then again i can understand why Ben would use excuses being so many levels ahead.....anything less than first would def be embarrassing. Got tired of finishing in the 100-200? U make it sound like u had a
Congrats on getting 3rd place, you managed to use the search bar to your advantage. I know i ranked in the top 100, idk what rank because i dont have access to check PC right now. Id be pleased if someone could tell me what rank namenamename came in,(thats me). But yes congrats on the arena, and now you may finally see why the search bar, and why grouping up with others for the arena is good for both you, and everyone you group up with.
I just checked on my phone, stupid thing takes forever to load, and i ranked 52. That is very good considering i was only on for about 10 minutes this morning and durning those 10 minutes i attacked a few active players, and at that point there was only like 93 people left or so. You guys didnt get us all out of the top 100 lol, and i know that was one of your's and your armada members objective, nice try though. Acutally i am very surprised that you and your armada got together and made a plan, although it would be much harder for you to try that on the VC arena.
LOL HAHAHAHAHA Akkhunter1 You crack me up in what world would make u a threat or a target in the PC arena. Plus we have a plan for every ARENA. Just a little harder to execute when 3 of your top 5 players are not there. and u are battling 4 of the best players in the game. Now PIMP help me with this 1, if you were us, who would be your first 5 targets. After eliminating the top threats we went after highest health rewards left, AND that is why u made it as far as u did, u werent worth the effort till we worked our way down the list to you, you just happened to be WAY down the list. PIMP actually almost caught me, he was the only one to force me into defense. but he is 1 of the most experienced players on KANO apps, might not be 1 of the most liked LOL, but pretty sure he is not trying to win a popularity contest on here. The thoughts from THE WINGMAN
Is that right? I was taken out way before Akkhunter was, does that mean my health reward is higher than his? I'm not sure that's true, but it may be...
Funny I made one huge mistake but still came back from it PLUS the fact my screen kept freezing multiple times.. While watching a certain player we noticed at least 2 died on them to give them some health...didn't help in the long run though.
HOWEVER there IS something I'd like to mention about the list. We had names that didn't show up until well AFTER the top 100. You would think with all the refreshing and considering where the active threats all fell out at,that those names would of showed up. Notice I said "active"threats... A few names that didn't show up till late had well over 300mill kill rewards.
Remember I wasnt the only active player attacking after r main targets were gone, I did take out some lower levels for quick health boost along the way, and other players were attacking people, but once it settled down, i searched for highest health reward, and lowest health. I would kill 1, then refresh list, check that list for target, kill then repeat. To be honest i would have rather had Akk get 6th place over the player that did. WE did not target ALL players of any alliance. we only targeted players that could have taken us and our crew down. It just happens most of the top players in the game are in 3 groups. Those players attack each other and there crews try to help, throwing them in the same circle So normally in the arena when the high level members find a target they post or skype the targets name, everyone attacks, Only problem is everyone who attacks has revealed there name. As far as Health reward it is based on level, so if yu r a higher level then Akk your health reward is also The WINGMAN
its nice to hear that you guys finally are admitting that you won due to having a high level "gang" as you have put it so often
@TP... this time I was Carpetmuncher... @Wingman... thanks, I think that explains it... I just checked, and I am a little higher than Akk in Pirates... getting the games confused, I think he's higher than me in Vikings, and maybe LCN, too... the curse of being a daily player, I guess!
Yayaya go suck it, and tell gtbuddy thanks for the 18 trillion i caught for him, wanna see me be a threat? The Wingman be successfully placed on the Bounty List. RazorBacK Hellspawned Hog of Hades has killed The Wingman and claimed your Bounty o' 10,262,732,362,677 coins.
[BFT] Gear Jammer Finn has killed I own Lukes soul u never see him again chubbs and claimed your Bounty of 2,489,792,809,401 coins. wanna wanna try take us out in the VC arena? Odds are you might get me because ill only have 2 or 3 hours, but i can make those count.
I also would like to congratulate all the inactives in there. Smart playing...kept us up 8 1/2 hours clearing everyone out.
He nearly had me at one point!!!!! Was way below my starting health(plus ran out of D stance time shortly after)..getting that kill reward still had me lower than starting but it was the only thing that saved me. If I hadn't gotten that I would of HAD to get the other active threat in there otherwise I woulda been forced to suicide on Ben.
Pimp is right about one's virtually impossible to sort out the low and mid levels in there.