hi .. i was wondering if the calendar will immediately ends when the timer be 00:00 .. or there will be some more time for people who have a key? cause keys left for mew now .. 1 hour left .. and i can open 2 and wonder how it will be for the last one?!!! i need 8 more min to complete all the 3 doors .. !! is there a way to have the 3 doors completed before the 1 hour end?!!
my only suggestion would be to buy 3 keys i know we dont want to do that but you have no other option if they kept it open for one it would have to stay open for all to get no matter how long it takes them salman
Sorry for the late reply but here is some info for you for the future. When the clock hits 00:00, free keys will no longer regenerate however you can still use any of the keys that you have on hand until the calendar is physically taken offline. Having said that we typically take down the calendars within 12 hours of their expiry and sometimes within the first hour it ends to keep that in mind. So in your case you would have had to buy 1 key to complete the calendar.